Basalt or not? Near-infrared spectra, surface mineralogical estimates, and meteorite analogs for 33 Vp-type asteroidsOPEN ACCESS
Paul S. Hardersen, Vishnu Reddy, Edward Cloutis, Matt Nowinski, Margaret Dievendorf, Russell M. Genet, Savan Becker, Rachel Roberts PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Investigations of the main asteroid belt and efforts to constrain that population’s physical characteristics…
Vestoids, Part II: The basaltic nature and HED meteorite analogs for eight Vp-type asteroids and their associations with (4) Vesta
Paul S. Hardersen, Vishnu Reddy, Rachel Roberts arXiv:1510.06636 (Submitted on 22 Oct 2015) PDF (full text) abstract “Improving constraints on the abundance of basaltic asteroids in the main asteroid belt is necessary for better understanding…