Non-destructive elemental analysis of lunar meteorites using a negative muon beam

I-Huan Chiu, Kentaro Terada, Takahito Osawa, Changkun Park, Soshi Takeshita, Yasuhiro Miyake, Kazuhiko Ninomiya MAPSVersion of Record online: 03 August 2023 LINK “We report the result of a non-destructive elemental analysis of lunar meteorites using…

EURO-CARES: Project Roadmap of a European Sample Curation Facility

A. Hutzler, L. Ferrière, C. L. Smith, S. Russell, J. Aléon, L. Berthoud, J. R. Brucato, M. Gounelle, M. Grady, A. Meneghin, F. Westall, EURO-CARES Consortium 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2016), Abstract #1937…
