A Water-Rich Proto-Planet Inferred by Tridymite and Pyroxene in the Oldest Igneous Achondrite Northwest Africa 11119
A. Cernok, K. Tait, M. Anand, I. Nicklin, L. White, T. Kizovski, X. Zhao, I. A. Franchi 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2020), Abstract #1900 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 11119…
Silica-rich volcanism in the early solar system dated at 4.565 GaOPEN ACCESS
Poorna Srinivasan, Daniel R. Dunlap, Carl B. Agee, Meenakshi Wadhwa, Daniel Coleff, Karen Ziegler, Ryan Zeigler & Francis M. McCubbin Nature Communications 9, 3036 Published: 02 August 2018 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Abstract…
Magmatic Evolution Trends Within the Ungrouped Achondrite Meteorite Record
Z. Vaci, C. B. Agee, K. Ziegler, M. T. Heizler 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2018), Abstract #1256 abstract
Pb-Pb Age of the Ungrouped Achondrite Northwest Africa 11119: Timing of Extraterrestrial Silica-Rich Volcanism
D. R. Dunlap, P. K. Koefoed, Y. Amelin, M. Wadhwa, C. B. Agee 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2018), Abstract #2302 abstract
Northwest Africa (NWA) 11119 — Probing an Unknown Early Planetary Body?
V. H. Hoffmann, K. Wimmer, R. Hochleitner, M. Kaliwoda 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2018), Abstract #2468 abstract
Silica-Rich Magmatism in the Early Solar System: U-Pb and Al-Mg Chronology and Cr Isotopes of Ungrouped Achondrite Northwest Africa 11119
M. H. Huyskens, M. E. Sanborn, Q. Z. Yin, C. B. Agee 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2018), Abstract #2311 abstract
Andesitic-Dacitic Achondrite Northwest Africa 11119: Evidence for Extraterrestrial Silica-Rich Magmatism
Srinivasan P. * Agee C. B. McCubbin F. M. Ziegler K. 80th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society 2017 [#6129] abstract (PDF) “Petrologic and isotopic results for ungrouped achondrite Northwest Africa 11119 shows a possible…
26Al-26Mg Systematics of the Ungrouped Achondrite Northwest Africa 11119: Timing of Extraterrestrial Silica-Rich Magmatism
Dunlap D. R. * Wadhwa M. Agee C. 80th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society 2017 [#6268] abstract “Ungrouped achondrite NWA 11119 has an andesite-dacite bulk SiO2. The high precision 26Al-26Mg internal isochron age is…