Detection of fireballs in the lightning imager dataOPEN ACCESS
Pierre Kokou Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,Published: 03 September 2024 LINK + PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The Meteosat Third Generation – Imager 1 satellite, launched on 13 December 2022, features the first Lightning Imager…
Seismic and acoustic signals from the 2014 ‘Interstellar Meteor’OPEN ACCESS
Benjamin Fernando, Pierrick Mialle, Göram Ekström, Constantinos Charalambous, Steven Desch, Alan Jackson, Eleanor K. Sansom submitted to Geophys. J. Int PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We conduct a thorough analysis of seismic and acoustic data from the…
Improvements in digital meteor spectra reductionOPEN ACCESS
Marko Šegon, Vlastimil Vojáček & Jiří Borovička Experimental AstronomyVolume 57, article number 9Published: 06 March 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “This study addresses the complexity and importance of developing a method of calibrating digital…
Atmospheric entry and fragmentation of small asteroid 2024 BX1: Bolide trajectory, orbit, dynamics, light curve, and spectrumOPEN ACCESS
P. Spurny, J. Borovicka, L. Shrbeny, M. Hankey, R. Neubert A&A article proposed for acceptance (Version 2, corrected by authors, 23 May 2024) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Asteroid 2024 BX1 was the eighth asteroid discovered shortly…
RIBBECK (2024 BX1) Aubrite meteorite fall (~ 1760 g) between Selbelang (Paulinenaue), Ribbeck, Berge and Lietzow (Nauen), Havelland, Brandenburg, Germany at 00:32:38-44 UT on 21 January 2024
Last update: 3 January 2025 (13:35 CEST) On 5 February 2024 it was officially anounced in a press release by the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin that the fall was classified as an Aubrite: press release….
Properties, age, and origin of a huge meteor cluster observed over Scandinavia on 30 October 2022OPEN ACCESS
Pavel Koten, David Čapek, Steinar Midtskogen, Lukáš Shrbený, Pavel Spurný, Mike Hankey Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. 48618finalJanuary 10, 2024 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Context. A meteor outburst consisting of at least 22 meteors above the…
Current status of the Extension of the FRIPON network in ChileOPEN ACCESS
Felipe Gutiérrez Rojas, Sébastien Bouquillon, Rene A. Mendez, Hernan Pulgar, Marcelo Tala Pinto, Katherine Vieira, Millarca Valenzuela Picón, Andrés Jordán, Christian H.R. Nitschelm, Massinissa Hadjara, José Luis Nilo Castellón, Maja Vuckovic, Hebe Cremades, Bin Yang,…
Plenoptic imaging of meteorite shape change during plasma wind tunnel experiments
M. Eberhart, S. Loehle, J. Vaubaillon, P. Matlovič, J. Tóth IcarusAvailable online 11 November 2023, 115868 LINK “Experimental meteors are produced by exposing samples of meteoritic material to an air plasma flow in an arcjet…
Meteorite temperature measurements during ground testing
David Leiser, Christian Dürnhofer, Erik Poloni, Stefan Löhle, Pavol Matlovič, Juraj Tóth, Jérémie Vaubaillon IcarusAvailable online 11 November 2023, 115867 LINK “Ground testing meteorite samples offer in-situ measurements of known materials in conditions that occur…
Oort cloud perturbations as a source of hyperbolic Earth impactorsOPEN ACCESS
Eloy Peña-Asensio, Jaakko Visuri, Josep M. Trigo-Rodríguez, Hector Socas-Navarro, Maria Gritsevich, Markku Siljama, Albert Rimola IcarusAvailable online 26 October 2023, 115844 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights Analyzed FH1, the first hyperbolic meteor detected by the Finnish…
Meteoroid ablation simulations with ESA’s SCARAB software
Maximilian Vovk, Detlef Koschny, Michael Frühauf, Christian Gscheidle, Urs Hugentobler, Valentin Heumann, Tobias Lips, Bent Fritsche, Maximilian Maigler, Valentina Pessina, Jiří Šilha, Juraj Tóth, Veronika Pazderová, Pavol Matlovič Planetary and Space ScienceIn Press, Journal Pre-proof,…
Microstructures in shocked quartz: linking nuclear airbursts and meteorite impacts
Robert E. Hermes, Hans-Rudolf Wenk, James P. Kennett, Ted E. Bunch, Christopher R. Moore, Malcolm A. LeCompte, Gunther Kletetschka, A. Victor Adedeji, Kurt Langworthy, Joshua J. Razink, Valerie Brogden, Brian van Devener, Jesus Paulo Perez,…
Meteorite material luminous efficiencies from ground testing of meteoroid entry
S. Loehle, J. Vaubaillon, P. Matlovič, J. Tóth IcarusAvailable online 29 September 2023, 115817 LINK “The paper reports the determination of luminous efficiency values from ground testing of a comprehensive set of meteorite samples. The…
Emission spectroscopy at high frame rates during ablation tests of meteorite samples in plasma wind tunnel
R. Ravichandran, S. Loehle, F. Hufgard, D. Leiser, F. Zander, L. Ferrière, J. Vaubaillon, P. Matlovič, J. Tóth IcarusAvailable online 28 September 2023, 115818 LINK “Optical emission spectra between 522-580 nm of ablating meteorites have…
A Review of Infrasound and Seismic Observations of Sample Return Capsules Since the End of the Apollo Era in Anticipation of the OSIRIS-REx ArrivalOPEN ACCESS
Elizabeth A. Silber, Daniel C. Bowman and Sarah Albert Atmosphere 2023, 14(10), 1473, Review article LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (DOWNLOAD) “Advancements in space exploration and sample return technology present a unique opportunity to leverage sample return…
