On the origin and evolution of deuterium enrichment in type 1 and 2 chondritic organic solids
George D. Cody, Conel M. O’D. Alexander, Dionysis I. Foustoukos, Yoko Kebukawa, Ying Wang Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 21 September 2024 LINK “Rotationally resonant Deuterium Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (D…
Cosmic-ray exposure age accumulated in near-Earth space: A carbonaceous chondrite case study
Patrick M. Shober, Marc W. Caffee, Phil A. Bland MAPS, Version of Record online: 27 August 2024 LINK “This study investigates the expected cosmic-ray exposure (CRE) of meteorites if they were to be ejected by…
Tarda and Tagish Lake: Samples from the same outer Solar System asteroid and implications for D- and P-type asteroids
Devin L. Schrader, Edward A. Cloutis, Daniel M. Applin, Jemma Davidson, Zachary A. Torrano, Dionysis Foustoukos, Conel M. O’D. Alexander, Kenneth J. Domanik, Moe Matsuoka, Tomoki Nakamura, Thomas J. Zega, Gregory A. Brennecka, Jan Render…
Extent of alteration, paleomagnetic history, and infrared spectral properties of the Tarda ungrouped carbonaceous chondriteOPEN ACCESS
H. C. Bates, R. Aspin, C. Y. Fu, C. S. Harrison, E. Feaver, E. Branagan-Harris, A. J. King, J. F. J. Bryson, S. Sridhar, C. I. O. Nichols MAPS, Version of Record online: 14 June…
The primary abundance of chondrules in CI chondrites
Makoto Kimura, Motoo Ito, Akira Monoi, Akira Yamaguchi, Richard C. Greenwood Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 14 June 2024 LINK “CI chondrites are the most significant extra-terrestrial samples for estimating the…
Detection and quantification of organosulfur species in the Tagish Lake Meteorite by highly sensitive LC-MSOPEN ACCESS
N. Randazzo, R. W. Hilts, M. C. Holt, C. D. K. Herd, B. Reiz, R. M. Whittal MAPS, Version of Record online: 28 May 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We analyzed the methanol extracts…
Aqueous alteration in icy planetesimals: The effect of outward transport of gaseous hydrogenOPEN ACCESS
Takazo Shibuya, Yasuhito Sekine, Sakiko Kikuchi, Hiroyuki Kurokawa, Keisuke Fukushi, Tomoki Nakamura, Sei-ichiro Watanabe Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 28 March 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Parent bodies of carbonaceous chondrites that initially contained metallic iron…
Describing the fragment mass distribution in meteorite showers
I.G. Brykina, L.A. Egorova Planetary and Space ScienceIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 20 January 2024 LINK “The mass distribution of fragments is an important characteristic that often needs to be defined for forward modelling…
Textural Study of Vesicles in Tagish Lake (C2-ung) Meteorite Fusion Crust: Constraints on Vesicle Formation during Their Entry into the Earth’s AtmosphereOPEN ACCESS
Xhonatan Shehaj, Stefano Caporali, Ernesto Palomba and Giovanni Pratesi Minerals 2024, 14(1), 99 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (DOWNLOAD) “Vesicles are characteristic structures within the outer layer of many stony meteorites’ fusion crusts. Although these features are…
On the Response of Chondrites to Diurnal Temperature Change—Experimental Simulation of Asteroidal Surface ConditionsOPEN ACCESS
Markus Patzek, Ottaviano Rüsch, Jamie L. Molaro JGR Planets30 December 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Thermal fatigue is a process that degrades rocks and pebbles exposed to space by diurnal cycling. We simulate the…
Bidirectional reflectance distribution function measurements of the Winchcombe meteorite using the Visible Oxford Space Environment Goniometer
R. J. Curtis, H. C. Bates, T. J. Warren, K. A. Shirley, E. C. Brown, A. J. King, N. E. Bowles MAPSVersion of Record online: 21 July 2023 LINK “A laboratory study was performed using…
A Comparison of Presolar Isotopic Signatures in Laboratory-Studied Primitive Solar System Materials and Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: New Insights from Light Elements, Halogens, and Noble GasesOPEN ACCESS
Peter Hoppe, Martin Rubin & Kathrin Altwegg Space Science Reviews, Volume 219, Article number: 32 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Comets are considered the most primitive planetary bodies in our Solar System. ESA’s Rosetta mission…
High mobility of asteroid particles revealed by measured cohesive force of meteorite fragmentsOPEN ACCESS
Yuuya Nagaashi and Akiko M. Nakamura Science Advances17 Mar 2023Vol 9, Issue 11 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The cohesive force of asteroid particles is a crucial parameter in microgravity. The cohesive force was evaluated…
Macromolecular organic matter in samples of the asteroid (162173) Ryugu
Hikaru Yabuta, George D. Cody, Cécile Engrand, Yoko Kebukawa, Bradley De Gregorio, Lydie Bonal, Laurent Remusat, Rhonda Stroud, Eric Quirico, […] and Yuichi Tsuda Science24 Feb 2023Vol 379, Issue 6634 LINK “Structured Abstract INTRODUCTIONOrganic compounds…
Rock magnetic characterization of returned samples from asteroid (162173) Ryugu: Implications for paleomagnetic interpretation and paleointensity estimation
