Benford’s Law: applications to chondrules and refractory inclusionsOPEN ACCESS
Jake Grodner, Alan E. Rubin Discover Space, Volume 129, article number 2, 22 January 2025 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Benford’s Law is a scale- and base-invariant probability distribution wherein smaller numerals occur more often…
Early Solar System Turbulence Constrained by High Oxidation States in the Oldest Noncarbonaceous PlanetesimalsOPEN ACCESS
Teng Ee Yap, Konstantin Batygin and François L. H. Tissot The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 6, Number 1 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Early solar system (SS) planetesimals constitute the parent bodies of most meteorites…
Ureilite precursor formation from an isotopically and chemically heterogeneous, isolated protoplanetary disk reservoirOPEN ACCESS
Pascal M. Kruttasch, Karen Ziegler, Julian-Christopher Storck, Nicolas D. Greber, Aryavart Anand, Klaus Mezger Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 652, 15 February 2025, 119179 LINK + PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights “Isotopic and chemical compositions of…
Two isotopically distinct populations of refractory inclusions in the EHa3 chondrite Sahara 97072 – Significance for understanding the evolution of the CAI-formation regionOPEN ACCESS
Samuel Ebert, Kazuhide Nagashima, Alexander N. Krot, Addi Bischoff Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 27 December 2024 LINK + PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The nature of isotopic differences between ‘normal’ Ca,Al-rich inclusions…
Petrofabrics in the CM chondrite Kolang: Evidence for non-spherical chondrules in the protoplanetary diskOPEN ACCESS
Laura E. Jenkins, Martin R. Lee, Luke Daly, Ashley J. King, Cameron J. Floyd, Peter Chung, Sammy Griffin MAPS, Version of Record online: 21 December 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The alignment of non-spherical…
Chondrites as thermal and mechanical archives of accretion processes in the Solar protoplanetary diskOPEN ACCESS
Anthony Seret, Guy Libourel Earth and Planetary Science Letters 649, 119066 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “As some of the most ancient materials in our Solar System, chondritic meteorites offer a valuable window into the early stages…
Radial transport and nebular thermal processing of millimeter-sized solids in the Solar protoplanetary disk inferred from Cr-Ti-O isotope systematics of chondrulesOPEN ACCESS
Kohei Fukuda, Yuki Hibiya, Craig R. Kastelle, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Tsuyoshi Iizuka, Katsuyuki Yamashita, Thomas E. Helser, Noriko T. Kita MAPS, Version of Record online: 27 October 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Understanding the material…
The Sun’s Birth Environment: Context for MeteoriticsOPEN ACCESS
Steve Desch, Núria Miret-Roig Update (26 September 2024): Space Science Reviews LINK Accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews as part of International Space Science Institute “Evolution of the Solar System: Constraints from Meteorites” meeting,…
Formation and evolution of a protoplanetary disk: combining observations, simulations and cosmochemical constraintsOPEN ACCESS
Alessandro Morbidelli,Yves Marrocchi,Adnan Ali Ahmad,Asmita Bhandare,Sebastien Charnoz,Benoit Commercon,Cornellis P. Dullemond,Tristan Guillot,Patrick Hennebelle,Yueh-Ning Lee,Francesco Lovascio,Raphael Marschall,Bernard Marty,Anaelle Maury,Okamoto Tamami In press in Astronomy and Astrophysics PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We present a plausible and coherent view of…
An early giant planet instability recorded in asteroidal meteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Graham Harper Edwards, C. Brenhin Keller, Elisabeth R. Newton & Cameron W. Stewart Nature AstronomyPublished: 15 August 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Giant planet migration appears widespread among planetary systems in our Galaxy. However,…
The rapid formation of macromolecules in irradiated ice of protoplanetary disk dust traps
Niels F. W. Ligterink, Paola Pinilla, Nienke van der Marel, Jeroen Terwisscha van Scheltinga, Alice S. Booth, Conel M. O’D. Alexander & My E. I. Riebe Nature Astronomy, Published: 30 July 2024 LINK “Organic macromolecular…
The Solar System could have formed in a low-viscosity disc: A dynamical study from giant planet migration to the Nice modelOPEN ACCESS
P. Griveaud, A. Crida, A. C. Petit, E. Lega, and A. Morbidelli Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscriptPreprintPreprints and early-stage research may not have been peer reviewed yet. LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “In the context of…
Recurrent planetesimal formation in an outer part of the early solar systemOPEN ACCESS
Wladimir Neumann, Ning Ma, Audrey Bouvier & Mario Trieloff Scientific Reports, Volume 14, article number 14017, Published: 01 July 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The formation of planets in our solar system encompassed various…
The nucleosynthetic fingerprint of the outermost protoplanetary disk and early Solar System dynamicsOPEN ACCESS
Elishevah van Kooten, Xuchao Zhao, Ian Franchi, Po-Yen Tung, Simon Fairclough, John Walmsley, Isaac Onyett, Martin Schiller, and Martin Bizzarro Science Advances14 Jun 2024Vol 10, Issue 24 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Knowledge of the…
Compositions of iron-meteorite parent bodies constrain the structure of the protoplanetary diskOPEN ACCESS
Bidong Zhang, Nancy L. Chabot, and Alan E. Rubin PNAS, Vol. 121, No. 2328 May 28, 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Magmatic iron-meteorite parent bodies are the earliest planetesimals in the Solar System, and…
CAI formation in the early Solar SystemOPEN ACCESS
P. Woitke, J. Drażkowska, H. Lammer, K. Kadam, P. Marigo accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) are the oldest dated solid materials in the solar system, found as light-coloured crystalline…
Ultra-refractory metal assemblages in calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions: Probes of the inner solar protoplanetary disk
Tarunika Ramprasad, Venkateswara Rao Manga, Laura B. Seifert, Prajkta Mane, Thomas J. Zega Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 25 April 2024 LINK “Calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) are the first formed solids in our solar system. Information…
An experimental simulation of oxygen isotope exchange reaction between amorphous silicate dust and carbon monoxide gas in the early Solar SystemOPEN ACCESS
Daiki Yamamoto, Noriyuki Kawasaki, Shogo Tachibana, Lily Ishizaki, Ryosuke Sakurai, Hisayoshi Yurimoto Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 18 April 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “The reaction mechanism and kinetics of oxygen isotope…
Nitrogen inventory of iron meteorite parent bodies constrained by nitrogen partitioning between Fe-rich solid and liquid alloys
Debjeet Pathak, Rajdeep Dasgupta Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 6 March 2024 LINK “Delivery of nitrogen (N), one of the most important elements for life, to Earth thought to have…
A 4,565-My-old record of the solar nebula field
Clara Maurel and Jérôme Gattacceca PNAS, March 4, 2024 121 (12) LINK “ABSTRACT: Magnetic fields in protoplanetary disks are thought to play a prominent role in the formation of planetary bodies. Acting upon turbulence and…
Thermal processing of primordial pebbles in evolving protoplanetary disksOPEN ACCESS
Maria Jose Colmenares, Michiel Lambrechts, Elishevah van Kooten, Anders Johansen Accepted for publication in A&A PDF (OPEN ACCESS) During protoplanetary disk formation, dust grains located in the outer disk retain their pristine icy composition, while…
Accretion of the earliest inner Solar System planetesimals beyond the water snowline
Damanveer S. Grewal, Nicole X. Nie, Bidong Zhang, Andre Izidoro & Paul D. Asimow Nature AstronomyPublished: 09 January 2024 LINK “How and where the first generation of inner Solar System planetesimals formed remains poorly understood….
