Identifying parent bodies of meteorites among near-Earth asteroidsOPEN ACCESS
Albino Carbognani, Marco Fenucci accepted in MNRAS, Preprint 7 August 2023 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) LINK Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, stad2382 (4 August 2023) “Meteorites provide an important source of information about the…
The impact and recovery of asteroid 2018 LAOPEN ACCESS
Peter Jenniskens, Mohutsiwa Gabadirwe, Qing‐Zhu Yin, Alexander Proyer, Oliver Moses, Tomas Kohout, Fulvio Franchi, Roger L. Gibson, Richard Kowalski, Eric J. Christensen, Alex R. Gibbs, Aren Heinze, Larry Denneau, Davide Farnocchia, Paul W. Chodas, William…
24 MOTOPI PAN meteorites (214.5375 g, Howardite, HED polymict breccia) of Botswana bolide of 2018 LA (2 June 2018,16:44:01.59-11.77 UT) found near Motopi Pan watering hole, Central Kalahari Game Reserve, Ghanzi, Botswana
Last update: 2 May 2021 Motopi Pan meteorite #1 (17.92 grams) in situ. Photo: Peter Jenniskens/Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST) In the morning of 23 June, after five days of searching and…