Pairing relations within CO3 chondrites recovered at the Dominion Range and Miller Range, Transantarctic mountains: Constraints from chondrule olivines, noble gas, and H, C, N bulk and isotopic compositions
K. Righter, C. M. O’D. Alexander, D. I. Foustoukos, L. M. Eckart, C. A. K. Mertens, H. Busemann, C. Maden, J. Schutt, C. E. Satterwhite, R. P. Harvey, K. Pando, J. Karner MAPS, Version of…
2023/2024 ANSMET Field Season ended with more than 200 meteorite finds
Last update: 30 January (16:06 CET) After three cancelled field seasons (2020-2023) the 2024/2025 ANSMET field season on the Davis-Ward Icefields has begun. This year’s team members have arrived in the field. Team members are…
Advances in Cosmochemistry Enabled by Antarctic MeteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Meenakshi Wadhwa, Timothy J. McCoy, and Devin L. Schrader Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences Vol. 48:233-258 (Volume publication date May 2020)First published as a Review in Advance on January 8, 2020 LINK (OPEN…
ANSMET 2019/2020 Field Season / 346 meteorites found
Last update: 9 December 2020 This year’s ANSMET field season around Davis Ward Nunatak has ended for the team members John Schutt, Brian Rougeux, Jim Karner, Cindy Evans, Marc Caffee, Emilie Dunham, Lauren Angotti, Alexander…
ANSMET 2018/2019 Field Season has ended / ~ 865 specimens found (upd. 24 Jan)
Last update: 24 January 2019 Most meteorites found on the blue ice fields and the eastern and western moraines at the foot of Mount Ward appear to be rather smallish ordinary chondrites but one meteorite…
ANSMET 2017/18 Field Season – End count: 263 finds (2 February 2018)
Last update: 2 February,2018 On 15 December, the first day in the field, team A found the first four meteorites near Mount Cecily in the Grosvenor Mountains. On 10 January the biggest meteorite of the…
In Situ Thermal Imagery of Antarctic Meteorites and Their Stability on the Ice Surface
Harvey R. P. Righter M. Karner J. M. Hynek B. Keller L. Meshik A. Mittlefehldt D. W. Radebaugh J. Rougeux B. Schutt J. W. 80th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society 2017 [#6113] abstract (PDF)
ANSMET 2016 / 2017 Field Season – total of 219 meteorites found
Last update: 19 January During this year’s very short ANSMET season a total of 219 meteorites, including a big ordinary chondrite, an iron specimen and several carbonaceous chondrites, have been found since January 7. The…
The ANSMET 2015 / 2016 Field Season has ended – 569 samples collected including a basketball-sized OC, a possible pallasite, and a possible howardite (updated: Jan 24)
Last update: January 24, 2016 On December 18 the search team found the first three meteorites. Additonal twelve meteorites were found on December 20, the second day of hunting. The next day several meteorites were…
The ANSMET 2014 / 2015 Field Season – 562 meteorites collected
562 meteorites have been collected during the 2014/2015 season. 60% of these were collected on the morains. Together with the meteorites from the 2013/2014 season, which have been stored in Antarctica for a year, almost…
The ANSMET 2014 / 2015 Field Season ended on 17 January 2015
The ANSMET 2014 / 2015 Field Season ended on 17 January 2015 488 meteorites have been collected
ANSMET 2014 / 2015 Field Season (488 meteorites found so far)
ANSMET 2014 / 2015 Field Season (488 meteorites found so far) 488 meteorites found so far (16th January) 119 meteorites found at a moraine, inofficially called ‘meteorite beach’.
ANSMET 2014 / 2015 Field Season (369 meteorites found so far)
ANSMET 2014 / 2015 Field Season (369 meteorites found so far) 369meteorites found so far (15th January)
ANSMET 2014 / 2015 Field Season (340 meteorites found)
340 meteorites found (11th January) Two recently found meteorites: Suspected carbonaceous chondrite found 11 January 2015 Source
ANSMET 2014 / 2015 Field Season (almost 250 meteorites found so far)
almost 250 meteorites found so far (9th January)
ANSMET 2014 / 2015 Field Season ( >230 meteorites found so far)
>230 meteorites found so far (7th January)
ANSMET 2014 / 2015 Field Season (187 meteorites found so far)
187 meteorites found so far (4th January)
ANSMET 2014 / 2015 Field Season (163 meteorites found so far)
163 finds so far (31 st December) Suspected carbonaceous meteorite Suspected iron meteorite Find on 27th December Find on 24th December