Chondrule survivability in the solar nebulaOPEN ACCESS
Tetsuo Taki, Shigeru Wakita Update (27 February 2024): The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 963, Number 1 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal PDF (OPEN ACCESS) The lifetime of millimeter-sized dust…
Isotopic trichotomy of main belt asteroids from implantation of outer solar system planetesimals
David Nesvorný, Nicolas Dauphas, David Vokrouhlický, Rogerio Deienno, Timo Hopp Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 626, 15 January 2024, 118521 LINK “Recent analyses of samples from asteroid (162173) Ryugu returned by JAXA’s Hayabusa2 mission suggest…
Composition and Sticking of Hot Chondritic Dust in a Protoplanetary Hydrogen AtmosphereOPEN ACCESS
Cynthia Pillich, Tabea Bogdan, Janosch Tasto, Joachim Landers, Gerhard Wurm and Heiko Wende The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 4, Number 10 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The sticking properties of dust in early phases of…
An early giant planet instability recorded in asteroidal meteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Graham Harper Edwards, C. Brenhin Keller, Elisabeth R. Newton, Cameron W. Stewart Under review at Nature Astronomy PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Giant planet migration appears widespread among planetary systems in our Galaxy. However, the timescales of…
A unified intensity of the magnetic field in the protoplanetary disk from the Winchcombe meteoriteOPEN ACCESS
James F. J. Bryson, Claire I. O. Nichols, Conall Mac Niocaill MAPSVersion of Record online: 19 September 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “One key feature of our protoplanetary disk that shaped its transformation into…
Iron Isotope Constraints on the Structure of the Early Solar SystemOPEN ACCESS
Yves Marrocchi, Maxime Piralla, and François L. H. Tissot The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 954, Number 1, Published: 1 September 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The recent advent of nontraditional isotopic systems has revealed…
Igneous meteorites suggest Aluminium-26 heterogeneity in the early Solar NebulaOPEN ACCESS
Evgenii Krestianinov, Yuri Amelin, Qing-Zhu Yin, Paige Cary, Magdalena H. Huyskens, Audrey Miller, Supratim Dey, Yuki Hibiya, Haolan Tang, Edward D. Young, Andreas Pack & Tommaso Di Rocco Nature Communications, Volume 14, Article number: 4940…
A Chondritic Solar NeighborhoodOPEN ACCESS
Isabella L. Trierweiler, Alexandra E. Doyle and Edward D. Young The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 4, Number 8Published: 1 August 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “A persistent question in exoplanet demographics is whether exoplanetary…
Evidence for Very Early Planetesimal Formation and 26Al/27Al Heterogeneity in the Protoplanetary DiskOPEN ACCESS
J. N. Connelly, J. Bollard, E. Amsellem, M. Schiller, K. K. Larsen, and M. Bizzarro The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 952, Number 2 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We present a U-corrected Pb–Pb age of…
Bulk mineralogy, water abundance, and hydrogen isotope composition of unequilibrated ordinary chondritesOPEN ACCESS
Helen Grant, Romain Tartèse, Rhian Jones, Laurette Piani, Yves Marrocchi, Ashley King, Thomas Rigaudier MAPSFirst published: 19 July 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The origin and transport of water in the early Solar System…
Genetic relationships of solar system bodies based on their nucleosynthetic Ti isotope compositions and sub-structures of the solar protoplanetary diskOPEN ACCESS
Miriam Rüfenacht, Précillia Morino, Yi-Jen Lai, Manuela A. Fehr, Makiko K. Haba, Maria Schönbächler Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 28 June 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Nucleosynthetic isotope variations are powerful tools…
The formation and aqueous alteration of CM2 chondrites and their relationship to CO3 chondrites: A fresh isotopic (O, Cd, Cr, Si, Te, Ti, and Zn) perspective from the Winchcombe CM2 fallOPEN ACCESS
R. C. Greenwood, R. Findlay, R. Martins, R. C. J. Steele, K. M. M. Shaw, E. Morton, P. S. Savage, M. E. Murphy, M. Rehkämper, I. A. Franchi, T. Elliott, M. D. Suttle, A. J….
