Moderately volatile elements in chondrites record chondrule formation, two-component mixing and redistribution on parent bodiesOPEN ACCESS
Ninja Braukmüller, Claudia Funk, Wafa Abouchami, Harvey Pickard, Mark Rehkämper, Alessandro Bragagni, Stephen J.G. Galer, Carsten Münker, Harry Becker, Frank Wombacher Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 6 February 2025 LINK +…
Petrofabrics in the CM chondrite Kolang: Evidence for non-spherical chondrules in the protoplanetary diskOPEN ACCESS
Laura E. Jenkins, Martin R. Lee, Luke Daly, Ashley J. King, Cameron J. Floyd, Peter Chung, Sammy Griffin MAPS, Version of Record online: 21 December 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The alignment of non-spherical…
Calcium phosphates associated with chondrules in the CR chondrite Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 99177: Evidence for solar nebular and parent body processesOPEN ACCESS
Marina Martínez, Adrian J. Brearley In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 18 December 2024 LINK + PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Phosphorus-bearing minerals in carbonaceous chondrites record early aqueous alteration effects in the parent asteroid and potentially…
Chondrule formation indicates protracted growth of giant planet cores
M.D. Cashion, B.C. Johnson, R. Deienno, K.A. Kretke, K.J. Walsh, A.N. Krot IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 27 November 2024 LINK “Highlights “Chondrules, igneous spherules found in most meteorites, formed throughout the protoplanetary disk,…
Numerical model for the solidification of a chondrule meltOPEN ACCESS
Hitoshi Miura IcarusAvailable online 1 October 2024, 116317 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights “In this study, we propose a novel numerical method to simulate the growth dynamics of an olivine single crystal within an isolated, multicomponent…
Chondrule Properties and Formation ConditionsOPEN ACCESS
Yves Marrocchi, Rhian H. Jones, Sara S. Russell, Dominik C. Hezel, Jens Barosch & Aleksandra Kuznetsova Space Science ReviewsVolume 220, article number 69, 5 September 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Chondrules are iconic sub-millimeter…
Forging inner-disk Al-rich chondrules by interactions of CAI-like melt and ambient gas
Mingming Zhang, Kohei Fukuda, Michael J. Tappa, Guillaume Siron, William O. Nachlas, makoto Kimura, Kouki Kitajima, Ann M. Bauer, Noriko T. Kita Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 22 June 2024 LINK…
Abundance, sizes, and major element compositions of components in CR and LL chondrites: formation from single reservoirsOPEN ACCESS
Denton S. Ebel, Marina E. Gemma, Samuel P. Alpert, Jasmine Bayron, Ana H. Lobo, Michael K. Weisberg MAPS, Version of Record online: 11 June 2024 LINK PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Abundances, apparent sizes, and individual chemical…
Accretion of warm chondrules in weakly metamorphosed ordinary chondrites and their subsequent reprocessingOPEN ACCESS
Alex M. Ruzicka, Richard C. Hugo, Jon M. Friedrich, Michael T. Ream Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 4 June 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “To better understand chondrite accretion and subsequent processes,…
Chondrule Destruction via Dust Collisions in Shock WavesOPEN ACCESS
Yuji Matsumoto, Kosuke Kurosawa, Sota Arakawa accepted for publication in ApJ PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “A leading candidate for the heating source of chondrules and igneous rims is shock waves. This mechanism generates high relative velocities…
Isotopic evolution of the inner solar system revealed by size-dependent oxygen isotopic variations in chondrules
Yves Marrocchi, Alizé Longeau, Rosa Lozano Goupil, Valentin Dijon, Gabriel Pinto, Julia Neukampf, Johan Villeneuve, Emmanuel Jacquet Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 11 March 2024 LINK “The systematic isotopic difference between…
Chondrule Formation During Low-Speed Collisions of Planetesimals: A Hybrid Splash-Flyby FrameworkOPEN ACCESS
William Herbst, James P. Greenwood Update (MAPS, 28 February 2024): LINK (OPEN ACCESS) / PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Accepted for publication in Meteoritics and Planetary Science PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Chondrules probably formed during a small window…
A common isotopic reservoir for amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) and calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) revealed by Ti and Cr isotopic compositions
Zachary A. Torrano, Conel M.O’D. Alexander, Richard W. Carlson, Jan Render, Gregory A. Brennecka, Emma S. Bullock Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 627, 1 February 2024, 118551 LINK “Amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) are the most…
Deciphering recycling processes during solar system evolution from magnesium-rich relict olivine grains in type II chondrules
Gabriel A. Pinto, Emmanuel Jacquet, Alexandre Corgne, Felipe Olivares, Johan Villeneuve, Yves Marrocchi Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 21 November 2023 LINK “Ferromagnesian chondrules present a remarkable dichotomy between reduced (type…
Implications for Chondrule Formation Regions and Solar Nebula Magnetism from Statistical Reanalysis of Chondrule PaleomagnetismOPEN ACCESS
