Understanding the Effects of Micrometeoroid Bombardment on Graphite-rich Mercury Analogs through Laboratory Experiments and Electron Microscopy AnalysisOPEN ACCESS
Nicolas Bott, Michelle S. Thompson, Mark J. Loeffler, Kathleen E. Vander Kaaden and Francis M. McCubbin The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 5, Number 11, Published: 18 November 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Space weathering…
Nitrogen-rich organics from comets probed by ultra-carbonaceous Antarctic micrometeorites
J. Rojas, J. Duprat, E. Dartois, T-D. Wu, C. Engrand, L. R. Nittler, N. Bardin, L. Delauche, S. Mostefaoui, L. Remusat, R. M. Stroud & B. Guérin Nature Astronomy, Published: 10 September 2024 LINK “The…
Atmospheric collection of extraterrestrial dust at the Earth’s surface in the mid-PacificOPEN ACCESS
Penelope J. Wozniakiewicz, Luke S. Alesbrook, John P. Bradley, Hope A. Ishii, Mark C. Price, Michael. E. Zolensky, Donald E. Brownlee, Matthias van Ginneken, Matthew J. Genge MAPS, Version of Record online: 06 September 2024…
Chondrule-like objects and a Ca-Al-rich inclusion from comets or comet-like icy bodies
Takaaki Noguchi, Daisuke Nakashima, Takayuki Ushikubo, Wataru Fujiya, Noriaki Ohashi, John P. Bradley, Tomoki Nakamura, Noriko T. Kita, Peter Hoppe, Hidemi Ishibashi, Makoto Kimura, Naoya Imae Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 6 August 2024 LINK…
Chrome-rich spinels in micrometeorites from modern Antarctic sedimentary deposits
Flore Van Maldeghem, Ryoga Maeda, Bastien Soens, Martin D. Suttle, Lisa Krämer Ruggiu, Carole Cordier, Akira Yamaguchi, Birger Schmitz, Philippe Claeys, Luigi Folco, Steven Goderis Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 641, 1 September 2024, 118837…
Elemental and oxygen isotopic fractionation recorded in highly vaporized cosmic spherules from Widerøefjellet, Sør Rondane Mountains (East Antarctica)
Tom Boonants, Steven Goderis, Bastien Soens, Flore Van Maldeghem, Stepan M. Chernonozhkin, Frank Vanhaecke, Matthias van Ginneken, Christophe Snoeck, Philippe Claeys MAPS, Version of Record online: 13 May 2024 LINK “Upon passage through Earth’s atmosphere,…
The Massalia asteroid family as the origin of ordinary L chondritesOPEN ACCESS
Michaël Marsset, Pierre Vernazza, Miroslav Brož, Cristina A. Thomas, Francesca E. DeMeo, Brian Burt, Richard P. Binzel, Vishnu Reddy, Allison McGraw, Chrysa Avdellidou, Benoit Carry, Stephen M. Slivan, David Polishook PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (16…
A naturally occurring Al-Cu-Fe-Si quasicrystal in a micrometeorite from southern ItalyOPEN ACCESS
Giovanna Agrosì, Paola Manzari, Daniela Mele, Gioacchino Tempesta, Floriana Rizzo, Tiziano Catelani & Luca Bindi Communications Earth & Environment, Volume 5, Article number: 67 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Quasicrystals, solids with rotational symmetries forbidden…
Oxygen isotopic compositions of fresh rooftop micrometeorites from the Budel collection—Insights into the contemporary cosmic dust fluxOPEN ACCESS
Guido Jonker, Flore van Maldeghem, Matthias van Ginneken, Lisa Krämer Ruggiu, Steven Goderis MAPS, Version of Record online: 06 February 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Cosmic dust particles originate from a wide variety of…
Unusual sources of fossil micrometeorites deduced from relict chromite in the small size fraction in ~467 Ma old limestoneOPEN ACCESS
Philipp R. Heck, Birger Schmitz, Xenia Ritter, Surya S. Rout, Noriko T. Kita, Céline Defouilloy, Katarina Keating, Kevin Eisenstein, Fredrik Terfelt MAPS, Version of Record online: 02 February 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Extraterrestrial…
Al-Cu-Fe alloys in the solar system: Going inside a Khatyrka-like micrometeorite (KT01) from the Nubian desert, SudanOPEN ACCESS