Discovery of Spherules of Likely Extrasolar Composition in the Pacific Ocean Site of the CNEOS 2014-01-08 (IM1) BolideOPEN ACCESS
Abraham Loeb, Toby Adamson, Sophie Bergstrom, Richard Cloete, Shai Cohen, Kevin Conrad, Laura Domine, Hairuo Fu, Charles Hoskinson, Eugenia Hyung, Stein Jacobsen, Mike Kelly, Jason Kohn, Edwin Lard, Sebastian Lam, Frank Laukien, Jim Lem, Rob…
Insights into the failure mode of the Chelyabinsk meteor from high-fidelity simulation
Jason M. Pearl, Cody D. Raskin, J. Michael Owen, Kathryn M. Kumamoto, Megan Bruck Syal IcarusAvailable online 24 June 2023, 115686 LINK “In 2013, an asteroid with a diameter of approximate 20 m broke up…
Analysis of CN emission as a marker of organic compounds in meteoroids using laboratory simulated meteorsOPEN ACCESS
Adriana Pisarčíková, Pavol Matlovič, Juraj Tóth, Stefan Loehle, Ludovic Ferrière, David Leiser, Felix Grigat, Jérémie Vaubaillon IcarusAvailable online 17 June 2023, 115682 LINK Update (11 July 2023): PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Fragments of small solar system…
On Models of Meteoroid Fragmentation in the Atmosphere
I. G. Brykina, M. D. Bragin & L. A. Egorova Fluid Dynamics, Volume 58, pages 287–294Published: 17 May 2023 LINK “Various approaches are developed for modeling the destruction of cosmic bodies in the atmosphere into…
Experimentally Derived Luminous Efficiencies for Aluminum and Iron at Meteoric SpeedsOPEN ACCESS
L. K. Tarnecki, R. A. Marshall, J. Fontanese, Z. Sternovsky, T. Munsat Geophysical Research LettersFirst published: 04 April 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Calculating meteoroid masses from photometric observations relies on prior knowledge of…
Localizing The First Interstellar Meteor With Seismometer DataOPEN ACCESS
Amir Siraj, Abraham Loeb submitted for publication PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The first meter-scale interstellar meteor (IM1) was detected by US government sensors in 2014, identified as an interstellar object candidate in 2019, and confirmed by…
Semi-automatic meteoroid fragmentation modeling using genetic algorithmsOPEN ACCESS
Tomáš Henych, Jiří Borovička, Pavel Spurný Accepted for publication in A&A, Received 20 September, 2022; accepted 19 January 2023 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Meteoroids are pieces of asteroids and comets. They serve as unique probes to…
Characterization of a 2700 KM long bolide airburst chain, Phoebe Regio, Venus.
E.G. Antropova, C.H.G. Braga, R.E. Ernst, H. El Bilali, J.W. Head, B.A. Ivanov Planetary and Space ScienceAvailable online 7 February 2023 LINK “Detailed geological mapping of Phoebe Regio on Venus, located near 10°S, 282°W, at…
The Finnish Hyperbolic Grazing Meteor: Are Interstellar Earth Impactors Biased?
Peña-Asensio E.* Trigo-Rodríguez J. M. Socas-Navarro H. Visuri J. Gritsevich M. Siljama M. 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2023 abstract [#1486] We report a hyperbolic meteor that shares statistical anomalies with CNEOS interstellar candidates, which may unveil an unknown source of…
Laboratory modeling in laser-induced plasma to estimate the pressure in bolide wakeOPEN ACCESS
A. Zakuskin, B.G. Beglaryan, T.A. Labutin A&A, Forthcoming article PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Aims. We study Fe and FeO emission in laser-induced plasma under reduced pressure to develop an approach for finding the conditions under which…
Identifying meteorite droppers among the population of bright ‘sporadic’ bolides imaged by the Spanish Fireball Network during the spring of 2022OPEN ACCESS
Eloy Peña-Asensio, Josep M. Trigo-Rodríguez, Albert Rimola, Marc Corretgé-Gilart, Detlef Koschny Accepted in MNRAS PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We take advantage of the extraordinary weather conditions available between February and March 2022 over Spain to analyze…
Expected Fragment Distribution from the First Interstellar Meteor CNEOS 2014-01-08OPEN ACCESS
Amory Tillinghast-Raby, Abraham Loeb, Amir Siraj Draft version December 5, 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “The fireball of the first interstellar meteor, CNEOS 2014-01-08 (IM1) (Siraj & Loeb 2019), was detected off the northern coast of…
Correction and calibration of atmospheric impact observations in GOES GLM dataOPEN ACCESS
Robert L. Morris, Jeffrey Claiborne Smith, Jessie L. Dotson, Eric C. Stern, Randolph S. Longenbaugh MAPSVersion of Record online: 24 November 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The Earth’s atmosphere is impacted daily by both…
Méthode des rayons complexes pour la propagation infrasonore. Application au bang sonique d’un météoroïde
Annie Zelias PhD thesis (in French) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Most of high-energy atmospheric phenomena, either natural (meteoroids, earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.) or anthropogenic (aircraft, chemical or nuclear explosions, etc.) emit acoustic waves of frequencies lower than…
Oxygen line in fireball spectra and its application to satellite observationsOPEN ACCESS
V. Vojácek, J. Borovicka, P. Spurný Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A)Received: 08 June 2022 / Accepted: 10 October 2022 PDF (DOWNLOAD) “Aims. Lightning mapper sensors on board weather satellites can be successfully used to observe fireballs….