Roger R. Fu, Sarah C. Steele, Jacob B. Simon, Richard Teague, Joan Najita and David Rea The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 4, Number 8 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Converging lines of evidence show that…
Oxygen Isotope Exchange Between Molten Silicate Spherules and Ambient Water Vapor with Nonzero Relative Velocity: Implication for Chondrule Formation EnvironmentOPEN ACCESS
Sota Arakawa, Daiki Yamamoto, Takayuki Ushikubo, Hiroaki Kaneko, Hidekazu Tanaka, Shigenobu Hirose, Taishi Nakamoto Accepted for publication in Icarus PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (28 June 2023): Icarus LINK “Oxygen isotope compositions of chondrules reflect the…
Early solar system chronology from short-lived chronometersOPEN ACCESS
Aryavart Anand, Klaus Mezger GeochemistryInvited ReviewAvailable online 30 May 2023, 126004 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Age constraints on early solar system processes and events can be derived from meteorites and their components using…
The high-temperature origin of hydrogen in enstatite chondrite chondrules and implications for the origin of terrestrial water
Dorian Thomassin, Laurette Piani, Johan Villeneuve, Marie-Camille Caumon, Nordine Bouden, Yves Marrocchi Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 616, 15 August 2023, 118225, Available online 30 May 2023 LINK “Due to their numerous isotopic similarities to…
Cooling Rates of Chondrules after Lightning Discharge in Solid-rich EnvironmentsOPEN ACCESS
Hiroaki Kaneko, Kento Sato, Chihiro Ikeda, and Taishi Nakamoto The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 947, Number 1 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Among the several candidate models for chondrule formation, the lighting model has been recognized…
Igneous Rim Accretion on Chondrules in Low-Velocity Shock WavesOPEN ACCESS
Yuji Matsumoto, Sota Arakawa draft, accepted for publication in ApJ PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Shock wave heating is a leading candidate for the mechanisms of chondrule formation. This mechanism forms chondrules when the shock velocity is…
On the significance of oxygen-isotope variations in chondrules from carbonaceous chondrites
Guy Libourel, Kazuhide Nagashima, Marc Portail, Alexander N. Krot Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 10 February 2023 LINK “Oxygen-isotope studies of carbonaceous chondrite chondrules are of pivotal importance for understanding of…
An Astrophysical Site for Chondrule Formation
Herbst W.* Greenwood J. P. 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2023 abstract [#1209] We propose that chondrules form during the accretion of primitive planetesimal fragments to differentiated planetesimals.
A unified chronology of dust formation in the early solar systemOPEN ACCESS
Maxime Piralla, Johan Villeneuve, Nicolas Schnuriger, David V. Bekaert, Yves Marrocchi IcarusAvailable online 9 January 2023, 115427 (updated: 12 January 2023) LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Highlights • Aluminum-Magnesium dating of spinel-bearing chondrules. • Chondrule…
Thermodynamic Calculations Support a Rain Cloud Model of Chondrule FormationOPEN ACCESS
Arthur D. Pelton ACS Earth and Space ChemistryPublication Date: January 4, 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Thermodynamic calculations using the critically evaluated and optimized FactSage databases lead to the conclusion that chondrules of all…
Isotopic evidence for two chondrule generations in CR chondrites and their relationships to other carbonaceous chondrites
Yves Marrocchi, Maxime Piralla, Maxence Regnault, Valentina Batanova, Johan Villeneuve, Emmanuel Jacquet Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 593, 1 September 2022 LINK “Highlights • CR chondrites are characterized by two distinct chondrule populations.• Large CR…
The Dynamic Formation Process of the CB Chondrite Gujba
Piers Koefoed, Olga Pravdivtseva, Ryan Ogliore, Yun Jiang, Katharina Lodders, Mason Neuman, Kun Wang (王昆) Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 23 June 2022 LINK “The many unique characteristics of CB chondrites…
Chondrule formation via impact jetting in the icy outer solar system
Melissa D. Cashion, Brandon C. Johnson, Alexander N. Krot, Katherine Kretke, Shigeru Wakita, Thomas M. Davison IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 24 May 2022 LINK “Highlights • Jetting during icy impacts is proposed to…
Spinel in CV chondrules: Investigating precursor legacy and chondrule thermal histories
Nicolas Schnuriger, Camille Cartier, Johan Villeneuve, Valentina Batanova, Maxence Regnault, Yves Marrocchi MAPSVersion of Record online: 01 April 2022 LINK “In carbonaceous chondrites, Mg-spinel (MgAl2O4) grains are ubiquitous in refractory inclusions but rarely reported in…
Formation of chondrule fine-grained rims from local nebular reservoirs
Gabriel A. Pinto, Yves Marrocchi, Emmanuel Jacquet, Felipe Olivares MAPSVersion of Record online: 31 March 2022 LINK “Chondrules are commonly surrounded by fine-grained rims (FGRs) whose origin remains highly debated; both nebular and parent body…
High precision 26Al-26Mg chronology of chondrules in unequilibrated ordinary chondrites: evidence for restricted formation ages
Guillaume Siron, Kohei Fukuda, Makoto Kimura, Noriko T. Kita Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 14 February 2022 LINK “Chondrules in ordinary chondrites are considered to form in high density environments, likely…
A temporal shift of chondrule generation from the inner to outer Solar System inferred from oxygen isotopes and Al-Mg chronology of chondrules from primitive CM and CO chondrites