Chi Ma, Jinping Hu, Martin D. Suttle, Yunbin Guan, Thomas G. Sharp, Paul D. Asimow, Paul J. Steinhardt, Luca Bindi MAPS Version of Record online: 25 October 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “A recently…
High precision triple oxygen isotope composition of small size urban micrometeorites indicating constant influx composition in the early geologic pastOPEN ACCESS
Fabian Zahnow, Tido Stracke, Tommaso di Rocco, Thilo Hasse, Andreas Pack MAPSVersion of Record online: 29 September 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “In this study, we present a method for high precision Δ′17O (Δ′17ORL = ln(δ17O + 1)…
Multiscale Evidence for Weathering and the Preservation of Carbonaceous Material in an Antarctic MicrometeoriteOPEN ACCESS
Mark R. Boyd, Julia A. Cartwright, Jaspreet Singh, Paul A.J. Bagot, Charlotte L. Bays, Queenie H.S. Chan, Matthew J. Genge, Michael P. Moody Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 28 August 2023…
Fossil micrometeorites from Monte dei Corvi: searching for dust from the Veritas asteroid family and the utility of micrometeorites as a palaeoclimate proxyOPEN ACCESS
M.D. Suttle, F. Campanale, L. Folco, L. Tavazzani, M.M.M. Meier, C.G. Miller, G. Hughes, M.J. Genge, T. Salge, J. Spratt, M. Anand Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 29 June 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “We searched…
Antarctica: links to chondritic parent bodies and the effects of alteration
Flore Van Maldeghem, Matthias van Ginneken, Bastien Soens, Felix Kaufmann, Seppe Lampe, Lisa Krämer Ruggiu, Lutz Hecht, Philippe Claeys, Steven Goderis Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 10 June 2023 LINK “Micrometeorites originate from the interplanetary…
Extraterrestrial dust flux monitoring at Antarctic Vostok station: New collection of extraterrestrial spherules fallen from May to September 2017
Y. O. Chetverikov, V. F. Ezhov, M. S. Glukhov, E. M. Ivankova, A. S. Loshachenko, V. D. Kalganov, O. V. Yakubovich MAPS, Version of Record online: 25 May 2023 LINK “Dust particles obtained by filtering…
Improved collection of rooftop micrometeorites through optimized extraction methods: The Budel collectionOPEN ACCESS
Guido Jonker, Roel van Elsas, Jeroen H. J. L. van der Lubbe, Wim van Westrenen MAPSVersion of Record online: 23 March 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The scientific value of micrometeorites collected from deep-sea…
Oxygen Ablation during Atmospheric Entry: Its Influence on the Isotopic Composition of MicrometeoritesOPEN ACCESS
N. G. Rudraswami, M. Pandey, D. Fernandes, J. D. Carrillo-Sánchez, W. Feng, J. M. C. Plane, and V. P. Singh The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 940, Number 1Published 16 November 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS)…
Antarctic micrometeorite composed of CP and CS IDP-like material: A micro-breccia originated from a partially ice-melted comet-like small body
Takaaki Noguchi, Rikako Matsumoto, Hikaru Yabuta, Hanae Kobayashi, Akira Miyake, Hiroshi Naraoka, Ryuji Okazaki, Naoya Imae, Akira Yamaguchi, A. L. David Kilcoyne, Yasuo Takeichi, Yoshio Takahashi MAPSVersion of Record online: 20 October 2022 LINK “Asteroids…
The mid-Ordovician meteorite flux to Earth shortly before breakup of the L-chondrite parent body
ShiYong Liao, Birger Schmitz IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 23 September 2022 LINK “Highlights • Flux of large micrometeorites to Earth shortly (in the 2 Ma time interval) before the breakup of the L-chondrite parent…
Isotopically Heavy Micrometeorites — Fragments of CY Chondrite or a New Hydrous Parent Body?OPEN ACCESS
