Northwest Africa (NWA) 12563 and ungrouped C2 chondrites: Alteration styles and relationships to asteroidsOPEN ACCESS
P.-M. Zanetta, B. Zanda, C.Le Guillou, J. Gattacceca, C. Sognzoni, S. Pont, L. Piani, T. Rigaudier, H. Leroux, R. Brunetto, R. Maupin, Z. Djouadi, S. Bernard, D. Deldicque, V. Malarewicz, Z. Dionnet, A. Aléon-Toppani, A….
Low-phase spectral reflectance and equivalent “geometric albedo” of meteorites powdersOPEN ACCESS
P. Beck, B. Schmitt, S. Potin, A. Pommerol, O. Brissaud IcarusAvailable online 1 September 2020, 114066 LINK Update (23 September 2020): PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • Reflectance spectra of 72 different meteorite are obtained low…