Kohei Fukuda, Makoto Kimura, Naotaka Tomioka, Guillaume Siron, Takayuki Ushikubo, Noël Chaumard, Andreas T. Hertwig, Noriko T. Kita Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 31 December 2021 LINK “Deciphering the spatial and temporal evolution of chondrules…
Oxygen isotope variations in Mg-rich olivines from type I chondrules in carbonaceous chondrites
Guy Libourel, Kazuhide Nagashima, Marc Portail, Alexander N. Krot Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 31 December 2021 LINK “Using high-resolution cathodoluminescence (HR-CL) panchromatic imaging for the location of high-precision oxygen three-isotope…
Refractory inclusions as Type IA chondrule precursors: Constraints from melting experiments
Scott A. Whattam, Roger H. Hewins, Jieun Seo, Bertrand Devouard Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 29 December 2021 LINK “The formation of chondrules involved major processes in the protoplanetary disk and…
Imprint of chondrule formation on the K and Rb isotopic compositions of carbonaceous meteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Nicole X. Nie, Xin-Yang Chen, Timo Hopp, Justin Y. Hu, Zhe J. Zhang, Fang-Zhen Teng, Anat Shahar and Nicolas Dauphas Science Advances • 1 Dec 2021 • Vol 7, Issue 49 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN…
Processes and temperatures of FGR formation in chondrites
P-M. Zanetta, C. Le Guillou, H. Leroux, B. Zanda, R. Hewins, G. Bellino Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 19 November 2021 LINK “In order to understand the nature of the dust that accreted onto chondrules…
Complementary nucleosynthetic isotope anomalies of Mo and W in chondrules and matrix in the Allende carbonaceous chondrite: The case for hydrothermal metamorphism and its implications
Ian S. Sanders, Edward R. D. Scott Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 07 October 2021 LINK “The remarkable complementary isotopic relationship in the Allende chondrite between chondrules (depleted in s-process molybdenum and tungsten)…
Thermal history of matrix forsterite grains from Murchison based on high-resolution tomographyOPEN ACCESS
Giulia Perotti, Henning O. Sørensen, Henning Haack, Anja C. Andersen, Dario Ferreira Sanchez, Elishevah M. M. E. van Kooten, Esther H. R. Tsai, Kim N. Dalby, Mirko Holler, Daniel Grolimund, Tue Hassenkam accepted for publication…
Formation of chondrule analogs aboard the International Space StationOPEN ACCESS
Tamara E. Koch, Dominik Spahr, Beverley J. Tkalcec, Miles Lindner, David Merges, Fabian Wilde, Björn Winkler, Frank E. Brenker Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 21 August 2021 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Chondrules…
Conditions of chondrule formation in ordinary chondrites
Maxime Piralla, Johan Villeneuve, Valentina Batanova, Emmanuel Jacquet, Yves Marrocchi Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 16 August 2021 LINK “Chondrules are sub-millimetric spheroids that are ubiquitous in chondrites and whose formation…
IIE irons: Origin, relationship to ordinary chondrites, and evidence for siderophile-element fractionations caused by chondrule formation
Alan E. Rubin Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 19 July 2021 LINK “IIE irons were derived from chondritic precursors that were the most reduced ordinary chondrites. The bulk chemical (e.g., Ir/Ni, Ir/Au, Au/Ni,…
The Conspicuous Compound Chondrule-CAI Conundrum: A Case Study Within the Brecciated CM2.2 Lithology of the Carbonaceous Breccia Aguas Zarcas
Martin P. M. C., Lee M. R. 84th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2021 (abstract # 6190) PDF Discovery of a new Compound Chondrule-CAI (CCCAI) within the brecciated CM2.2 lithology of the carbonaceous breccia…
A Temporal Shift of Chondrule Generation from the Inner to Outer Solar System
84th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2021 (abstract # 6030) PDF The Al-Mg ages of chondrules from pristine CM and CO chondrites are systematically younger than those of the majority of ordinary chondrite chondrules,…
Timing and Environment of Chondrule Formation
Kadlag Y. *, Leya I., Mezger K., Bouvier A.-S., Haberthür D., Hlushchuk R. 84th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2021 (abstract # 6060) PDF Combining temporal information (from Al-Mg relative ages) with environment (from…
The Macroporosity of Rubble Pile Asteroid Ryugu and Implications for the Origin of ChondrulesOPEN ACCESS
William Herbst, James P. Greenwood and Teng Ee Yap The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 2, Number 3 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We use the known surface boulder-size distribution of the C-type rubble pile asteroid…
Constraints on Chondrule Generation, Disk Dynamics, and Asteroid Accretion from the Compositions of Carbonaceous Meteorites
James F. J. Bryson and Gregory A. Brennecka The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 912, Number 2 LINK The elemental and isotopic compositions of meteorites are expected to reflect several key processes that occurred in the early…
In situ Si isotope and chemical constraints on formation and processing of chondrules in the Allende meteoriteOPEN ACCESS
Yogita Kadlag, Michael Tatzel, Daniel A. Frick, Harry Becker, Philipp Kühne Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 23 April 2021 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Chondrules in undifferentiated meteorites are former silicate melt droplets…