Calcium–aluminum-rich inclusions in non-carbonaceous chondrites: Abundances, sizes, and mineralogyOPEN ACCESS
E. T. Dunham, A. Sheikh, D. Opara, N. Matsuda, M.-C. Liu, K. D. McKeegan MAPS, Version of Record online: 12 May 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “As the Sun was forming, calcium–aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs)…
Terrestrial planet and asteroid belt formation by Jupiter–Saturn chaotic excitationOPEN ACCESS
Patryk Sofia Lykawka & Takashi Ito Scientific Reports, Volume 13, Article number: 4708 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The terrestrial planets formed by accretion of asteroid-like objects within the inner solar system’s protoplanetary disk. Previous…
Temporally distributed parent body accretion in the C reservoir of the solar systemOPEN ACCESS
Wladimir Neumann, Ning Ma, Audrey Bouvier, Mario Trieloff PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Accretion processes in protoplanetary disks produce a diversity of small bodies that played a crucial role in multiple reshuffling events throughout the solar system…
Leaky Dust Traps: How Fragmentation impacts Dust Filtering by PlanetsOPEN ACCESS
Sebastian Markus Stammler, Tim Lichtenberg, Joanna Drążkowska, Tilman Birnstiel Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics Letters PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The nucleosynthetic isotope dichotomy between carbonaceous and non-carbonaceous meteorites has been interpreted as evidence for…
Diverse Oxygen Isotopic Compositions Among Cometary Vapor-Phase Condensates
Kainen L. Utt, Ryan C. Ogliore, Nan Liu, Alexander N. Krot, John P. Bradley, Donald E. Brownlee, David J. Joswiak Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 24 November 2022 LINK “Filamentary enstatite crystals, formed by gas-solid…
The effect of enclosed water-ice pockets on porous silica cluster collisions
Raihan Alfaridzi, Maureen L. Nietiadi, Herbert M. Urbassek, Yudi Rosandi IcarusAvailable online 18 November 2022 LINK “Collisions between dust particles play an important role in the initial stages of the formation of rocky planets. In…
Xenon in the Protoplanetary Disk (PPD), in Two Planets, and a CometOPEN ACCESS
Kurt Marti and K. J. Mathew The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 940, Number 1Published: 16 November 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Isotopic anomalies in several elements, as recently observed in meteorites, are generally interpreted to…
Rock magnetic characterization of returned samples from asteroid (162173) Ryugu: Implications for paleomagnetic interpretation and paleointensity estimation
Masahiko Sato, Yuki Kimura, Satoshi Tanaka, Tadahiro Hatakeyama, Seiji Sugita, Tomoki Nakamuna, Shogo Tachibana, Hisayoshi Yurimoto, Takaaki Noguchi, Ryuji Okazaki, Hikaru Yabuta, Hiroshi Naraoka, Kanako Sakamoto, Toru Yada, Masahiro Nishimura, Aiko Nakato, Akiko Miyazaki, Kasumi…
Chiral 480 nm absorption in the hemoglycin space polymer: a possible link to replicationOPEN ACCESS
Julie E. M. McGeoch & Malcolm W. McGeoch Scientific Reports, Volume 12, Article number: 16198Published: 28 September 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “A 1494 Dalton hemoglycin space polymer of Glycine18 Hydroxy-glycine4 Fe2O4 termed the…
Compositions of carbonaceous-type asteroidal cores in the early solar systemOPEN ACCESS
Bidong Zhang, Nancy L. Chabot and Alan E. Rubin Science Advances16 Sep 2022Vol 8, Issue 37 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Supplementary Materials (PDF) “The parent cores of iron meteorites belong to the earliest accreted…
Kinetic isotope effects in H2O2 self-decomposition: Implications for triple oxygen isotope systematics of secondary minerals in the solar system
Hao Guo, Xiaoxiao Yu, Mang Lin Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 594, 15 September 2022 LINK “Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a ubiquitous molecule in nature that shapes the redox state of planetary surfaces. Given that…
Water UV-Shielding in the Terrestrial Planet-Forming Zone: Implications for Oxygen-18 Isotope Anomalies in H2-18O Infrared Emission and MeteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Jenny K. Calahan, Edwin A. Bergin, Arthur D. Bosman accepted to ApJ Letters PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (25 July 2002):LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “An understanding of the abundance and distribution of water vapor in…
Are there any pristine comets? Constraints from pebble structureOPEN ACCESS
Uri Malamud, Wolf A. Landeck, Dorothea Bischoff, Christopher Kreuzig, Hagai B. Perets, Bastian Gundlach, Jurgen Blum MNRAS 000, 1-?? (2022)Preprint: 2 June 2022 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) We show that if comets (or any small icy…
Lifetime of the Outer Solar System Nebula from Carbonaceous ChondritesOPEN ACCESS
Cauê S. Borlina, Benjamin P. Weiss, James F. J. Bryson, Philip J. Armitage JGR: PlanetsFirst Published: 30 May 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Key Points Paleomagnetic measurements of CO chondrites suggest solar nebula dissipation…
Natural separation of two primordial planetary reservoirs in an expanding solar protoplanetary diskOPEN ACCESS
Beibei Liu, Anders Johansen, Michiel Lambrechts, Martin Bizzarro and Troels Haugbølle Science Advances • 22 Apr 2022 • Vol 8, Issue 16 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Meteorites display an isotopic composition dichotomy between noncarbonaceous…
Accretion regions of meteorite parent bodies inferred from a two-endmember isotopic mixing model
Kang Shuai, Hejiu Hui, Liyong Zhou, Weiqiang Li Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyPublished: 29 March 2022 LINK “The diverse isotopic anomalies of meteorites demonstrate that the protoplanetary disk was composed of components from…
Presolar grain dynamics: creating nucleosynthetic variations through a combination of drag and viscous evolutionOPEN ACCESS