Masahiko Sato, Yuki Kimura, Satoshi Tanaka, Tadahiro Hatakeyama, Seiji Sugita, Tomoki Nakamuna, Shogo Tachibana, Hisayoshi Yurimoto, Takaaki Noguchi, Ryuji Okazaki, Hikaru Yabuta, Hiroshi Naraoka, Kanako Sakamoto, Toru Yada, Masahiro Nishimura, Aiko Nakato, Akiko Miyazaki, Kasumi…
Compositional and spectroscopic investigation of three ungrouped carbonaceous chondrites
Mehmet Yesiltas, Yoko Kebukawa, Timothy D. Glotch, Michael Zolensky, Marc Fries, Namik Aysal, Fatma S. Tukel MAPSVersion of Record online: 17 July 2022 LINK “Ungrouped carbonaceous chondrites are not easily classified into one of the…
Identifying the wide diversity of extraterrestrial purine and pyrimidine nucleobases in carbonaceous meteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Yasuhiro Oba, Yoshinori Takano, Yoshihiro Furukawa, Toshiki Koga, Daniel P. Glavin, Jason P. Dworkin & Hiroshi Naraoka Nature Communications, Volume 13, Article number: 2008Published: 26 April 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Supplementary Information “The…
Fe-Ni sulfides in Tagish Lake: Implications for nebular and parent body conditions of formation
Miranda C. Holt, Christopher D. K. Herd MAPSVersion of Record online: 20 April 2022 LINK “This study examined nine pristine samples representing seven lithologies of the ungrouped C2 carbonaceous chondrite Tagish Lake from the University…
Tagish Lake is Still the Only Possible Meteorite Sample from D-Type Asteroids
Hiroi T. Ohtsuka K. Zolensky M. E. Rutherford M. J. Milliken R. E. PDF LPSC 2022 abstract [#1149] “Although some meteorite candidates such as Tarda have been suggested, Tagish Lake is still the only possible…
Multi-Isotopic Analyses of Bulk Ryugu Samples Returned by the Hayabusa2 Mission
Yokoyama T. * Hayabusa2-Initial-Analysis Chemistry Hayabusa2-Initial-Analysis Core PDF LPSC 2022 abstract [#1273] “We report preliminary results on the isotopic compositions of Ti, Cr, and Pb obtained from the Ryugu samples and some carbonaceous chondrites.”
Spectral Reflectance Properties of the C2-Ungrouped Tarda Meteorite
Applin D. M. Schrader D. L. Cloutis E. A. Nakamura T. Matsuoka M. PDF LPSC 2022 abstract [#2218] “We study the spectral reflectance properties of the Tarda meteorite in order to assess similarities to the…
Tarda and Tagish Lake: Samples from the Same Outer Solar System Asteroid?
Schrader D. L. * Davidson J. Foustoukos D. Alexander C. M. O’D. Torrano Z. A. et al. PDF LPSC 2022 abstract [#1157] “Space rocks so altered / Similar to each other / From same asteroid.”
Polyaromatic Units Set the Albedo of Dark Extraterrestrial MaterialsOPEN ACCESS
Romain Maupin, Zahia Djouadi, Rosario Brunetto, Obadias Mivumbi, Christophe Sandt and Ferenc Borondics The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 3, Number 1, 20 January 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Primitive extraterrestrial materials are generally dark,…
The appearance of a ‘fresh’ surface on 596 Scheila as a consequence of the 2010 impact eventOPEN ACCESS
Sunao Hasegawa, Michael Marsset, Francesca E. DeMeo, Schelte J. Bus, Masateru Ishiguro, Daisuke Kuroda, Richard P. Binzel, Josef Hanus, Akiko M. Nakamura, Bin Yang, Pierre Vernazza Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters PDF (OPEN ACCESS)…
Aqueous Alteration on Asteroids Simplifies Soluble Organic Matter MixturesOPEN ACCESS
Junko Isa, François-régis Orthous-Daunay, Pierre Beck, Christopher D. K. Herd, Veronique Vuitton, and Laurène Flandinet The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 920, Number 2 LINK PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Biologically relevant abiotic extraterrestrial soluble organic matter (SOM)…
Isotope Dichotomy from Solar Protoplanetary Disk Processing of 150Nd-rich Stellar EjectaOPEN ACCESS
Nikitha Susan Saji, Martin Schiller, Jesper Christian Holst, and Martin Bizzarro The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 919, Number 1 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We use high-precision neodymium isotope data for sequentially acid-leached components of…
Spectroscopic Investigation of Ungrouped Carbonaceous Chondrites
Yesiltas M., Kebukawa Y., Zolensky M. E., Fries M., Glotch T. D. 84th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2021 (abstract # 6098) PDF We present detailed spectroscopic and imaging data on multiple C2-ung chondrites…
The Tarda Meteorite: A Window into the Formation of D-type AsteroidsOPEN ACCESS
Yves Marrocchi, Guillaume Avice, and Jean-Alix Barrat The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 913, Number 1Published: 19 May 2021 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) LINK “Dynamic models of solar system evolution suggest that D-type asteroids formed beyond Saturn’s…
Hydrogen abundance estimation and distribution on (101955) Bennu
A. Praet, M.A. Barucci, B.E. Clark, H.H. Kaplan, A.A. Simon, V.E. Hamilton, J.P. Emery, E.S. Howell, L.F. Lim, X.-D. Zouh, J.-Y. Li, D.C. Reuter, F. Merlin, J.D.P. Deshapriya, S. Fornasier, P.H. Hasselmann, G. Poggiali, S….