M. D. Suttle, L. Folco, Z. Dionnet, M. Van Ginneken, T. Di Rocco, A. Pack, M. Scheel, A. Rotundi JGR PlanetsFirst published: 22 August 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Key Points Combined bulk O-isotopes…
Characterization of achondritic cosmic spherules from the Widerøefjellet micrometeorite collection (Sør Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica)
Bastien Soens, Stepan M. Chernonozhkin, Claudia González de Vega, Frank Vanhaecke, Matthias van Ginneken, Philippe Claeys, Steven Goderis Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 29 March 2022 LINK “Achondritic micrometeorites represent one…
A micrometeorite from a stony asteroid identified in Luna 16 soil
S. I. Demidova, M. J. Whitehouse, R. Merle, A. A. Nemchin, G. G. Kenny, F. Brandstätter, Th. Ntaflos & I. Dobryden Nature AstronomyPublished: 21 March 2022 LINK “Despite the intense cratering history of the Moon,…
In-situ O-isotope analysis of relict spinel and forsterite in small (<200μm) Antarctic micrometeorites – samples of chondrules & CAIs from carbonaceous chondrites
N.G. Rudraswami, M.D. Suttle, Y. Marrocchi, S. Taylord, J. Villeneuve Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 19 March 2022 LINK “We report high-precision secondary ion mass spectrometer triple oxygen isotope systematics (95…
Decoupling of chemical and isotope fractionation processes during atmospheric heating of micrometeorites
Seppe Lampe, Bastien Soens, Stepan M. Chernonozhkin, Claudia González de Vega, Matthias van Ginneken, Flore Van Maldeghem, Frank Vanhaecke, Billy P. Glass, Ian A. Franchi, Herman Terryn, Vinciane Debaille, Philippe Claeys, Steven Goderis Geochimica et…
Mineralogical Comparison Between Asteroid Ryugu Samples Returned by the Hayabusa2 Spatial Mission and Antarctic Micrometeorites (AMMs)
Bejach L. Engrand C. Duprat J. Dartois E. Mathurin J. et al. PDF LPSC 2022 abstract [#1924] “Ryugu samples are made of phyllosilicates, magnetite, Fe sulfides, carbonates, rare apatite. AMMs show similar magnetite structures (~5%),…
Noble gases in Dome C micrometeorites – An attempt to disentangle asteroidal and cometary sources
Bastian Baecker, Ulrich Ott, Mario Trieloff, Cécile Engrand, Jean Duprat IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 12 January 2022 LINK “Highlights • We analyzed noble gas isotopes in micrometeorites collected from surface snow.• He and…
Abundance and importance of petrological type 1 chondritic materialOPEN ACCESS
Sara S. Russell, M. D. Suttle, A. J. King Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 07 November 2021 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We review the mineralogy, petrology, and abundance of petrological type 1…
Comparison of space weathering spectral changes induced by solar wind and micrometeoroid impacts using ion- and femtosecond-laser-irradiated olivine and pyroxeneOPEN ACCESS
K. Chrbolková, R. Brunetto, J. Ďurech, T. Kohout, K. Mizohata, P. Malý, V. Dědič, C. Lantz, A. Penttilä, F. Trojánek, A. Maturilli Astronomy & Astrophysics (manuscript) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Space weathering is a process that…
Evaluating urban micrometeorites as a research resource — A large population collected from a single rooftopOPEN ACCESS
M. D. Suttle, T. Hasse, L. Hecht Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 27 July 2021 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We report the recovery and characterization of a new urban micrometeorite collection derived…
Asteroid break-ups and meteorite delivery to Earth the past 500 million yearsOPEN ACCESS
Fredrik Terfelt and Birger Schmitz PNAS June 15, 2021 118 (24) LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Supplementary Information “The meteoritic material falling on Earth is believed to derive from large break-up or cratering events in…