Mark A. Hutchison, Jean-David Bodénan, Lucio Mayer, Maria Schönbächler accepted for publication in MNRAS PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (21 March 2022): LINK “Meteoritic studies of solar system objects show evidence of nucleosynthetic heterogeneities that are…
Evidence for a primordial isotopic gradient in the inner region of the solar protoplanetary discOPEN ACCESS
J. Mah, R. Brasser, J. M. Y. Woo, A. Bouvier, S. J. Mojzsis manuscript, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics PDF (OPEN ACCESS) and PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Not only do the sampled terrestrial worlds…
Planetesimal rings as the cause of the Solar System’s planetary architectureOPEN ACCESS
Andre Izidoro, Rajdeep Dasgupta, Sean N. Raymond, Rogerio Deienno, Bertram Bitsch & Andrea Isella Nature Astronomy (2021)Published: 30 December 2021 LINK Update (3 January 2022): PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Astronomical observations reveal that protoplanetary disks around…
Refractory inclusions as Type IA chondrule precursors: Constraints from melting experiments
Scott A. Whattam, Roger H. Hewins, Jieun Seo, Bertrand Devouard Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 29 December 2021 LINK “The formation of chondrules involved major processes in the protoplanetary disk and…
Contemporary formation of early Solar System planetesimals at two distinct radial locationsOPEN ACCESS
A. Morbidelli, K. Baillié, K. Batygin, S. Charnoz, T. Guillot, D. C. Rubie & T. Kleine Nature Astronomy (2021)Published: 22 December 2021 LINK Update (3 January 2022): PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The formation of planetesimals is…
Dependence of the initial internal structure of chondrule rim on dust size distribution
Hiroaki Kaneko, Sota Arakawa, Taishi Nakamoto IcarusAvailable online 10 November 2021 LINK “Coarse objects in chondrites such as chondrules and CAIs are mostly coated with fine-grained rims (FGRs). FGRs can be formed on the surface…
Stellar outbursts and chondrite compositionOPEN ACCESS
Min Li, Zhaohuan Zhu, Shichun Huang, Ning Sui, Michail I. Petaev, Jason H. Steffen submitted to ApJL PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (13 November 2023): The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 958, Number 1 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN…
The Mg/Fe ratio of silicate minerals in the meteoritic materials and in the circumstellar environment: A case study for the chondritic-like compositionOPEN ACCESS
Péter Futó, József Vanyó, Irakli Simonia, János Sztakovics, Mihály Nagy, Arnold Gucsik, Boglárka Döncző, Zsófia Kertész, Richárd Novák, and Árpád Csámer Open Astronomy, 2021; 30: 45–55Published: 28 October 2021 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (DOWNLOAD) “Kaba meteorite…
Isotope Dichotomy from Solar Protoplanetary Disk Processing of 150Nd-rich Stellar EjectaOPEN ACCESS
Nikitha Susan Saji, Martin Schiller, Jesper Christian Holst, and Martin Bizzarro The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 919, Number 1 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We use high-precision neodymium isotope data for sequentially acid-leached components of…
Thermal history of matrix forsterite grains from Murchison based on high-resolution tomographyOPEN ACCESS
Giulia Perotti, Henning O. Sørensen, Henning Haack, Anja C. Andersen, Dario Ferreira Sanchez, Elishevah M. M. E. van Kooten, Esther H. R. Tsai, Kim N. Dalby, Mirko Holler, Daniel Grolimund, Tue Hassenkam accepted for publication…
Using Meteorite Magnetism to Understand the History of Our Solar System: A Decade of Progress and Upcoming ChallengesOPEN ACCESS
Claire I. O. Nichols AGU AdvancesViewpointFirst published: 17 August 2021 This article is a companion to Fu et al. (2021), LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Key Points High spatial and magnetic moment sensitivity microscopy…
The Fine-Scale Magnetic History of the Allende Meteorite: Implications for the Structure of the Solar NebulaOPEN ACCESS
Roger R. Fu, Michael W. R. Volk, Dario Bilardello, Guy Libourel, Geoffroy R. J. Lesur, Oren Ben Dor AGU AdvancesFirst published: 17 August 2021 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Magnetic fields in the early solar…
Conditions of chondrule formation in ordinary chondrites
Maxime Piralla, Johan Villeneuve, Valentina Batanova, Emmanuel Jacquet, Yves Marrocchi Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 16 August 2021 LINK “Chondrules are sub-millimetric spheroids that are ubiquitous in chondrites and whose formation…
The Effect of a Strong Pressure Bump in the Sun’s Natal Disk: Terrestrial Planet Formation via Planetesimal Accretion Rather than Pebble Accretion
André Izidoro, Bertram Bitsch, and Rajdeep Dasgupta The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 915, Number 1 LINK “Mass-independent isotopic anomalies of carbonaceous and noncarbonaceous meteorites show a clear dichotomy suggesting an efficient separation of the inner and…
A Xenolith from an Early Formed Parent Body in the CM Carbonaceous Chondrite LaPaz Icefield 02239
Lee M. R., Martin P. M. C., Floyd C. J., Jenkins L. 84th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2021 (abstract # 6176) PDF Why do so few xenoliths in CM carbonaceous chondrites have a…
Atomic-scale Evidence for Open-system Thermodynamics in the Early Solar NebulaOPEN ACCESS
Thomas J. Zega, Venkat Rao Manga, Fred Ciesla, Krishna Muralidharan, Keitaro Watanabe and Hiromi Inada The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 2, Number 3 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We report a new integrated framework that…
Calcium isotope cosmochemistry
Maria C. Valdes, Katherine R. Bermingham, Shichun Huang, Justin I. Simon Chemical GeologyInvited Research ArticleIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 15 June 2021 LINK “The past decade has seen significant advancements in analytical capabilities and…
Hybrid accretion of carbonaceous chondrites by radial transport across the Jupiter barrierOPEN ACCESS