The Macroporosity of Rubble Pile Asteroid Ryugu and Implications for the Origin of ChondrulesOPEN ACCESS
William Herbst, James P. Greenwood, Teng Ee Yap Accepted for publication in the Planetary Science Journal PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We use the known surface boulder-size distribution of the C-type rubble pile asteroid Ryugu (NEA 162173)…
Highly volatile element (H, C, F, Cl, S) abundances and H isotopic compositions in chondrules from carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites
Kei Shimizu, Conel M. O’D. Alexander, Erik H. Hauri, Adam R. Sarafian, Larry R. Nittler, Jianhua Wang, Steven D.Jacobsen, Ruslan A. Mendybaev Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 10 March 2021 LINK…
Hybrid accretion of carbonaceous chondrites by radial transport across the Jupiter barrierOPEN ACCESS
Elishevah van Kooten, Martin Schiller, Frederic Moynier, Anders Johansen, Troels Haugboelle, Martin Bizzarro The Astrophysical Journal, 2021, accepted after peer-review PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (26 March 2021): The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 910, Number 1 LINK…
An evolutionary system of mineralogy. Part III: Primary chondrule mineralogy (4566 to 4561 Ma)
Robert M. Hazen, Shaunna M. Morrison, Anirudh Prabhu American Mineralogist (2021) 106 (3): 325–350. LINK “Information-rich attributes of minerals reveal their physical, chemical, and biological modes of origin in the context of planetary evolution, and…
Micro-distribution of Oxygen Isotopes in Unequilibrated Enstatite Chondrites
Michael K. Weisberg, Noriko T. Kita, Kohei Fukuda, Guillaume Siron, Denton S.Ebel Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 25 February 2021 LINK “We report petrology and high precision, in situ oxygen isotope…
Oxygen isotope systematics of chondrules in the Paris CM2 chondrite: indication for a single large formation region across snow line
Noël Chaumard, Céline Defouilloy, Andreas T. Hertwig, Noriko T. Kita Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 18 February 2021 LINK “In-situ oxygen three-isotope analyses of chondrules and isolated olivine grains in the…
Geochemical Constraints on Potential UOC Chondrule Genesis by Hypervelocity Impact Vapor Plumes and Likely Precursor Sources
Sheikh D., Humayun M. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #1279 PDF “Most UOC chondrules analyzed exhibit Ce, and Eu anomalies, implying a chondrule forming process that began oxidized but went reducing, consistent…
K Isotope Systematics of the CB Chondrite Gujba: Testing the Impact Plume Model of Formation
Koefoed P., Pravdivtseva O., Ogliore R., Jiang Y., Lodders K. et al. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #2310 PDF “High-precision K isotope analysis of chondrule and bulk fractions from the CB chondrite…
Producing Chondrules in the Outer Solar System: The Effect of Ice on Impact Jetting
Cashion M. D., Johnson B. C., Wakita S., Davison T., Krot A. N. et al. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #1737 PDF “In this work, we simulate collisions between bodies of mixed…
High Precision Al-Mg Chronology of Chondrules in Unequilibrated Ordinary Chondrites
Siron G., Kita N. T., Fukuda K., Kimura M., 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #1639 PDF “New analyses of UOC chondrules with a range of mesostasis compositions indicate a restrict range of…
Resolving the Contradictory Results for Chondrule Size Distributions When These are Empirically Determined and Theoretically Considered
Hezel D. C., Metzler K., Hochstein M. L. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #2264 PDF “Chondrule size distributions are critical to understand chondrule formation, sorting, or fragmentation. We resolve a long-standing contradiction…
Multiple CV Chondrule Precursors Originating from the Inner and Outer Solar System: Evidence from Cr-Ti-O Isotope Systematics of Allende Chondrules
K. Fukuda, Hibiya Y., Kastelle C. R., Suzuki K., Iizuka T. et al. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #1319 PDF “The large ranges of Cr-Ti-O isotope ratios among CV chondrules indicate that…
Evidence Against Chondrule-Matrix Complementarity as Seen in CO, CM, and CR Chondrites
A. Patzer, Bullock E. S., Alexander C. M. O’D. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #1866 PDF “We have investigated 12 CO, CM, and CR chondrites to test models for the compositions and…
Simultaneous determination of mass-dependent Mg isotopic variations and radiogenic 26Mg by laser ablation-MC-ICP-MS and implications for the formation of chondrules
Zhengbin Deng, Marc Chaussidon, Denton S. Ebel, Johan Villeneuve, Julien Moureau, Frédéric Moynier Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 2 February 2021 LINK “Improvements in our understanding of the formation of chondrules requires a better knowledge…
Bubbles to Chondrites-I. Evaporation and condensation experiments, and formation of chondrulesOPEN ACCESS
Yuki Nakano & Akihiko Hashimoto Progress in Earth and Planetary Science volume 7, Article number: 47 (2020) LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We propose a simple model of chondrule formation that is supported by our…
Bubbles to Chondrites-II. Chemical fractionations in chondritesOPEN ACCESS
Akihiko Hashimoto & Yuki Nakano Progress in Earth and Planetary Science volume 8, Article number: 9 (2021) LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (DOWNLOAD) “We attempt to develop a possible theory of chemical fractionations in chondrites, that is…