Hydrothermal Ammoniation of Chondrites: Implications for Ceres
Izawa M. R. M., Koutoula E., Stancu M.-N., Yamashita S., Okuchi T. et al. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #2247 PDF “Hydrothermal reactions between carbonaceous chondrites and ammonia-water solutions do not produce…
Constraints on the Ice Composition of Carbonaceous Chondrites
Sridhar N., Bryson J. F. J., King A. J., Harrison R. J. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #1095 PDF “Compared to the CO and CM chondrites, magnetic measurements indicate that the CI…
Round up the unusual suspects: Near-Earth Asteroid 17274 (2000 LC16) a plausible D-type parent body of the Tagish Lake meteorite
Gordon M. Gartrelle, Paul S. Hardersen, Matthew R.M. Izawa, Matthew C. Nowinski IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 6 February 2021 LINK “Highlights • Spectral, visual, mathematical and Shkuratov radiative transfer analyses have determined near-Earth…
Oxygen-isotope systematics of chondrules and olivine fragments from Tagish Lake C2 chondrite: Implications of chondrule-forming regions in protoplanetary diskOPEN ACCESS
Takayuki Ushikubo, Makoto Kimura Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 12 November 2020 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights: • Oxygen isotopic systematics of chondrules and olivine fragments of Tagish Lake meteorite were studied.•…
Evidence for sodium-rich alkaline water in the Tagish Lake parent body and implications for amino acid synthesis and racemizationOPEN ACCESS
Lee F. White, Kimberly T. Tait, Brian Langelier, Elizabeth A. Lymer, Ana Černok, Tanya V. Kizovski, Chi Ma, Oliver Tschauner, and Richard I. Nicklin PNAS, first published May 11, 2020 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS)…
Evidence for Asteroid Scattering and Distal Solar System Solids From Meteorite PaleomagnetismOPEN ACCESS
James F. J. Bryson, Benjamin P. Weiss, Eduardo A. Lima, Jérôme Gattacceca, and William S. Cassata The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 892, Number 2 LINK PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Submitted: 22 October 2021 Asteroid-sized bodies are predicted…
Water abundance in the Tagish Lake meteorite from TGA and IR spectroscopy: Evaluation of aqueous alteration
Cosette M. Gilmour, Christopher D. K. Herd, Pierre Beck Meteoritics & Planetary Science First Published: 22 July 2019 LINK “Here, we evaluate the extent of aqueous alteration among five pristine specimens of the ungrouped Tagish…
New insights into the heterogeneity of the Tagish Lake meteorite: Soluble organic compositions of variously altered specimens
Danielle N. Simkus, José C. Aponte, Jamie E. Elsila, Robert W. Hilts, Hannah L. McLain, Christopher D. K. Herd LINK “The Tagish Lake carbonaceous chondrite exhibits a unique compositional heterogeneity that may be attributed to…
Atmospheric Energy Deposition Modeling and Inference for Varied Meteoroid StructuresOPEN ACCESS
Lorien F. Wheeler, Donovan L. Mathias, Edward Stokan, Peter G. Brown Icarus Available online 28 June 2018 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • The fragment-cloud model is extended to represent atmospheric breakup of…
Capture of Trans-Neptunian Planetesimals in the Main Asteroid Belt
David Vokrouhlický, William F. Bottke, and David Nesvorný The Astronomical Journal, Volume 152, Number 2 Published 2016 July 26 LINK “The orbital evolution of the giant planets after nebular gas was eliminated from the Solar…