Raman spectroscopy, assisted by X-ray fluorescence and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, to characterise original and altered mineral phases in the NWA 2975 Martian shergottiteOPEN ACCESS 

Iratxe Población, Imanol Torre-Fdez, Julene Aramendia, Guillermo López-Reyes, Luisa M. Cabalín, Juan Manuel Madariaga, Fernando Rull, Javier J. Laserna, Daniel Carrizo, Jesús Martínez-Frías, Tomás Belenguer, Mercedes Taravillo, Marcella Dell’Aglio, Alessandro De Giacomo, Jennifer Huidobro, Jose Antonio Manrique, Tomás Delgado, Gorka Arana, Kepa Castro, Marco Veneranda, J. A. Sanz-Arranz, F. Javier Fortes, Laura García-Gómez, the SIGUE-Mars team

Journal of Raman Spectroscopy
First published: 08 June 2023


“A fragment of the NWA 2975 Martian meteorite, an enriched basaltic shergottite, was analysed to complete its geochemical characterisation performed 10 years ago. By this means, the feasibility of the employed techniques in a combined way for present and future space exploration missions can be tested. For this aim, Raman spectroscopy was used supported by micro energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (μ-EDXRF) and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for an accurate interpretation of molecular and elemental results. Raman spectroscopy results from two setups, InVia from Renishaw and RLS Simulator, were compared. The major minerals detected by Raman spectroscopy were pyroxenes (mainly augite, pigeonite and enstatite) and plagioclases (mainly shocked maskelynite). Raman spectroscopy allowed defining different metal compositions for these main minerals based on the secondary Raman spectroscopy bands in the 200–500 cm−1 region. In addition, other minerals were found such as merrillite, as well as pyrrhotite and apatite, in several veins and cracks of the meteorite, in agreement with the initial report by the Meteoritical Bulletin. Moreover, it should be highlighted that coesite was found for the very first time in this meteorite.”