The micrometeorite flux at Dome C (Antarctica), monitoring the accretion of extraterrestrial dust on EarthOPEN ACCESS
J. Rojas, J. Duprat, C. Engrand, E. Dartois, L. Delauche, M. Godard, M. Gounelle, J.D. Carrillo-Sánchez, P. Pokorný, J.M.C. Plane Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 560, 15 April 2021, 116794 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights •…
Valence determinations and oxybarometry on FIB‐sectioned olivine and pyroxene using correlated Ti, V, and Cr micro‐XAFS spectroscopy: Evaluation of ion‐milling effects and application to Antarctic micrometeorite grains
S. R. Sutton, A. J. Brearley, E. Dobrică, A. Lanzirotti, M. Newville, O. Tschauner Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online:15 December 2020 LINK “X‐ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy methods have been applied to…
Evidence for the presence of chondrule‐ and CAI‐derived material in an isotopically anomalous Antarctic micrometeorite
Bastien Soens, Martin D. Suttle, Ryoga Maeda, Frank Vanhaecke, Akira Yamaguchi, Matthias Van Ginneken, Vinciane Debaille, Philippe Claeys, Steven Goderis Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 24 November 2020 LINK “We report the discovery…
The aqueous alteration of GEMS-like amorphous silicate in a chondritic micrometeorite by Antarctic water
M.D. Suttle, L. Folco, M.J. Genge, I.A. Franchi, F. Campanale, E. Mugnaioli, X. Zhaoe Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 17 November 2020 LINK “We analysed the heterogenous fine-grained (sub-μm) matrix of…
Probing the nature of extraterrestrial dust reaching the Earth’s surface collected from the Maitri station, Antarctica
N. G. Rudraswami, D. Fernandes, M. Pandey Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 04 October 2020 LINK “Micrometeorites (MMs) are extraterrestrial dust particles, in the size range of tens of µm to mm, recovered…
A Special Role of Spectrophotometry in the Study of Asteroids and Meteorite Analogs
Vladimir V. Busarev, Andrey M. Sobolev, Victor I. Grohovsky, Nikolai A. Kruglikov Minerals: Structure, Properties, Methods of Investigation. pp 43-52, Conference paper LINK “The significance of spectrophotometry among other optical methods for the assessment of…
Characterization of Potential Micrometeorites by Synchrotron AnalysisOPEN ACCESS
Madison Esposito , Kevin Souhrada , Erin Garland , Mary Kroll , Robert Bolen , Victoria Hernandez , Janet Kaczmarek , David Meisel , Anya Swiss , Paul Northrup , Vivian Stojanoff , Juergen Thieme…
X‐ray computed tomography: Morphological and porosity characterization of giant Antarctic micrometeorites
Zelia Dionnet, Martin D. Suttle, Andrea Longobardo, Alessandra Rotundi, Luigi Folco, Vincenzo Della Corte, Andrew King Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online:23 June 2020 LINK “Giant micrometeorites (MMs; 400–2000 µm) are exceedingly rare and…
The effects of atmospheric entry heating on organic matter in interplanetary dust particles and micrometeorites
M.E.I. Riebe, D.I. Foustoukos, C.M.O’D. Alexander, A. Steele, G.D. Cody, B.O. Mysen, L.R. Nittler Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 540, 15 June 2020, 116266 LINK “Highlights • Atmospheric entry heating altered the organic matter in…
Micrometeorites: Insights into the flux, sources and atmospheric entry of extraterrestrial dust at Earth
Matthew J. Genge, Matthias Van Ginneken, Martin D. Suttle Planetary and Space Science In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 16 March 2020 LINK “Micrometeorites (MMs) provide constraints on the flux and sources of extraterrestrial dust…
Atmospheric CO2 levels from 2.7 billion years ago inferred from micrometeorite oxidationOPEN ACCESS