Interstellar Meteors are Outliers in Material StrengthOPEN ACCESS
Amir Siraj, Abraham Loeb submitted for publication in ApJL PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (16 December 2022): LINK (OPEN ACCESS), PDF (OPEN ACCESS)The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 941, Number 2 “The first interstellar meteor larger than…
Data on 824 fireballs observed by the digital cameras of the European Fireball Network in 2017-2018. II. Analysis of orbital and physical properties of cm-sized meteoroidsOPEN ACCESS
J. Borovicka, P. Spurny and L. Shrbeny A&A, Forthcoming articleReceived: 06 June 2022 / Accepted: 06 September 2022 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) LINK
Data on 824 fireballs observed by the digital cameras of the European Fireball Network in 2017–2018. I. Description of the network, data analysis, and the catalogOPEN ACCESS
J. Borovicka, P. Spurny, L. Shrbeny, R. Stork, L. Kotkova, J. Fuchs, J. Keclikova, H. Zichova, J. Manek, P. Vachova, I. Macourkova, J. Svoren and H. Mucke Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. bolides-pap1_corr209 September 2022…
On the Power Law for Describing the Mass Distribution of Fragments of a Disrupted Cosmic Body
I. G. Brykina & L. A. Egorova Solar System Research; Volume 56, pages 338–350Published: 12 September 2022 LINK “An important characteristic of the disruption of cosmic bodies (asteroids at their collision in outer space, meteoroids…
Preatmospheric Detection of a Meter-sized Earth ImpactorOPEN ACCESS
David L. Clark, Paul A. Wiegert, Peter G. Brown, Denis Vida, Aren Heinze, Larry Denneau This article has been submitted for publication in The Planetary Science Journal PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update: (8 June 2023): The…
Characterization of the Fireballs Detected by All-sky Cameras in RomaniaOPEN ACCESS
Ioana Boaca, Maria Gritsevich, Mirel Birlan, Alin Nedelcu, Tudor Boaca, François Colas, Adrien Malgoyre, Brigitte Zanda, and Pierre Vernazza The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 936, Number 2 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Some of the fields…
Object classification on video data of meteors and meteor-like phenomena: algorithm and dataOPEN ACCESS
Rabea Sennlaub, Martin Hofmann, Mike Hankey, Mario Ennes, Thomas Müller, Peter Kroll, Patrick Mäder Author Notes Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 516, Issue 1, October 2022, Pages 811–823Published: 29 August 2022 PDF…
Reply to: Arguments for a comet as cause of the Hopewell airburst are unsubstantiatedOPEN ACCESS
Kenneth Barnett Tankersley, Stephen D. Meyers, Stephanie A. Meyers & David L. Lentz Scientific Reports, Volume 12, Article number: 12113 (2022)Published: 15 July 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) The original article was published on…
Physical Effects of the Yushu Meteoroid: 1
L. F. Chernogor Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies, Volume 38, pages 132–147Published: 24 June 2022 LINK “The purpose of this article was to evaluate the mechanical, optical, and gasdynamic effects that accompanied the passage…
Meteoritic materials within sulfate aerosol particles in the troposphere are detected with transmission electron microscopyOPEN ACCESS
Kouji Adachi, Naga Oshima, Nobuyuki Takegawa, Nobuhiro Moteki & Makoto Koike Communications Earth & Environment, Volume 3, Article number: 134 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “When meteorites impact the Earth’s atmosphere, they fractionalize and ablate,…
Orbital characterization of superbolides observed from space: Dynamical association with near-Earth objects, meteoroid streams and identification of hyperbolic projectilesOPEN ACCESS
E. Peña-Asensio, J. M. Trigo-Rodríguez, A. Rimola Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “There is an unceasing incoming flux of extraterrestrial materials reaching the Earth’s atmosphere. Some of these objects produce…
Morphology of Meteorite Surfaces Ablated by High-Power Lasers: Review and ApplicationsOPEN ACCESS
Anna Křivková, Vojtěch Laitl, Elias Chatzitheodoridis, Lukáš Petera, Petr Kubelík, Antonín Knížek, Homa Saeidfirozeh, Barbora Drtinová, Václav Čuba, Dan Páclík, Tomáš Mocek, Jan Brajer, Jan Kaufman, Martin Divoký, Jakub Koukal, Roman Dudžák, Nikola Schmidt, Petr…
A Numerical Approach to Deriving Statistical Estimates of the Residual Mass, the Impact Point, and Other Meteorite Parameters from the Bright Section of the Trajectory
M. A. Krivov Computational Mathematics and ModelingPublished: 05 May 2022 LINK “Meteorite flight in the Earth’s atmosphere can be uniquely described by a system of ordinary differential equations (ODE), which requires two initial conditions and…
Hydrogen emission from meteors and meteorites: Mapping traces of H2O molecules and organic compounds in small Solar system bodiesOPEN ACCESS
Pavol Matlovič, Adriana Pisarcčíková, Juraj Tóth, Pavel Mach, Peter Čermák, Stefan Loehle, Leonard Kornoš, Ludovic Ferrière, Jiří Šilha, David Leiser, Ranjith Ravichandran Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, stac927 LINK Update (2 May 2022):…
A Meteor of Apparent Interstellar Origin in the CNEOS Fireball CatalogOPEN ACCESS (16 April 2019 draft was updated on 19 April 2022, publ. 2 November 2022)
Amir Siraj, Abraham Loeb Update (2 November 2022): The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 939, Number 1Published: 2 November 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The earliest confirmed interstellar object, ‘Oumuamua, was discovered in the solar system…