Collisions and compositional variability in chondrule-forming eventsOPEN ACCESS
Emmanuel Jacquet Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 8 January 2021 LINK PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Compound chondrules, i.e. chondrules fused together, make a powerful probe of the density and compositional diversity in…
Chondrules from high-velocity collisions: thermal histories and the agglomeration problemOPEN ACCESS
Nick Choksi, Eugene Chiang, Harold C. Connolly Jr., Zack Gainsforth, Andrew J. Westphal Major revisions to agglomeration, connections made to Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx. Minor updates to Sections 2.3 and 3.2 discussing the treatment of the…
Trace Element Composition of Silicate Minerals in the Chondrules and Matrix of the Buschhof Meteorite
K. G. Sukhanova, S. G. Skublov, O. L. Galankina, E. V. Obolonskaya & E. L. Kotova Geochemistry International, Volume 58, pages 1321–1330 (2020) LINK “The paper presents results of SIMS and SEM-EDS studies of the…
Experiments to understand crystallization of levitated high temperature silicate melt droplets under low vacuum conditionsOPEN ACCESS
Biswajit Mishra, Pratikkumar Manvar, Kaushik Choudhury, S. Karagadde & Atul Srivastava Scientific Reports, Volume 10, Article number: 20910 (2020) LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We report experiments on crystallization of highly undercooled forsterite melt droplets…
Origin of isolated olivine grains in carbonaceous chondritesOPEN ACCESS
Emmanuel Jacquet, Maxime Piralla, Pauline Kersaho, Yves Marrocchi Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 16 November 2020 LINK PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We report microscopic, cathodoluminescence, chemical, and O isotopic measurements of FeO‐poor isolated olivine…
Oxygen-isotope systematics of chondrules and olivine fragments from Tagish Lake C2 chondrite: Implications of chondrule-forming regions in protoplanetary diskOPEN ACCESS
Takayuki Ushikubo, Makoto Kimura Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 12 November 2020 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights: • Oxygen isotopic systematics of chondrules and olivine fragments of Tagish Lake meteorite were studied.•…
New constraints from 26Al-26Mg chronology of anorthite bearing chondrules in unequilibrated ordinary chondrites
Guillaume Siron, Kohei Fukuda, Makoto Kimura, Noriko T. Kita Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn press, journal pre-proof, Available online 1 November 2020 LINK “26Al-26Mg ages were determined for 14 anorthite-bearing chondrules from five different unequilibrated ordinary…
Primary crystallization and partial remelting of chondrules in the protoplanetary disk: Petrographic, mineralogical and chemical constraints recorded in zoned type-I chondrulesOPEN ACCESS
J. Pape, Å.V. Rosén, K. Mezger, M. Guillong Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 22 October 2020 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Chondrules from unequilibrated ordinary chondrites are among the oldest Solar system materials…
Chondrules as fallout from vaporizing impacts in the solar nebulaOPEN ACCESS
Nick Choksi, Eugene Chiang, Harold C. Connolly Jr., Zack Gainsforth, Andrew J. Westphal Submitted to MNRAS PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We consider how chondrules, once-molten mm-sized spheres filling the oldest meteorites, may have formed as the…
Chondrules reveal large-scale outward transport of inner Solar System materials in the protoplanetary diskOPEN ACCESS
Curtis D. Williams, Matthew E. Sanborn, Céline Defouilloy, Qing-Zhu Yin, Noriko T. Kita, Denton S. Ebel, Akane Yamakawa, and Katsuyuki Yamashita PNAS, first published September 8, 2020 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Dynamic models of…
Origin of volatile element depletion among carbonaceous chondrites
Jan L. Hellmann, Timo Hopp, Christoph Burkhardt, Thorsten Kleine Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 549, 1 November 2020, 116508 LINK “Highlights • Correlation of Te isotope composition with Te, matrix fraction, and Cr anomalies.•…
Potassium isotope systematics of the LL4 chondrite Hamlet: Implications for chondrule formation and alteration
Piers Koefoed, Olga Pravdivtseva, Heng Chen, Carina Gerritzen, Maxwell M. Thiemens, Kun Wang Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online:27 July 2020 LINK “Here, we apply recently developed high‐precision K isotope analyses to individual components…
Carbonaceous Chondrites and the Condensation of Elements from the Solar Nebula
Hauke Vollstaedt, Klaus Mezger, and Yann Alibert The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 897, Number 1 LINK “Common features of all carbonaceous chondrite groups are invariant refractory element ratios, depletions of moderately volatile elements as a function…
A chondrule formation experiment aboard the ISS: Experimental set-up and test experiments
Dominik Spahr, Tamara E. Koch, David Merges, Anna A. Beck, Bernhard Bohlender, Johan M. Carlsson, Oliver Christ, Shintaro Fujita, Philomena-Theresa Genzel, Jochen Kerscher, Tobin Knautz, Miles Lindner, Diego Mederos Leber, Victor Milman, Wolfgang Morgenroth, Fabian…
Outward migration of chondrule fragments in the Early Solar System: O-isotopic evidence for rocky material crossing the Jupiter Gap?