O. R. Lehmer, D. C. Catling, R. Buick, D. E. Brownlee and S. Newport Science Advances 22 Jan 2020: Vol. 6, no. 4, eaay4644 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aay4644 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Earth’s atmospheric composition…
Cosmic spherules from Widerøefjellet, Sør Rondane Mountains (East Antarctica)
Steven Goderis, Bastien Soens, Matthew S. Huber, Seann McKibbin, Matthias van Ginneken, Flore Van Maldeghema, Vinciane Debaille, Richard C. Greenwood, Ian A. Franchi, Veerle Cnudde, Stijn Van Malderen, Frank Vanhaecke, Christian Koeberl, Dan Topa, Philippe…
Space weathering by simulated micrometeorite bombardment on natural olivine and pyroxene: A coordinated IR and TEM study
Iris Weber, Aleksandra N. Stojic, Andreas Morlok, Maximilian P. Reitze, Kathrin Markus, Harald Hiesinger, Sergey G. Pavlov, Richard Wirth, Anja Schreiber, Martin Sohn, Heinz-Wilhelm Hübers, Jörn Helbert Earth and Planetary Science Letters In Press, Corrected…
A unique CO-like micrometeorite hosting an exotic Al-Cu-Fe-bearing assemblage – close affinities with the Khatyrka meteoriteOPEN ACCESS
M. D. Suttle, K. Twegar, J. Nava, R. Spiess, J. Spratt, F. Campanale & L. Folco Scientific Reports, volume 9, Article number: 12426 (2019) LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We report the discovery of…
Cosmic dust fluxes in the atmospheres of Earth, Mars, and VenusOPEN ACCESS
Juan Diego Carrillo-Sánchez, Juan Carlos Gómez-Martín, David L. Bones, David Nesvorný, Petr Pokorný, Mehdi Benna, George J. Flynn, John M.C. Plane Icarus Available online 2 August 2019 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The ablation…
Mineralogy and oxygen isotope systematics of magnetite grains and a magnetite‐dolomite assemblage in hydrated fine‐grained Antarctic micrometeorites
Elena Dobrică, Ryan C. Ogliore, Cécile Engrand, Kazuhide Nagashima, Adrian J. Brearley Meteoritics & Planetary Science First Published: 21 July 2019 LINK “We report the mineralogy and texture of magnetite grains, a magnetite‐dolomite assemblage, and…
The micrometeorite flux to Earth during the Frasnian–Famennian transition reconstructed in the Coumiac GSSP section, France
Birger Schmitz, Raimund Feist, Matthias M.M. Meier, Ellinor Martin, Philipp R. Heck, Davide Lenaz, Dan Topa, Henner Busemann, Colin Maden, Amy A. Plant, Fredrik Terfelt Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 522, 15 September 2019,…
Atmospheric entry heating of micrometeorites at Earth and Mars: Implications for the survival of organics
Aaron P. Wilson, Matthew J. Genge, Agata M. Krzesińska, Andrew G. Tomkins Meteoritics & Planetary Science First Published: 15 July 2019 LINK “The atmospheric entry heating of micrometeorites (MMs) can significantly alter their pre‐existing mineralogy,…
Hydrogen isotopic anomalies in extraterrestrial organic matter: role of cosmic ray irradiation and implications for UCAMMsOPEN ACCESS
B. Augé, E. Dartois, J. Duprat, C. Engrand, G. Slodzian, T. D. Wu, J. L. Guerquin-Kern, H. Vermesse, A. N. Agnihotri, P. Boduch and H. Rothard A&A Volume 627, July 2019 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF…
A microchondrule‐bearing micrometeorite and comparison with microchondrules in CM chondrites
M. D. Suttle, M. J. Genge, T. Salge, M. R. Lee, L. Folco, T. Góral, S. S. Russell, P. Lindgren Meteoritics & Planetary Science First Published: 27 March 2019 LINK “We report the discovery of…
Oxygen isotopic and chemical composition of chromites in micrometeorites: Evidence of ordinary chondrite precursors
N. G. Rudraswami, Yves Marrocchi, M. Shyam Prasad, D. Fernandes, Johan Villeneuve, S. Taylor Meteoritics & Planetary Science First Published: 19 March 2019 LINK “We identified 66 chromite grains from 42 of ~5000 micrometeorites collected…
The atmospheric entry of fine‐grained micrometeorites: The role of volatile gases in heating and fragmentation