On the capture of small stony asteroids into Earth orbit by atmospheric grazing
Shujuan Geng, Binghong Zhou, Mingtao Li Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, stab2439Published: 30 August 2021 LINK “An Earth-grazing asteroid can be captured into a gravitational bound orbit around Earth during its transitory atmospheric…
Review of synergic meteor observations: linking the results from cameras, ionosondes, infrasound and seismic detectors
Á Kereszturi, V Barta, I Bondár, Cs Czanik, A Igaz, P Mónus, D Rezes, L Szabados, B D Pál Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 506, Issue 3, September 2021, Pages 3629–3640 LINK…
Bolide fragment detection in Doppler weather radar data using artificial intelligence / machine learning
Brendon Smeresky, Paul Abell, Marc Fries, Mike Hankey Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceFirst Published: 27 July 2021 LINK “Unsupervised machine learning methods present a promising approach for detecting fragments produced from meteors and bolides as distinct…
The Global Meteor Network — Methodology and First ResultsOPEN ACCESS
Denis Vida, Damir Šegon, Peter S. Gural, Peter G. Brown, Mark J.M. McIntyre, Tammo Jan Dijkema, Lovro Pavletić, Patrik Kukić, Michael J. Mazur, Peter Eschman, Paul Roggemans, Aleksandar Merlak, Dario Zubović Accepted for publication in…
Infrasound signals of fireballs detected by the Geostationary Lightning MapperOPEN ACCESS
T. Ott, E. Drolshagen, D. Koschny, G. Drolshagen, C. Pilger, P. Gaebler, P. Hupe, P. Mialle, J. Vaubaillon and B. Poppe A&A 654, A98 (2021)Received 16 April 2021 / Accepted 19 July 2021 PDF (OPEN…
Fragmentation model and strewn field estimation for meteoroids entryOPEN ACCESS
S. Limonta, M. Trisolini, S. Frey, C. Colombo IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 24 May 2021 LINK Update (1 June 2021): PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • Novel probabilistic model of asteroid breakup based on…
Luminous efficiency of meteors derived from ablation model after assessment of its range of validityOPEN ACCESS
E. Drolshagen, T. Ott, D. Koschny, G. Drolshagen, J. Vaubaillon, F. Colas, B. Zanda, S. Bouley, S. Jeanne, A. Malgoyre, M. Birlan, P. Vernazza, D. Gardiol, D. A. Nedelcu, J. Rowe, M. Forcier, J. M….
Meteor showers from known long-period comets
Peter Jenniskens, Dante S. Lauretta, Martin C. Towner, Steve Heathcote, Steve Heathcote, Emmanuel Jehin, Toni Hanke, Tim Cooper, Jack W. Baggaley, J. Andreas Howell, Carl Johannink, Martin Breukers, Mohammad Odeh, Nicholas Moskovitz, Luke Juneau, Tim…
Luminous efficiency based on FRIPON meteors and limitations of ablation modelsOPEN ACCESS
E. Drolshagen, T. Ott, D. Koschny, G. Drolshagen, J. Vaubaillon, F. Colas, B. Zanda, S. Bouley, S. Jeanne, A. Malgoyre, M. Birlan, P. Vernazza, D. Gardiol, D. A. Nedelcu, J. Rowe, M. Forcier, J. M….
Accurate 3D fireball trajectory and orbit calculation using the 3D-FireTOC automatic Python codeOPEN ACCESS
Eloy Peña-Asensio, Josep Maria Trigo-Rodríguez, Maria Gritsevich, Albert Rimola Under revision (Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (10 April 2021): LINK “The disruption of asteroids and comets produces cm-sized meteoroids…
Impacts on the Moon: analysis methods and size distribution of impactors
Chrysa Avdellidou, Edhah Munaibari, Raven Larson, Jeremie Vaubaillon, Marco Delbo, Paul Hayne, Mark Wieczorek, Daniel Sheward, Antony Cook Planetary and Space ScienceAvailable online 4 March 2021 LINK “We are preparing a telescope system to carry…
Determination of strewn fields for meteorite fallsOPEN ACCESS
Jarmo Moilanen, Maria Gritsevich, Esko Lyytinen Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, stab586Published: 01 March 2021 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) Supplemental Files (ZIP/DOWNLOAD) “When an object enters the atmosphere it may be detected as a…
The Manifold Of Variations: impact location of short-term impactorsOPEN ACCESS
Alessio Del Vigna, Linda Dimare, Davide Bracali Cioci PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (20 May 2021) : LINK “The interest in the problem of small asteroids observed shortly before a deep close approach or an impact…
Statistical analysis of fireballs: Seismic signature surveyOPEN ACCESS
T. Neidhart, K. Miljković, E.K. Sansom, H.A.R. Devillepoix, T. Kawamura, J.-L. Dimech, M.A. Wieczorek, P.A. Bland accepted for publication in Astronomical Society of Australia (PASA) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Fireballs are infrequently recorded by seismic sensors…
Application of a dielectric breakdown induced by high-power lasers for a laboratory simulation of meteor plasma
Anna Křivková, Lukáš Petera, Vojtěch Laitl, Petr Kubelík, Elias Chatzitheodoridis, Libor Lenža, Jakub Koukal, Antonín Knížek, Roman Dudžák, Dan Páclík, Svatopluk Civiš, Miroslav Krůs & Martin Ferus Experimental AstronomyPublished: 01 February 2021 LINK “Spectra of…
The Great Chinese Fireball of December 22, 2020OPEN ACCESS
Albino Carbognani manuscript submitted to EPJPlus Update (9 March): manuscript v2 submitted to EPJPlus PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (2 June 2021): The European Physical Journal Plus volume 136, Article number: 616 (2021)LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN…
Luminous efficiency based on FRIPON meteorsOPEN ACCESS
Esther Drolshagen, Theresa Ott, Detlef Koschny, Gerhard Drolshagen, Jeremie Vaubaillon, Francois Colas, Josep Maria Trigo-Rodriguez, Brigitte Zanda, Sylvain Bouley, Simon Jeanne, Adrien Malgoyre, Mirel Birlan, Pierre Vernazza, Daniele Gardiol, Dan Alin Nedelcu, Jim Rowe, Mathieu…