Devin L. Schrader, Kazuhide Nagashima, Jemma Davidson, Timothy J. McCoy, Ryan C. Ogliore, Roger R. Fu Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 22 May 2020 LINK “Determining the origins of chondrule precursors…
Silicon isotopic compositions of chondrule silicates in carbonaceous chondrites and the formation of primordial solids in the accretion disk
Johan Villeneuve, Yves Marrocchi, Emmanuel Jacquet Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 542, 15 July 2020, 116318 LINK “Highlights • Chondrules are characterized by large, in situ mass-dependent silicon isotopic variations.• These variations are inherited from…
Formation of chondrules and matrix in Kakangari chondrites
Jens Barosch, Denton S.Ebel, Dominik C. Hezel, Samuel Alpert, Herbert Palme Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 542, 15 July 2020, 116286 LINK “Highlights • We determined petrographic and chemical data in components of K chondrites.•…
Accretion of a large LL parent planetesimal from a recently formed chondrule populationOPEN ACCESS
Graham H. Edwards and Terrence Blackburn Science Advances 15 Apr 2020:Vol. 6, no. 16, eaay8641DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aay8641 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Chondritic meteorites, derived from asteroidal parent bodies and composed of millimeter-sized chondrules, record the…
Cascade Model for Planetesimal Formation by Turbulent Clustering
Thomas Hartlep and Jeffrey N. Cuzzi The Astrophysical Journal Volume 892, Number 2, 2020 April 1 LINK “We use a newly developed cascade model of turbulent concentration of particles in protoplanetary nebulae to calculate several…
Early silica crust formation in planetesimals by metastable silica-rich liquid immiscibility or cristobalite crystallisation: the possible origin of silica-rich chondrulesOPEN ACCESS
François Faure Scientific Reports 10, Article number: 4765 (2020) LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The formation and differentiation processes of planetesimals—small bodies in the solar system—remain actively debated. Planetesimal differentiation is known to have…
Origin of Al-rich chondrules in CV chondrites: Incorporation of diverse refractory components into the ferromagnesian chondrule-forming region
Mingming Zhang, Yangting Lin, Guoqiang Tang, Yu Liu, Ingo Leya Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 26 December 2019 LINK “Aluminum-rich (Al2O3 > 10 wt%) chondrules (ARCs) are important chondritic components that…
Fingerprints of the Protosolar Cloud Collapse in the Solar System. I. Distribution of Presolar Short-lived 26Al
Francesco C. Pignatale, Emmanuel Jacquet, Marc Chaussidon, and Sébastien Charnoz The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 884, Number 1 LINK “The short-lived radionuclide 26Al is widely used to determine the relative ages of chondrite components and timescales…
The Properties of Planetesimal Collisions under Jupiter’s Perturbation and the Application to Chondrule Formation via Impact JettingOPEN ACCESS
Shoichi Oshino, Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Shigeru Wakita, Yuji Matsumoto The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 884, Number 1 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) LINK “Understanding chondrule formation provides invaluable clues about the origin of the solar system. Recent studies suggest…
A unifying model for the accretion of chondrules and matrixOPEN ACCESS
Elishevah M. M. E. van Kooten, Frédéric Moynier, Arnaud Agranier PNAS first published September 4, 2019 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Supporting Information (PDF) “The so far unique role of our Solar System in…
Oxygen isotope systematics of chondrule olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase in one of the most pristine CV3Red chondrites (Northwest Africa 8613)
Andreas T. Hertwig, Makoto Kimura, Céline Defouilloy, Noriko T. Kita Meteoritics & Planetary Science First Published: 30 August 2019 LINK “We performed in situ oxygen three‐isotope measurements of chondrule olivine, pyroxenes, and plagioclase from the…
Chondrule Formation by the Jovian Sweeping Secular ResonanceOPEN ACCESS
Munan Gong, Xiaochen Zheng, Douglas N.C. Lin, Kedron Silsbee, Clement Baruteau, Shude Mao Accepted for publication by ApJ PDF (OPEN ACCESS) LINK “Chondrules are silicate spheroids found in meteorites, serving as important fossil records of…
Pb isotope evidence for rapid accretion and differentiation of planetary embryosOPEN ACCESS
J.N. Connelly, M. Schiller, M. Bizzarro Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 525, 1 November 2019, 115722 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • We report a Pb-Pb age of 4565.47 ± 0.30 Ma…
Heating duration of igneous rim formation on a chondrule in the Northwest Africa 3118 CV3oxA carbonaceous chondrite inferred from micro-scale migration of the oxygen isotopes
Nozomi Matsuda, Naoya Sakamoto, Shogo Tachibana, Hisayoshi Yurimoto Geochemistry Available online 10 August 2019 LINK “Due to their common occurrence in various types of chondrites, igneous rims formed on pre-existing chondrules throughout chondrule-forming regions of…
Zinc isotope analyses of singularly small samples (<5 ng Zn): investigating chondrule-matrix complementarity in LeovilleOPEN ACCESS
Elishevah van Kooten, Frederic Moynier Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2019 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (18 July 2019): LINK “The potential complementarity between chondrules and matrix of chondrites, the Solar System’s building blocks, is still a…
Extended chondrule formation intervals in distinct physicochemical environments: Evidence from Al-Mg isotope systematics of CR chondrite chondrules with unaltered plagioclase
Travis J. Tenner, Daisuke Nakashima, Takayuki Ushikubo, Naotaka Tomioka, Makoto Kimura, Michael K. Weisberg, Noriko T.Kita Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 22 June 2019 LINK “Al-Mg isotope systematics of twelve…
Are hypervelocity impacts able to produce chondrule-like ejecta?