M. D. Suttle, M. J. Genge, L. Folco, M. Van Ginneken, Q. Lin, S. S. Russell, J. Najorka Meteoritics & Planetary Science First Published: 30 November 2018 LINK “The early stages of atmospheric entry are…
Intense aqueous alteration on C-type asteroids: Perspectives from giant fine-grained micrometeorites [GCA-D-18-00805]
M.D.Suttle, L.Folco, M.J.Genge, S.S.Russell, J.Najorka, M. van Ginneken Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta LINK “This study explores the petrology of five giant (>400μm) hydrated fine-grained micrometeorites from the Transantarctic Mountain (TAM) micrometeorite collection. For the first…
Fine-Grained Scoriaceous and Unmelted Micrometeorites: Sources and Relationships with Cosmic Spherules
D. D. Badyukov, F. Brandstaetter, D. Topa Geochemistry International November 2018, Volume 56, Issue 11, pp 1071–1083 First Online: 12 November 2018 LINK “185 fine-grained micrometeorites (FgMMs) from the Novaya Zemlya micrometeorite collection were studied…
Noble gases in micrometeorites from the Transantarctic Mountains
Bastian Baecker, Ulrich Ott, Carole Cordier, Luigi Folco, Mario Trieloff, Matthias van Ginneken, Pierre Rochette Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 25 August 2018 LINK “The bulk of extraterrestrial matter currently…
From the mid‐Ordovician into the Late Silurian: Changes in the micrometeorite flux after the L chondrite parent breakup
Ellinor Martin, Birger Schmitz, Hans‐Peter Schönlaub LINK Meteorit Planet Sci. . doi:10.1111/maps.13174 “We present the first reconstruction of the micrometeorite flux to Earth in the Silurian Period. We searched 321 kg of condensed, marine limestone…
Characterisation, Sources and Flux of Unmelted Micrometeorites on Earth During the Last ~50,000 YearsOPEN ACCESS
M. Shyam Prasad, N. G. Rudraswami, Agnelo Alexandre de Araujo & V. D. Khedekar Scientific Reports, volume 8, Article number: 8887 (2018) doi:10.1038/s41598-018-27158-x LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Dust dominates extraterrestrial flux on the…
Accumulation mechanisms of micrometeorites in an ancient supraglacial moraine at Larkman Nunatak, AntarcticaOPEN ACCESS
Matthew J. Genge, Matthias Ginneken, Martin D. Suttle, Ralph P. Harvey Meteoritics & Planetary Science First published: 16 May 2018 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We report the discovery of a large accumulation of…
Perceptive of the pyroxene‐bearing micrometeorites and their relation to chondrites
N. G. Rudraswami, D. Fernandes, Agnelo De Araujo, M. Shyam Prasad, S. Taylor Meteorit Planet Sci. . doi:10.1111/maps.13105 LINK “We studied 149 pyroxenes from 69 pyroxene‐bearing micrometeorites collected from deep‐sea sediments of the Indian Ocean…
A new type of oxidized and pre-irradiated micrometeorite
Carole Cordier, Bastian Baecker, Ulrich Ott, Luigi Folco, Mario Trieloff Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Available online 17 April 2018 LINK “This paper investigates the mineralogy and noble gas composition of a unique micrometeorite…
Fine‐grained volatile components ubiquitous in solar nebula: Corroboration from scoriaceous cosmic spherules
N. G. Rudraswami, D. Fernandes, A. K. Naik, M. Shyam Prasad, S. Taylor Meteoritics & Planetary Science First published: 25 March 2018 https://doi.org/10.1111/maps.13068 LINK “The scoriaceous cosmic spherules (CSs) that make up to a few…
Characterization of the organic matter and hydration state of Antarctic micrometeorites: A reservoir distinct from carbonaceous chondrites
M. Battandier, L. Bonal, E. Quirico, P. Beck, C. Engrand, J. Duprat, E. Dartois Icarus Volume 306, 15 May 2018, Pages 74-93 LINK “Highlights • 35 Antarctic micrometeorites (AMMs) studied in Raman and IR spectroscopies….