Halo Meteors
Amir Siraj, Abraham Loeb New AstronomyAvailable online 2 November 2020 LINK “Highlights • We propose a search for interstellar meteors originating from Milky Way Halo stars• We show that halo meteors would be kinematically distinct…
Satellite observation of the dust trail of a major bolide event over the Bering Sea on December 18, 2018OPEN ACCESS
J. Borovicka, M. Setvak, H. Roesli, J. K. Kerkmann accepted for publication in A&A PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “One of the most energetic bolide events in recent decades was detected by the US Government sensors (USGS)…
High precision meteor observations with the Canadian Automated Meteor Observatory — Data reduction pipeline and application to meteoroid mechanical strength measurementsOPEN ACCESS
Denis Vida, Peter G. Brown, Margaret Campbell-Brown, Robert J. Weryk, Gunter Stober, John P. McCormack Accepted for publication in Icarus PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (10 September 2020): LINK “The mirror tracking system of the Canadian…
Simulating the Benešov bolide flowfield and spectrum at altitudes of 47 and 57 km
Christopher O. Johnston, Eric C. Stern, Jiří Borovička IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 10 August 2020 LINK “Highlights • State-of-the-art meteor flowfield and luminosity model developed for the continuum flow regime.• Developed model includes…
Analysis of Ionospheric Disturbances Caused by the 2018 Bering Sea Meteor Explosion Based on GPS ObservationsOPEN ACCESS
Yiyong Luo, Yibin Yao and Lulu Shan Sensors 2020, 20(11), 3201Published: 4 June 2020 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (download) “The Bering Sea meteor explosion that occurred on 18 December 2018 provides a good opportunity to study…
The influence of meteor measurement errors on the heliocentric orbits of meteoroids
Mária Hajduková, Leonard Kornoš Planetary and Space ScienceAvailable online 7 June 2020, 104965 LINK “Highlights • We tested the dependence of the heliocentric orbital elements on the reduced meteor data, the pre-atmospheric velocity and the…
The all-sky-6 and the Video Meteor Archive system of the AMS Ltd.
Mike Hankey, Vincent Perlerin, David Meisel Planetary and Space ScienceIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 3 June 2020 LINK “Over a period of several years, the American Meteor Society, Ltd. (AMS) has developed a custom…
FRIPON: a worldwide network to track incoming meteoroidsOPEN ACCESS
F. Colas, B. Zanda, S. Bouley, S. Jeanne, A. Malgoyre, M. Birlan, C. Blanpain, J. Gattacceca, L. Jorda, J. Lecubin, C. Marmo, J.L. Rault, J. Vaubaillon, P. Vernazza, C. Yohia, D. Gardiol, A. Nedelcu, B….
Fireball fragmentation in the first half of the atmospheric trajectory
Lukáš Shrbený, Pavel Spurný, Jiří Borovička Planetary and Space ScienceIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 1 May 2020 LINK “Highlights • Results on the fragmentation of fireballs in the first half of their atmospheric trajectory…
On the sodium enhancement in spectra of slow meteors and the origin of Na-rich meteoroidsOPEN ACCESS
Pavol Matlovič, Juraj Tóth, Leonard Kornoš, Stefan Loehle IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 22 April 2020 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) LINK “Highlights • The effect of speed dependency on the measured Na/Mg intensity ratio in…
A model for meteoroid ablation including melting and vaporization
Bruno Dias, Alessandro Turchi, Eric C. Stern, Thierry E. Magin Icarus In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 3 March 2020 LINK “Highlights • Comparison of a meteoroid ablation model, which comprises melting and vaporization, with…
Velocity distribution of larger meteoroids and small asteroids impacting EarthOPEN ACCESS
Esther Drolshagen, Theresa Ott, Detlef Koschny, Gerhard Drolshagen, Anna Kristiane Schmidt, Björn Poppe Planetary and Space Science In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 11 February 2020 LINK PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • The velocity distribution…
A Two Year Survey for VLF Emission from FireballsOPEN ACCESS
C. Y. Sung, P. Brown, R. Marshall accepted for publication in Planetary and Space Science PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Here we report on a two year continuous survey to examine possible VLF signals associated with meteors…
Estimating trajectories of meteors: an observational Monte Carlo approach — II. ResultsOPEN ACCESS
Denis Vida, Peter G. Brown, Margaret Campbell-Brown, Paul Wiegert, Peter S. Gural Accepted for publication in MNRAS PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “In the first paper of this series we examined existing methods of optical meteor trajectory…
Estimating trajectories of meteors: an observational Monte Carlo approach – I. TheoryOPEN ACCESS
Denis Vida, Peter S Gural, Peter G Brown, Margaret Campbell-Brown, Paul Wiegert Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 491, Issue 2, January 2020, Pages 2688–2705 Update (23rd April): PDF (OPEN ACCESS) LINK “It…
Interactions between asteroid fragments during atmospheric entryOPEN ACCESS
P.J. Register, M.J. Aftosmis, E.C. Stern, J.M. Brock, P.M. Seltner, S. Willems, A. Guelhan, D.L. Mathias P.M. Seltner, S. Willems, A. Guelhan Icarus In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 24 October 2019 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)…