Clément Ganino, Guy Libourel, Akiko M. Nakamura, Patrick Michel Planetary and Space Science In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 19 June 2019 LINK “Highlights • Silicate ejecta formed in impact experiment have several similarities with…
Bulk trace elements of Mg-rich cryptocrystalline and ferrous radiating pyroxene chondrules from Acfer 182: Their evolution paths
Maria Eugenia Varela Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 4 May 2019 LINK “A trace element study of Mg-rich cryptocrystalline (CC) and ferrous radiating pyroxene (RP) chondrules, covering from the ultra-refractory…
Compound chondrule formation in optically thin shock wavesOPEN ACCESS
Sota Arakawa, Taishi Nakamoto Accepted for publication in ApJ PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (29 May 2019): LINK Update (24 Ausgust 2022): Erratum: “Compound Chondrule Formation in Optically Thin Shock Waves” (2019, ApJ, 877, 84) Sota…
A Radiative Heating Model for Chondrule and Chondrite FormationOPEN ACCESS
William Herbst, James P. Greenwood Icarus PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (11 April 2019): LINK “We propose that chondrules and chondrites formed together during a brief radiative heating event caused by the close encounter of a…
Chondrule radiative cooling in a non-uniform density environment
J. Delpeyrat, F. Pigeonneau, G. Libourel Icarus In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 28 March 2019 LINK “Highlights • Simulated chondrule cooling rates are related to chondrule textural abundances. • Optical depth is the relevant…
Origin of the metamorphosed clasts in the CV3 carbonaceous chondrite breccias of Graves Nunataks 06101, Vigarano, Roberts Massif 04143, and Yamato‐86009
Kaori Jogo, Motoo Ito, Shigeru Wakita, Sachio Kobayashi, Jong Ik Lee Meteoritics & Planetary Science First Published: 12 March 2019 LINK “We observed metamorphosed clasts in the CV3 chondrite breccias Graves Nunataks 06101, Vigarano, Roberts…
Chromium Isotopic Evidence for an Early Formation of Chondrules from the Ornans CO Chondrite
Ke Zhu (朱柯), Jia Liu, Frédéric Moynier, Liping Qin, Conel M. O’D. Alexander, and Yongsheng He The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 873, Number 1 LINK “Chondrules are the main components of primitive meteorites and possibly the…
The 26Al-26Mg systematics of FeO-rich chondrules from Acfer 094: two chondrule generations distinct in age and oxygen isotope ratios
Andreas T. Hertwig, Kimura Makoto, Takayuki Ushikubo, Céline Defouilloy, Noriko T. Kita Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 16 February 2019 LINK “The 26Al-26Mg ages of FeO-rich (type II) chondrules from…
Chromium Isotopic Evidence for an Early Formation of Chondrules from the Ornans CO Chondrite
K. Zhu, J. Liu, L. P. Qin, C. M.O’D. Alexander, Y. S. He, F. Moynier 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2019), Abstract #2405 PDF abstract
Mineralogically zoned chondrules in ordinary chondrites as evidence for open system chondrule behaviour
Jens Barosch, Dominik C. Hezel, Denton S. Ebel, Pia Friend Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 23 January 2019 LINK “Chondrules are a major component of chondritic meteorites. Understanding their formation…
Shedding of dust rims in chondrule collisions in the protoplanetary disc
Philipp Umstätter, Nina Gunkelmann, Cornelis P Dullemond, Herbert M Urbassek Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 483, Issue 4, 11 March 2019, Pages 4938–4948 LINK “Dust rims covering chondrules may strongly influence their…
Formation of CV chondrules by recycling of amoeboid olivine aggregate-like precursors
Yves Marrocchi, Romain Euverte, Johan Villeneuve, Valentina Batanova, Benoit Welsch, Ludovic Ferrière, Emmanuel Jacquet Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 3 January 2019 LINK “We have studied porphyritic olivine-rich chondrules of…
Time and Duration of Chondrule Formation: Constraints from 26Al-26Mg Ages of Individual Chondrules
J. Pape, K. Mezger, A.-S. Bouvier, L.P. Baumgartner Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 24 October 2018 LINK “Chondrules from unequilibrated ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites belong to the oldest and most…
Constraints on Compound Chondrule Formation from Laboratory High-Temperature CollisionsOPEN ACCESS
Tabea Bogdan, Jens Teiser, Nikolai Fischer, Maximilian Kruss, Gerhard Wurm Icarus In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 20 September 2018 LINK Update (7 November 2018): PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • To form compound chondrules velocities…
