Laboratory spectroscopy of meteorite samples at UV-vis-NIR wavelengths: Analysis and discrimination by principal components analysisOPEN ACCESS 

Antti Penttilä, Julia Martikainen, Maria Gritsevich, Karri Muinonen

Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Volume 206, February 2018, Pages 189-197


Update (16 February 2018): PDF (OPEN ACCESS)


• Meteorite samples are measured with the University of Helsinki integrating-sphere UV-vis-NIR spectrometer.
• The spectral measurements are transformed with the principal component analysis.
• Different meteorite types can be distinguished from the transformed data.”

“Meteorite samples are measured with the University of Helsinki integrating-sphere UV-vis-NIR spectrometer. The resulting spectra of 30 meteorites are compared with selected spectra from the NASA Planetary Data System meteorite spectra database. The spectral measurements are transformed with the principal component analysis, and it is shown that different meteorite types can be distinguished from the transformed data. The motivation is to improve the link between asteroid spectral observations and meteorite spectral measurements.”