Discovery of a Meteor of Interstellar OriginOPEN ACCESS / updated draft 19 April 2022
Update (19 April 2022): draft replaced as: Discovery of a Meteor of Interstellar Origin Amir Siraj, Abraham Loeb Draft version: April 19, 2022, submitted to ApJL PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The earliest confirmed interstellar object, ‘Oumuamua,…
Inference of meteoroid characteristics using a genetic algorithmOPEN ACCESS
Ana Maria Tarano, Lorien Wheeler, Sigrid Close, Donovan Mathias Icarus LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) • A new approach for automatically inferring meteoroid parameters is presented. • Objective function and tuning parameters for the…
Can we predict the impact conditions of meter-sized meteoroids?OPEN ACCESS
Jorge I. Zuluaga [SEAP/IF/UdeA], Pablo A. Cuartas-Restrepo [SEAP/IF/UdeA],Jhonatan Ospina [SAA/CAMO], Mario Sucerquia [SEAP/IF/UdeA] Submitted to MNRAS Letters PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “A few meter-sized meteoroids impact the atmosphere of the Earth per year. Most (if not…
Probabilistic Assessment of Tunguska-scale Asteroid ImpactsOPEN ACCESS
F. Wheeler, Donovan L. Mathias Icarus Available online 6 December 2018 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • The PAIR model is used to assess 50 million Tunguska-scale asteroid impacts with probabilistically distributed properties….
Hydrocode simulations of asteroid airbursts and constraints for TunguskaOPEN ACCESS
Darrel K. Robertson, Donovan L. Mathias Icarus Available online 21 October 2018 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • Hydrocode simulations of asteroid airbursts of interest to planetary defense. • Both asteroids and comets plausible for Tunguska…
Comparing Analytical and Numerical Approaches to Meteoroid Orbit Determination using Hayabusa TelemetryOPEN ACCESS
Trent Jansen-Sturgeon, Eleanor K. Sansom, Phil A. Bland PDF (OPEN ACCESS) last revised 22 Aug 2019 “Fireball networks establish the trajectories of meteoritic material passing through Earth’s atmosphere, from which they can derive pre-entry orbits….
Atmospheric Energy Deposition Modeling and Inference for Varied Meteoroid StructuresOPEN ACCESS
Lorien F. Wheeler, Donovan L. Mathias, Edward Stokan, Peter G. Brown Icarus Available online 28 June 2018 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • The fragment-cloud model is extended to represent atmospheric breakup of…
Bolide of asteroid 2018 LA (ZLAF9B2) above Botswana on 2 June 2018 at ~18.49.17-23 local time (UTC+2)
Last update: 7 July 2018 First meteorite (17.92 g) of Botswana bolide of 2018 LA (2 June 2018) found in Central Kalahari Game Reserve, Botswana The bolide of asteroid 2018 LA CCTV recording by Barend…
MANGUI (L6, S5) meteorites found in and around the villages Manlun (曼伦) and MANGUI (曼桂), Menghai County (勐海县), Autonomous Dai Prefecture Xishuangbanna (西双版纳) in Yunnan (云南), China. Meteorite fall at ~21:43 (CST, UTC+08:00) on 1 June 2018
Last update: 31 August 2018 A meteorite, an ordinary chondrite (L6 / 84 g), was found by a local villager in the early morning of 2 June 2018. The meteorite hit a roof tile of…
Physics of Meteor Generated Shock Waves in the Earth’s Atmosphere – A ReviewOPEN ACCESS
Elizabeth A. Silber, Mark Boslough, Wayne K. Hocking, Maria Gritsevich, Rodney W. Whitaker Advances in Space Research, Review 19 May 2018 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) LINK “Shock waves and the associated phenomena generated by strongly ablating…
Meteor showers from active asteroids and dormant comets in near-Earth space: a reviewOPEN ACCESS
Quan-Zhi Ye Planetary and Space Science in press PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Small bodies in the solar system are conventionally classified into asteroids and comets. However, it is recently found that a small number of objects…
Identification of meteorite source regions in the solar systemOPEN ACCESS
Mikael Granvik, Peter Brown Icarus Available online 14 April 2018 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Over the past decade there has been a large increase in the number of automated camera networks that monitor…
A Preliminary Analysis of the Shangri-La Bolide on 2017 Oct 4OPEN ACCESS
Quan-Zhi Ye Earth and Planetary Physics in press PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “At 12:07 UT (8:07 pm China Standard Time) on 2017 Oct 4, a bright bolide was widely observed in the Shangri-La region in the…
Probing the use of spectroscopy to determine the meteoritic analogues of meteorsOPEN ACCESS
A. Drouard, P. Vernazza, S. Loehle, J. Gattacceca, J. Vaubaillon, B. Zanda, M. Birlan, S. Bouley, et al. A&A, Forthcoming article Accepted: 26 January 2018 LINK Update (16 February 2018): PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Context. Determining…
Luminous efficiency estimates of meteors -II. Application to Canadian Automated Meteor Observatory meteor eventsOPEN ACCESS
Dilini Subasinghe, Margaret Campbell-Brown Accepted December 19, 2017 to The Astronomical Journal PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Luminous efficiency is a necessary parameter for determining meteoroid mass from optical emission. Despite this importance, it is very poorly…
Autonomous spectrographic system to analyse the main elements of fireballs and meteorsOPEN ACCESS
Francisco Ángel Espartero, Germán Martínez, Marta Frías, Francisco Simón Montes Moya and Alberto Javier Castro-Tirado Earth, Planets and Space 2018 70:2 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We present a meteor observation system based on imaging CCD cameras,…