Elishevah van Kooten, Martin Schiller, Frederic Moynier, Anders Johansen, Troels Haugboelle, Martin Bizzarro The Astrophysical Journal, 2021, accepted after peer-review PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (26 March 2021): The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 910, Number 1 LINK…
Dynamic evolution of major element chemistry in protoplanetary disks and its implications for Earth-enstatite chondrite connection
Yoshinori Miyazaki, Jun Korenaga IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 19 February 2021 LINK “Chondrites are the likely building blocks of Earth, and identifying the group of chondrite that best represents Earth is a key…
NRLEE Nucleosynthesis
Meyer B. S., Bermingham K. R., Frizzell K., Mezger K. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #2598 PDF “NRLEEs are likely some sort of exploding white dwarf stars. They produce neutron-rich iron-group isotopes…
Isotopic Constraints on the Building Blocks of the Solar System
Bermingham K. R., Meyer B. S., Frizzell K., Mezger K. M. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #2107 PDF “Isotopic variations in meteorites coupled with new nucleosynthesis models are used to constrain the…
Bubbles to Chondrites-I. Evaporation and condensation experiments, and formation of chondrulesOPEN ACCESS
Yuki Nakano & Akihiko Hashimoto Progress in Earth and Planetary Science volume 7, Article number: 47 (2020) LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We propose a simple model of chondrule formation that is supported by our…
Bubbles to Chondrites-II. Chemical fractionations in chondritesOPEN ACCESS
Akihiko Hashimoto & Yuki Nakano Progress in Earth and Planetary Science volume 8, Article number: 9 (2021) LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (DOWNLOAD) “We attempt to develop a possible theory of chemical fractionations in chondrites, that is…
Bifurcation of planetary building blocks during Solar System formationOPEN ACCESS
Tim Lichtenberg, Joanna Dra̧żkowska, Maria Schönbächler, Gregor J. Golabek, Thomas O. Hands Science, 22 Jan 2021Vol. 371, Issue 6527, pp. 365-370 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Published 21 January 2021; authors’ version LINK Supplementary Materials (PDF) “Geochemical…
History of the solar nebula from meteorite paleomagnetismOPEN ACCESS
Benjamin P. Weiss, Xue-Ning Bai and Roger R. Fu Science Advances 01 Jan 2021:Vol. 7, no. 1, eaba5967DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aba5967 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Supplementary Materials “We review recent advances in our understanding of magnetism…
Formation of Venus, Earth and Mars: Constrained by Isotopes
Helmut Lammer, Ramon Brasser, Anders Johansen, Manuel Scherf & Martin Leitzinger Space Science ReviewsPublished: 22 December 2020 LINKUpdate (12 February 2021); PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Here we discuss the current state of knowledge of terrestrial planet…
Astronomical context of Solar System formation from molybdenum isotopes in meteorite inclusions
Gregory A. Brennecka, Christoph Burkhardt, Gerrit Budde, Thomas S. Kruijer, Francis Nimmo, Thorsten Kleine Science 13 Nov 2020:Vol. 370, Issue 6518, pp. 837-840DOI: 10.1126/science.aaz8482 LINK “Calcium-aluminum–rich inclusions (CAIs) in meteorites are the first solids to…
Primary crystallization and partial remelting of chondrules in the protoplanetary disk: Petrographic, mineralogical and chemical constraints recorded in zoned type-I chondrulesOPEN ACCESS
J. Pape, Å.V. Rosén, K. Mezger, M. Guillong Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 22 October 2020 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Chondrules from unequilibrated ordinary chondrites are among the oldest Solar system materials…
Potassium isotope anomalies in meteorites inherited from the protosolar molecular cloudOPEN ACCESS
Y. Ku, S. B. Jacobsen Science Advances 09 Oct 2020:Vol. 6, no. 41, eabd0511 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Potassium (K) and other moderately volatile elements are depleted in many solar system bodies relative to…
Experiments quantifying elemental and isotopic fractionations during evaporation of CAI-like melts in low-pressure hydrogen and in vacuum: Constraints on thermal processing of CAI in the protoplanetary disk
Ruslan A. Mendybaev, Michiru Kamibayashi, Fang-Zhen Teng, Paul S. Savage, Bastian Georg, Frank M. Richter, Shogo Tachibana Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 16 September 2020 LINK “It is widely believed…
Chondrules reveal large-scale outward transport of inner Solar System materials in the protoplanetary diskOPEN ACCESS
Curtis D. Williams, Matthew E. Sanborn, Céline Defouilloy, Qing-Zhu Yin, Noriko T. Kita, Denton S. Ebel, Akane Yamakawa, and Katsuyuki Yamashita PNAS, first published September 8, 2020 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Dynamic models of…
Early accretion of planetesimals unraveled by the thermal evolution of the parent bodies of magmatic iron meteorites
Edouard Kaminski, Angela Limare, Balthasar Kenda, Marc Chaussidon Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 548, 15 October 2020, 116469 LINK “Highlights • Hf/W ages of magmatic iron meteorites define a common thermal evolution.• We propose a…
Solar system Nd isotope heterogeneity: Insights into nucleosynthetic components and protoplanetary disk evolution
Nikitha Susan Saji, Daniel Wielandt, Jesper Christian Holst, Martin Bizzarro Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta LINK “High-precision Nd isotope measurements of a diverse set of solar system materials including bulk chondrites and achondrites reveal that their…
Dynamic evolution of major element chemistry in protoplanetary disks and its implications for chondrite formationOPEN ACCESS
Yoshinori Miyazaki, Jun Korenaga PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Chondrites are the likely building blocks of Earth, and identifying the group of chondrite that best represents Earth is a key to resolving the state of the early…
