OSLO (H3-6, 2012) and VALLE (H5, 2013) finally approved
On 5 September 2020 the Norwegian meteorites OSLO (2012, H3-6) and VALLE (2013, H5) have finally been registered as probable and possible falls in the Meteoritical Bulletin database. The first Oslo specimen (Rodeløkka). Photo: Terje…
What we know about Oslo meteorite from cosmogenic isotope analysis
Z. Tymiński, M. Stolarz, T. Kubalczak, P. Zaręba, M. Burski, M. Bilet, E. Miśta, K. Tymińska, E. Kołakowska, A. Burakowska, P. Żołądek, A. Olech, M. Wiśniewski, A. Listkowska, and P. Saganowski EPSC Abstracts Vol. 10,…