Calibration-free quantitative elemental analysis of meteor plasma using reference laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of meteorite samples
Martin Ferus, Jakub Koukal, Libor Lenza, Jiri Srba, Petr Kubelik, Vojtech Laitl, Ekaterina M. Zanozina, Pavel Vana, Tereza Kaiserova, Antonin Knizek, Paul Rimmer, Elias Chatzitheodoridis, and Svatopluk Civid A&A, Forthcoming article Accepted: 03 December 2017…
Proto-type installation of a double-station system for the optical-video-detection and orbital characterisation of a meteor/fireball in South KoreaOPEN ACCESS
Tobias Cornelius Hinse, Woo-Kyum Kim, Sang-Hyeon Ahn, Jae-Keun Lee, Jun-Hyeong Park, Young-Woo Lee, Woo-Jung Jeong, Sang-Min Woo Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We give a detailed description of the installation and…
Submillisecond fireball timing using de Bruijn timecodes.
Howie, R. M., Paxman, J., Bland, P. A., Towner, M. C., Sansom, E. K. and Devillepoix, H. A. R. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 10.1111/maps.12878 Available online 16 May 2017 LINK “Long-exposure fireball photographs have been…
How to build a continental scale fireball camera network
Robert M. Howie, Jonathan Paxman, Philip A. Bland, Martin C. Towner, Martin Cupak, Eleanor K. Sansom, Hadrien A. R. Devillepoix Experimental Astronomy (2017) doi:10.1007/s10686-017-9532-7 First Online: 11 May 2017 LINK “The expansion of the Australian…
Current status of Polish Fireball Network
M. Wiśniewski, P. Żołądek, A. Olech, Z. Tyminski, M. Maciejewski, K. Fietkiewicz, R. Rudawska, M. Gozdalski, M.P. Gawroński, T. Suchodolski, M. Myszkiewicz, M. Stolarz, K. Polakowski Planetary and Space Science In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available…
Comparing eyewitness-derived trajectories of bright meteors to instrumentally-observed data
D.E. Moser Planetary and Space Science In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 1 March 2017 LINK “Highlights • A tool to calculate crude meteor trajectories from eyewitness reports is described. • The tool’s performance is…
Modelling a short-wake meteor as a single or fragmenting body
M. Campbell-Brown Planetary and Space Science In Press, Available online 22 February 2017 LINK “An attempt is made to model a meteor observed with the Canadian Automated Meteor Observatory tracking system using a single body…
The January 7, 2015, superbolide over Romania and structural diversity of meter-sized asteroidsOPEN ACCESS
Jiří Borovička, Pavel Spurný, Valentin I. Grigore, Ján Svoreň accepted in Planetary and Space Science PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (16 Feb 2017): abstract “Superbolides, i.e. extremely bright meteors produced by entries of meter-sized bodies into…
Mass Accumulation of Earth from Interplanetary Dust, Meteoroids, Asteroids and Comets
Gerhard Drolshagen, Detlef Koschny, Sandra Drolshagen, Jana Kretschmer, Björn Poppe Planetary and Space Science SI:Meteoroids 2016 Available online 14 February 2017 LINK “Using new data and recent models this paper derives a total combined flux…
Photoacoustic Sounds from MeteorsOPEN ACCESS
Richard Spalding, John Tencer, William Sweatt, Benjamin Conley, Roy Hogan, Mark Boslough, GiGi Gonzales & Pavel Spurný Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 41251 (2017) doi:10.1038/srep41251 Published online: 01 February 2017 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN…
PF120916 Piecki fireball and Reszel meteorite fallOPEN ACCESS
A. Olech, P. Żołądek, Z. Tymiński, M. Stolarz, M. Wiśniewski, M. Bęben, T. Lewandowski, K. Polak, A. Raj, P. Zaręba accepted for publication in Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “On…
Luminous Efficiency Estimates of Meteors -I. Uncertainty analysis
Dilini Subasinghe, Margaret Campbell-Brown, Edward Stokan Planetary and Space Science In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 7 January 2017 LINK “Highlights • The uncertainty in the luminous efficiency of meteors is examined. • Luminous efficiency…
Meteor studies in the framework of the JEM-EUSO program
G. Abdellaoui, S. Abe, A. Acheli, J.H. Adams Jr., S. Ahmad, A. Ahriche, J.-N. Albert, D. Allard, G. Alonso, L. Anchordoqui, V. Andreev, A. Anzalone, W. Aouimeur, Y. Arai, N. Arsene, K. Asano, R. Attallah,…
Asteroid Fragmentation Approaches for Modeling Atmospheric Energy Deposition
Paul J. Register, Donovan L. Mathias, Lorien F. Wheeler Icarus In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 18 November 2016 LINK “Highlights • Fragmentation modeling approaches are compared using Chelyabinsk meteor data. • A new model…
Altitudinal dependence of meteor radio afterglows measured via optical counterparts
K. S. Obenberger, J. M. Holmes, J. D. Dowell, F. K. Schinzel, K. Stovall, E. K. Sutton, G. B. Taylor Geophysical Research Letters 43 DOI: 10.1002/2016GL070059 LINK “Key Points We have measured the positions of…
Rates, flux densities, and spectral indices of meteor radio afterglows
Obenberger, K. S., J. D. Dowell, P. J. Hancock, J. M. Holmes, T. R. Pedersen, F. K. Schinzel, and G. B. Taylor J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 121, 6808–6817 Version of Record online: 9 JUL…
Determination of the height of the “meteoric explosion”
V. V. Shuvalov, O. P. Popova, V. V. Svettsov, I. A. Trubetskaya… Solar System Research January 2016, Volume 50, Issue 1, pp 1-12 First online: 22 January 2016 (Original Russian Text © V.V. Shuvalov, O.P….