Cascade Model for Planetesimal Formation by Turbulent Clustering
Thomas Hartlep and Jeffrey N. Cuzzi The Astrophysical Journal Volume 892, Number 2, 2020 April 1 LINK “We use a newly developed cascade model of turbulent concentration of particles in protoplanetary nebulae to calculate several…
Subsolar Al/Si and Mg/Si ratios of non-carbonaceous chondrites reveal planetesimal formation during early condensation in the protoplanetary diskOPEN ACCESS
A. Morbidelli, G. Libourel, H. Palme, S.A. Jacobson, D.C. Rubie Accepted for publication in EPSL PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The Al/Si and Mg/Si ratios in non-carbonaceous chondrites are lower than the solar (i.e., CI-chondritic) values, in…
Primordial formation of major silicates in a protoplanetary disc with homogeneous 26Al/27AlOPEN ACCESS
Timothy Gregory, Tu-Han Luu, Christopher D. Coath, Sara S. Russell and Tim Elliott Science Advances 11 Mar 2020: Vol. 6, no. 11, eaay9626 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aay9626 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Understanding the spatial variability…
The partitioning of the inner and outer Solar System by a structured protoplanetary disk
R. Brasser & S. J. Mojzsis Nature Astronomy (2020) Published: 13 January 2020 LINK “Mass-independent isotopic anomalies define two cosmochemically distinct regions: the carbonaceous and non-carbonaceous meteorites, implying that the non-carbonaceous (terrestrial) and carbonaceous (Jovian)…
The origin of s-process isotope heterogeneity in the solar protoplanetary diskOPEN ACCESS
Mattias Ek, Alison C. Hunt, Maria Lugaro & Maria Schönbächler Nature Astronomy , 1–9 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) LINK “Rocky asteroids and planets display nucleosynthetic isotope variations that are attributed to the heterogeneous distribution of stardust…
Origin of the Short-lived Radionuclide 10Be and Its Implications for the Astronomical Setting of CAI Formation in the Solar Protoplanetary Disk
Kohei Fukuda, Hajime Hiyagon, Wataru Fujiya, Naoto Takahata, Takanori Kagoshima, and Yuji Sano The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 886, Number 1 Published 2019 November 15 LINK “We report Li–Be–B and Al–Mg isotopic compositions of Ca-Al-rich inclusions…
Primordial water and dust of the Solar System: Insights from in-situ oxygen measurements of CI chondrites
Maxime Piralla, Yves Marrocchi, Maximilien J. Verdier-Paoletti, Lionel G. Vacher, Johan Villeneuve, Laurette Piani, David V. Bekaert, Matthieu Gounelle Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 6 November 2019 LINK “As the…
Fingerprints of the Protosolar Cloud Collapse in the Solar System. II. Nucleosynthetic Anomalies in MeteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Emmanuel Jacquet, Francesco C. Pignatale, Marc Chaussidon, and Sébastien Charnoz The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 884, Number 1 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) LINK “The isotopic heterogeneity of the solar system shown by meteorite analyses is more pronounced…
Pb isotope evidence for rapid accretion and differentiation of planetary embryosOPEN ACCESS
J.N. Connelly, M. Schiller, M. Bizzarro Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 525, 1 November 2019, 115722 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • We report a Pb-Pb age of 4565.47 ± 0.30 Ma…
Survivability of presolar oxygen isotopic signature of amorphous silicate dust in the protosolar diskOPEN ACCCESS
Daiki Yamamoto, Shogo Tachibana, Noriyuki Kawasaki, Hisayoshi Yurimoto Meteoritics & Planetary Science First Published: 31 July 2019 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Oxygen isotope exchange experiments between tens of nanometer‐sized amorphous enstatite grains and…
Rocky Planetesimal Formation Aided by Organics
Kazuaki A. Homma, Satoshi Okuzumi, Taishi Nakamoto, and Yuta Ueda The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 877, Number 2 LINK “The poor stickiness of silicate dust grains is a major obstacle to the formation of rocky planetesimals….
Compound chondrule formation in optically thin shock wavesOPEN ACCESS
Sota Arakawa, Taishi Nakamoto Accepted for publication in ApJ PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (29 May 2019): LINK Update (24 Ausgust 2022): Erratum: “Compound Chondrule Formation in Optically Thin Shock Waves” (2019, ApJ, 877, 84) Sota…
Accretion of water in carbonaceous chondrites: current evidence and implications for the delivery of water to early EarthOPEN ACCESS
Josep M. Trigo-Rodríguez, Albert Rimola, Safoura Tanbakouei, Victoria Cabedo, Martin Lee Presented in the International ESAC workshop “Ices in the Solar System” To be published in Space Science Reviews (SPAC-D-18-00036R3) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (12…
Origin of the non-carbonaceous–carbonaceous meteorite dichotomyOPEN ACCESS
Josefine A. M. Nanne, Francis Nimmo, Jeffrey N.Cuzzi, Thorsten Kleine Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 511, 1 April 2019, Pages 44-54 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • New Ni isotopic data for iron meteorites confirm…
Grossite-Rich Refractory Inclusions in Carbonaceous Chondrites: Evidence for Early Generation of Different O-Isotope Reservoirs in the Protoplanetary Disk and O-Isotope Exchange During Fluid-Rock Interaction
A. N. Krot, K. Nagashima, S. B. Simon, C. Ma 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2019), Abstract #1230 PDF abstract
Formation of CV chondrules by recycling of amoeboid olivine aggregate-like precursors
Yves Marrocchi, Romain Euverte, Johan Villeneuve, Valentina Batanova, Benoit Welsch, Ludovic Ferrière, Emmanuel Jacquet Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 3 January 2019 LINK “We have studied porphyritic olivine-rich chondrules of…
Triggering Collapse of the Presolar Dense Cloud Core and Injecting Short-Lived Radioisotopes with a Shock Wave. VI. Protostar and Protoplanetary Disk FormationOPEN ACCESS