Dome C UltraCarbonaceous Antarctic MicroMeteorites Infrared and Raman fingerprintsOPEN ACCESS
E. Dartois, C. Engrand, J. Duprat, M. Godard, E. Charon, L. Delauche, C. Sandt, F. Borondics PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “UltraCarbonaceous Antarctic MicroMeteorites (UCAMMs) represent a small fraction of interplanetary dust particles reaching the Earth’s surface…
Diagenetically altered fossil micrometeorites suggest cosmic dust is common in the geological recordOPEN ACCESS
Martin D.Suttle, Matthew J.Genge Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 476, 15 October 2017, Pages 132-142 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • A new collection of Cretaceous (87 Ma) fossil micrometeorites. • Characterisation…
The mineralogy and petrology of I-type cosmic spherules: Implications for their sources, origins and identification in sedimentary rocks
Matthew J. Genge, Bridie Davies, Martin D. Suttle, Matthias van Ginneken, Andrew G. Tomkins Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 9 September 2017 LINK “I-type cosmic spherules are micrometeorites that formed…
Meteorite flux to Earth in the Early Cretaceous as reconstructed from sediment-dispersed extraterrestrial spinelsOPEN ACCESS
Birger Schmitz; Philipp R. Heck; Walter Alvarez; Noriko T. Kita; Surya S. Rout; Anders Cronholm; Céline Defouilloy; Ellinor Martin; Jan Smit; Fredrik Terfelt Geology July 2017, Vol.45, 807-810. doi:10.1130/G39297.1 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS)…
Thermal shock fragmentation of Mg silicates within scoriaceous micrometeorites reveal hydrated asteroidal sourcesOPEN ACCESS
Matthew J. Genge, Martin Suttle, Matthias Van Ginneken Geology (2017) DOI:https://doi.org/10.1130/G39426.1 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Gold Open Access: This paper is published under the terms of the CC-BY license Scoriaceous micrometeorites are highly vesicular extraterrestrial dust…
Impact characteristics of different rocks in a pulsed-laser irradiation experiment: Simulation of micrometeorite bombardment on the Moon
Wu, Yanxue; Li, Xiongyao; Yao, Wenqing; Wang, Shijie Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 122. https://doi.org/10.1002/2016JE005220 LINK “Without the protection of the atmosphere, the soils on lunar surfaces undergo a series of optical, physical, and chemical…
Shock fabrics in fine-grained micrometeorites.OPEN ACCESS
Suttle, M. D., Genge, M. J. and Russell, S. S. Meteorit Planet Sci. doi:10.1111/maps.12927 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The orientations of dehydration cracks and fracture networks in fine-grained, unmelted micrometeorites were analyzed using…
Formation of an Ultracarbonaceous Antarctic Micrometeorite through Minimal Aqueous Alteration in a Small Porous Icy Body
Hikaru Yabuta, Takaaki Noguchi, Shoichi Itoh, Tomoki Nakamura, Akira Miyake, Shinichi Tsujimoto, Noriaki Ohashi, Naoya Sakamoto, Minako Hashiguchi, Ken-ichi Abe, Aya Okubo, A.L. David Kilcoyne, Shogo Tachibana, Ryuji Okazaki, Kentaro Terada, Mitsuru Ebihara, Hiroko Nagahara…
Tracing the oxygen isotope composition of the upper Earth’s atmosphere using cosmic spherulesOPEN ACCESS
Andreas Pack, Andres Höweling, Dominik C. Hezel, Maren T. Stefanak, Anne-Katrin Beck, Stefan T. M. Peters, Sukanya Sengupta, Daniel Herwartz & Luigi Folco Nature Communications 8, Article number: 15702 (2017) doi:10.1038/ncomms15702 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) LINK…
The parent body controls on cosmic spherule texture: Evidence from the oxygen isotopic compositions of large micrometeorites
M. van Ginneken, J. Gattacceca, P. Rochette, C. Sonzogni, A. Alexandre, V. Vidal, M.J. Genge Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 16 May 2017 LINK “High-precision oxygen isotopic compositions of eighteen…