Dynamic radio spectra from two fireballs
K. S. Obenberger, G. B. Taylor, C. S. Lin, J. Dowell, F. K. Schinzel and K. Stovall Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120, 9916–9928 Version of Record online: 14 NOV 2015 DOI: 10.1002/2015JA021229 LINK…
Laboratory Analyses of Meteoric Debris in the Upper stratosphere from Settling Bolide Dust Clouds
F.J.M. Rietmeijer, V. Della Corte, M. Ferrari, A. Rotundi, R. Brunetto Icarus In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 7 November 2015 doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2015.11.003 LINK “Bolide and fireball fragmentation produce vast amounts of dust that will slowly…
Orbit determination based on meteor observations using numerical integration of equations of motion
Vasily Dmitriev, Valery Lupovka, Maria Gritsevich Planetary and Space Science Available online 3 July 2015 doi:10.1016/j.pss.2015.06.015 LINK
A population of small refractory meteoroids in asteroidal orbits
M. Campbell-Brown Planetary and Space Science available online 2 April 2015 doi:10.1016/j.pss.2015.03.022 LINK
Spectroscopy of a κ-Cygnid fireball afterglow
José M. Madiedo Planetary and Space Science (accepted for publication on March 22, 2015 ) LINK PDF (full text)
Optical observations of meteors generating infrasound: Weak shock theory and validation
Silber, E. A., P. G. Brown, and Z. Krzeminski (2015) J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 120, doi:10.1002/2014JE004680 Article first published online: 18 MAR 2015 LINK
Approximation by elementary functions for the solution of meteor physics equations (in Russian) / АППРОКСИМАЦИЯ РЕШЕНИЯ УРАВНЕНИЙ МЕТЕОРНОЙ ФИЗИКИ ЭЛЕМЕНТАРНЫМИ ФУНКЦИЯМИ
М.И. Грицевич, В.Т. Лукашенко, Л.И. Турчак M.I. Gritsevich, V.T. Lukashenko, L.I. Turchak LINK (DOC)
Meteoroids Interaction with the Earth Atmosphere
Turchak L.I., Gritsevich M.I. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Publishing House of the Warsaw University of Technology (Poland), том 44, № 4, с. 15-28 DOI accepted 17 November 2014 DOI: 10.2478/jtam-2014-0020 PDF LINK
Bolide seen from Loxton, Riverland district, South Australia, 2 January 2015, 13:39:12 UTC
Bolide seen from Loxton, Riverland district, South Australia, 2 January 2015, 13:39:12 UTC (3 December, 12:09:12 AM local) seen moving towards northnorthwest, at least 8 seconds Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4 Screenshot…
Optical Observations of Meteors Generating Infrasound – II: Weak Shock Theory and Validation
Elizabeth A. Silber, Peter G. Brown, Zbigniew Krzeminski Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets arXiv:1411.5406 PDF LINK LINK
Meteor and trail in time lapse
video shot on October 16th, 2014 by Wes Eisenhauer outside of Custer, South Dakota. (120 consecutive 30 second exposures) Originally posted HERE by Wes Eisenhauer on October 31, 2014 Watch in HD (full screen) original…
Reanalysis of the Benešov bolide and recovery of polymict breccia meteorites – old mystery solved after 20 years
Pavel Spurný, Jakub Haloda, Jiří Borovička, Lukáš Shrbený and Patricie Halodová Published online: 14 October 2014 DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201424308 LINK (full text) PDF LINK (full text) Abstract The main motivation for this work was to explain…
Bolide on the weather report 2 October 22:37 local time (2:37 UTC, 4:37 CEST), Montréal, Quebec, Canada
TVA evening news show Meteor was probably above New York State VIDEO (full screen) LINK
Trajectory, orbit, and spectroscopic analysis of a bright fireball observed over Spain on April 13, 2013
José M. Madiedo, Josep M. Trigo-Rodríguez, Jaime Zamorano, Leonor Ana-Hernández, Jaime Izquierdo, José L. Ortiz, Aberto J. Castro-Tirado, Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel, Francisco Ocaña, Sensi Pastor, José A. de los Reyes, David Galadí, Enrique de…
Meteor, 7 September, 6:57 a.m. local time, Catalunya, Spain
Meteor, 7 September, 6:57 a.m. local time, Catalunya, Spain smoke trail above Vall de Lord (photo: David Gaspar): PHOTO LINK LINK (Original) Video (4:56:47 – 4:56:52 UTC recorded in Folgueroles by Pep Pujols): VIDEO Imatge…