Alan P. Boss accepted by ApJ Submitted: 12 November, 2018 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Cosmochemical evaluations of the initial meteoritical abundance of the short-lived radioisotope (SLRI) 26Al have remained fairly constant since 1976, while estimates for…
Carbonaceous Achondrites Northwest Africa 6704/6693: Milestones for Early Solar System Chronology and Genealogy
Matthew E. Sanborn, Josh Wimpenny, Curtis D. Williams, Akane Yamakawa, Yuri Amelin, Anthony J.Irving, Qing-Zhu Yin Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 14 October 2018 LINK “Northwest Africa (NWA) 6704/6693 are…
On water delivery in the inner solar nebula: Monte Carlo simulations of forsterite hydrationOPEN ACCESS
Martina D’Angelo, Stephanie Cazaux, Inga Kamp, Wing-Fai Thi, Peter Woitke resubmitted to A&A PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Endogenous or exogenous, dry or wet, various scenarios have been so far depicted for the origin of water on…
The Spatial Origin of Chondrules in Individual Chondrites: Constraints from Modeling Chondrule Mixing
Dominik C. Hezel and Eric J. R. Parteli The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 863, Number 1 Published August 9, 2018 LINK “Chondrules are a major component of chondritic meteorites and potentially populated the entire protoplanetary disk…
First evidence for silica condensation within the solar protoplanetary disk
Mutsumi Komatsu, Timothy J. Fagan, Alexander N. Krot, Kazuhide Nagashima, Michail I. Petaev, Makoto Kimura, and Akira Yamaguchi PNAS July 2, 2018. 201722265; published ahead of print July 2, 2018. LINK “The oldest solar…
High-temperature Ionization-induced Synthesis of Biologically Relevant Molecules in the Protosolar NebulaOPEN ACCESS
David V. Bekaert, Sylvie Derenne, Laurent Tissandier, Yves Marrocchi, Sebastien Charnoz, Christelle Anquetil, and Bernard Marty The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 859, Number 2 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Biologically relevant molecules (hereafter biomolecules) have…
Dust concentration and chondrule formationOPEN ACCESS
Alexander Hubbard, Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, Denton S. Ebel accepted, Meteoritics & Planetary Sciences PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (17 April 2018): LINK “Meteoritical and astrophysical models of planet formation make contradictory predictions for dust concentration factors…
Isotopic evolution of the protoplanetary disk and the building blocks of Earth and the Moon
Martin Schiller, Martin Bizzarro & Vera Assis Fernandes Nature volume 555, pages 507–510 (22 March 2018) doi:10.1038/nature25990 LINK “Nucleosynthetic isotope variability among Solar System objects is often used to probe the genetic relationship between meteorite…
Isotopic Dichotomy among Meteorites and Its Bearing on the Protoplanetary Disk
Edward R. D. Scott, Alexander N. Krot, and Ian S. Sanders The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 854, Number 2 LINK “Whole rock Δ17O and nucleosynthetic isotopic variations for chromium, titanium, nickel, and molybdenum in meteorites define…
Solution of the CAI Storage Problem, and the Time and Place of Formation of Meteorite Parent Bodies
S. J. Desch, A. Kalyaan, C. M. O’D. Alexander 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2018), Abstract #2335 abstract
The retention of dust in protoplanetary disks: Evidence from agglomeratic olivine chondrules from the outer Solar SystemOPEN ACCESS (until 25 Feb 2018)
Devin L. Schrader, Kazuhide Nagashima, Scott R. Waitukaitis, Jemma Davidson, Timothy J. McCoy, Harold C. Connolly Jr., Dante S. Lauretta Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 18 December 2017 LINK (OPEN…
Formation of chondrules in a moderately high dust enriched disk: evidence from oxygen isotopes of chondrules from the Kaba CV3 chondrite
Andreas T. Hertwig, Céline Defouilloy, Noriko T. Kita Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 16 December 2017 LINK “Oxygen three-isotope analysis by secondary ion mass spectrometry of chondrule olivine and pyroxene…
Branching Ratios in Vacuum Ultraviolet Photodissociation of CO and N2: Implications for Oxygen and Nitrogen Isotopic Compositions of the Solar Nebula
Xiaoyu Shi, Qing-Zhu Yin, Hong Gao, Yih-Chung Chang, William M. Jackson, Roger C. Wiens, and Cheuk-Yiu Ng The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 850, Number 1 Published 2017 November 15 LINK “NASA’s Genesis mission reveals that the…
The Effect of Jupiter’s Formation on the Distribution of Refractory Elements and Inclusions in MeteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Steven J. Desch, Anusha Kalyaan, Conel M. O’D. Alexander submitted to ApJ PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We present a comprehensive evolutionary model of the Sun’s protoplanetary disk. The model predicts from first principles the gas densities…
Effects of Chemistry on Vertical Dust Motion in Early Protoplanetary DisksOPEN ACCESS
Yoshinori Miyazaki, Jun Korenaga Submitted for Publication in The Astrophysical Journal PDF (OPEN ACCESS)
Titanium isotopes and rare earth patterns in CAIs: evidence for thermal processing and gas-dust decoupling in the protoplanetary disk
Andrew M. Davis, Junjun Zhang, Nicolas D. Greber, Jingya Hu, François L.H. Tissot, Nicolas Dauphas Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 27 July 2017 LINK “Titanium isotopic compositions (mass-dependent fractionation and…
The spatial distribution of carbon dust in the early solar nebula and the carbon content of planetesimalsOPEN ACCESS
Hans-Peter Gail, Mario Trieloff accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “A high fraction of carbon bound in solid carbonaceous material is observed to exist in bodies formed in the cold outskirts of the…
Chondrule Oxygen Isotope Systematics in Unequilibrated Ordinary Chondrites: Insights into Their Nebular Reservoir
Baeza L. Ireland T. R. Ávila J. N. Mallmann G. 80th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society 2017 [#6166] abstract (PDF) “Ordinary chondrites (OCs) have distinct bulk O-isotope composition. The range of chondrule O-isotope composition…