Variation of mineralogy and organic material during the early stages of aqueous activity recorded in Antarctic micrometeorites
T. Noguchi, H. Yabuta, S. Itoh, N. Sakamoto, T. Mitsunari, A. Okubo, R. Okazaki, T. Nakamura, S. Tachibana, K. Terada, M. Ebihara, N. Imae, M. Kimura, H. Nagahara Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted…
The entry heating and abundances of basaltic micrometeoritesOPEN ACCESS
Matthew J. Genge Meteorit Planet Sci. doi:10.1111/maps.12830 Version of Record online: 15 MAR 2017 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Basaltic micrometeorites (MMs) derived from HED-like parent bodies have been found among particles collected from…
The Thermal Decomposition of Fine-grained Micrometeorites, Observations from Mid-IR SpectroscopyOPEN ACCESS
Martin David Suttle, Matthew J. Genge, Luigi Folco, Sara S. Russell Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 9 March 2017 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “We analysed 44 fine-grained and scoriaceous micrometeorites. A…
Presolar Grains in Micrometeorites: Evidence for the Injection of Supernova Dust into the Solar Nebula
P. Haenecour, C. Floss, R. Ogliore, A. Wang, T. Yada 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2017), Abstract #1080 LINK
Rare meteorites common in the Ordovician periodOPEN ACCESS
Philipp R. Heck, Birger Schmitz, William F. Bottke, Surya S. Rout, Noriko T. Kita, Anders Cronholm, Céline Defouilloy, Andrei Dronov & Fredrik Terfelt Nature Astronomy 1 Article number: 0035 (2017) doi:10.1038/s41550-016-0035 Published online: 23 January…
Vesicle dynamics during the atmospheric entry heating of cosmic spherulesOPEN ACCESS
Genge, M. J. Meteoritics and Planetary Science doi:10.1111/maps.12805 First published: 26 December 2016 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) TEXT (OPEN ACCESS) “Cosmic spherules are unique igneous objects that form by melting due to gas drag heating during…
An urban collection of modern-day large micrometeorites: Evidence for variations in the extraterrestrial dust flux through the QuaternaryOPEN ACCESS
M.J.Genge, J.Larsen, M.Van Ginneken, M.D.Suttle Geology First published on 2016-12-05 09:44:06, doi:10.1130/G38352.1 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) abstract “We report the discovery of significant numbers (500) of large micrometeorites (>100 μm) from rooftops in urban areas. The…
Relict olivines in micrometeorites: precursors and interactions in the earth’s atmosphere
N. G. Rudraswami, M. Shyam Prasad, S. Dey, D. Fernandes, J. M. C. Plane, W. Feng, S. Taylor, and J. D. Carrillo-Sánchez The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 831, Number 2 Published 2016 November 9 LINK “Antarctica…
Olivine settling in cosmic spherules during atmospheric deceleration: An indicator of the orbital eccentricity of interplanetary dustOPEN ACCESS
Matthew J. Genge, Martin Suttl Geophysical Research Letters 43 DOI: 10.1002/2016GL070874 First published: 19 October 2016 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Key Points * Antarctic cosmic spherules with cumulate textures are reported * Numerical…
A unique corundum and refractory metal-nugget bearing micrometeorite P117
Rudraswami, N. G., Reshma, K. and Shyam Prasad, M. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12783 LINK “Micrometeorites provide a large range of samples sourced from a wide variety of planetary materials, thereby providing a scope…
Irradiation of nitrogen-rich ices by swift heavy ions – Clues for the formation of ultracarbonaceous micrometeorites
B. Augé, E. Dartois, C. Engrand, J. Duprat, M. Godard, L. Delauche, N. Bardin, C. Mejía, R. Martinez, G. Muniz. A. Domaracka, P. Boduch and H. Rothard A&A Volume 592, August 2016 , A99 Published…