The Evolution of the Protoplanetary Disk Recorded by Nucleosynthetic Isotope Variations of Variable Stellar Origin in Refractory Inclusions
Schönbächler M. * Lai Y.-J. Henshall T. Fehr M. A. Cook D. L. Bullock E. S. 80th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society 2017 [#6222] abstract (PDF) “New CAI data confirm the homogeneous distribution of…
Silicate–SiO reaction in a protoplanetary disk recorded by oxygen isotopes in chondrules
Ryoji Tanaka & Eizo Nakamura Nature Astronomy 1, Article number: 0137 (2017) doi:10.1038/s41550-017-0137 LINK “The formation of planetesimals and planetary embryos during the earliest stages of the solar protoplanetary disk largely determined the composition and…
Low-velocity collisions of chondrules: How a thin dust cover helps enhance the sticking probabilityOPEN ACCESS
Nina Gunkelmann, Akimasa Kataoka, Cornelis P. Dullemond and Herbert M. Urbassek A&A Volume 599, March 2017 24 February 2017 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Aims. The collision of two chondrules covered by a dust…
The nature, origin and modification of insoluble organic matter in chondrites, the major source of Earth’s C and N
C.M.O’D. Alexander, G.D. Cody, B.T. De Gregorio, L.R. Nittler, R.M. Stroud Chemie der Erde – Geochemistry review article In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 26 January 2017 LINK “All chondrites accreted ∼3.5 wt.% C in…
Search for primitive matter in the Solar System
Guy Libourel, Patrick Michel, Marco Delbo, Clément Ganino, Alejandra Recio-Blanco, Patrick de Laverny, Michael E. Zolensky, Alexander N. Krot Icarus Volume 282, 15 January 2017, Pages 375-379 LINK “In this note, we show that neither…
Chemical Complementarity between the Gas Phase of the Interstellar Medium and the Rocky Material of Our Planetary SystemOPEN ACCESS
Haiyang Wang (RSAA, The Australian National University), Charles H. Lineweaver (RSAA, RSES, The Australian National University) Accepted for publication in the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 15th Australian Space Research Conference PDF (OPEN ACCESS) abstract “We…
Ferromagnetism and particle collisions: applications to protoplanetary disks and the meteoritical record
Alexander Hubbard accepted, ApJ update (July 27): LINK PDF (open access) abstract “The meteoritical record shows both iron partitioning and tungsten isotopic partitioning between matrix and chondrules. Tungsten is not abundant enough to have driven…
Oxygen isotopes in the early protoplanetary disk inferred from pyroxene in a classical type B CAI
Jérôme Aléon Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 440, 15 April 2016, Pages 62–70 doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.02.007 LINK “A major unanswered question in solar system formation is the origin of the oxygen isotopic dichotomy between the Sun…
Accreting protoplanets in the LkCa 15 transition disk
S. Sallum, K. B. Follette, J. A. Eisner, L. M. Close, P. Hinz + et al. Nature 527, 342–344 (18 November 2015) | doi:10.1038/nature15761 LINK “Exoplanet detections have revolutionized astronomy, offering new insights into solar…
Nebular dead zone effects on the D/H ratio in chondrites and comets
M. Ali-Dib, R. G. Martin, J.-M. Petit, O. Mousis, P. Vernazza and J. I. Lunine A&A, Volume 583, November 2015 LINK “Context. Comets and chondrites show non-monotonic behavior of their deuterium-to-hydrogen (D/H) ratio as a…
The growth of planets by pebble accretion in evolving protoplanetary discs
Bertram Bitsch, Michiel Lambrechts and Anders Johansen A&A Volume 582, October 2015, A112 Published online: 20 October 2015 DOI: LINK
Tungsten isotopes in bulk meteorites and their inclusions—Implications for processing of presolar components in the solar protoplanetary disk
Holst, J. C., Paton, C., Wielandt, D. and Bizzarro, M. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12488 LINK
Ru isotope heterogeneity in the solar protoplanetary disk
Mario Fischer-Gödde, Christoph Burkhardt, Thomas S. Kruijer, Thorsten Kleine Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 29 July 2015 LINK
Chondrule transport in Protoplanetary Disks
Aaron Z. Goldberg, James E. Owen, Emmanuel Jacquet Accepted to MNRAS last revised 1 May 2016 (this version, v2)) PDF (full text) abstract
Solar Cosmic-ray Interaction with Protoplanetary Disks: Production of Short-lived Radionuclides and Amorphization of Crystalline Material
R. Trappitsch and F. J. Ciesla ApJ 805 5. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/805/1/5 Received 17 April 2014, accepted for publication 3 März 2015. Published 13 Mai 2015 LINK
The Nature of Primitive R Chondrite Material: Characterization of an R3.2 Clast in Mount Prestrud 95404
K. E. Miller, D. S. Lauretta , H. C. Connolly , K. Nagashima , and K. Domanik 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015) PDF LINK
Growth of calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions by coagulation and fragmentation in a turbulent protoplanetary disk: observations and simulations
Sébastien Charnoz, Jérôme Aleon, Noël Chaumard, Kevin Baillie, Esther Taillifet Volume 252, 15 May 2015, Pages 440–453 doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2015.01.023 PDF (full text) LINK
New insight into the Solar System’s transition disk phase provided by the unusual meteorite Isheyevo
Melissa A. Morris, Laurence A. J. Garvie, L. Paul Knauth The Astrophysical Journal Letters ApJ 801 L22. doi:10.1088/2041-8205/801/2/L22 Received 4 Dezember 2014, accepted for publication 30 Januar 2015. Published 9 März 2015. PDF LINK (open…
Macroscopic Dust in Protoplanetary Disks—from Growth to Destruction
J. Deckers and J. Teiser The Astrophysical Journal 2014 ApJ 796 99. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/796/2/99 LINK
On the Injection of Short-lived Radionuclides from a Supernova into the Solar Nebula: Constraints from the Oxygen Isotopes
Liu, Ming-Chang (2014) The Astrophysical Journal – Letters 781:L28. ApJ 781 L28. doi:10.1088/2041-8205/781/2/L28 LINK