The Spatial Origin of Chondrules in Individual Chondrites: Constraints from Modeling Chondrule Mixing
Dominik C. Hezel and Eric J. R. Parteli The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 863, Number 1 Published August 9, 2018 LINK “Chondrules are a major component of chondritic meteorites and potentially populated the entire protoplanetary disk…
Evaluation of petrologic evidence for high partial pressures of SiO(g) in the solar nebula
Alan E. Rubin LINK Meteorit Planet Sci. . doi:10.1111/maps.13180 “Although they cannot be ruled out, high partial pressures of SiO(g) in the solar nebula are not required to produce various petrologic features of chondrules. These…
Oxygen isotopic diversity of chondrule precursors and the nebular origin of chondrules
Yves Marrocchi, Johan Villeneuve, Valentina Batanova, Laurette Piani, Emmanuel Jacquet Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 496, 15 August 2018, Pages 132–141 LINK “Highlights • High-resolution X-ray maps reveal different populations of olivine in chondrules….
Primary iron sulfides in CM and CR carbonaceous chondrites: Insights into nebular processes
Singerling, S. A. and Brearley, A. J. (2018) Meteorit Planet Sci. . doi:10.1111/maps.13108 LINK “We have carried out a systematic study involving SEM, EPMA, and TEM analyses to determine the textures and compositions of sulfides…
Dust concentration and chondrule formationOPEN ACCESS
Alexander Hubbard, Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, Denton S. Ebel accepted, Meteoritics & Planetary Sciences PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (17 April 2018): LINK “Meteoritical and astrophysical models of planet formation make contradictory predictions for dust concentration factors…
Fe isotope composition of bulk chondrules from Murchison (CM2): Constraints for parent body alteration, nebula processes and chondrule-matrix complementarity
Dominik C. Hezel, Johanna S. Wilden, Daniel Becker, Sonja Steinbach, Markus Harak Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 490, 15 May 2018, Pages 31-39 LINK “Highlights • We report the first Fe isotope data for…
Magnetic Fields Recorded by Chondrules Formed in Nebular ShocksOPEN ACCESS
Chuhong Mai, Steven J. Desch, Aaron C. Boley, Benjamin P. Weiss accepted for publication in ApJ PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (19 April 2018): LINK “Recent laboratory efforts (Fu et al., 2014) have constrained the remanent…
Thermal History of CBb Chondrules and Cooling Rate Distributions of Ejecta PlumesOPEN ACCESS
R. H. Hewins, C. Condie, M. Morris, M. L. A. Richardson, N. Ouellette, and M. Metcalf The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 855, Number 2 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) LINK “It has been proposed that some meteorites,…
Oxygen isotope systematics of chondrules in the Murchison CM2 chondrite and implications for the CO-CM relationship
Noël Chaumard, Céline Defouilloy, Noriko T. Kita Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Available online 5 March 2018 LINK “High-precision oxygen three-isotope measurements of olivine and pyroxene were performed on 29 chondrules in the Murchison CM2 chondrite…
Chronology of formation of early solar system solids from bulk Mg isotope analyses of CV3 chondrules
Hsin-Wei Chen, Jennifer L. Claydon, Tim Elliott, Christopher D. Coath, Yi-Jen Lai, Sara S. Russell Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 16 February 2018 LINK “We have analysed the petrography, major…
Shapes of chondrules determined from the petrofabric of the CR2 chondrite NWA 801
Charles, C. R. J., Robin, P.-Y. F., Davis, D. W. and McCausland, P. J. A. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.13038 LINK “The approximately spherical shapes of chondrules has long been attributed to surface tension…
Cooling rates of type I chondrules from Renazzo: Implications for chondrule formation
Chaumard, N., Humayun, M., Zanda, B. and Hewins, R. H. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.13040 LINK “Cooling rates are one of the few fundamental constraints on models of chondrule formation. In this study, we…
A TEM study of exsolution in Ca-rich pyroxenes from the Paris and Renazzo chondrites: Determination of type I chondrule cooling rates
Cuvillier, P., Chaumard, N., Leroux, H., Zanda, B., Hewins, R. H., Jacob, D. and Devouard, B. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.13032 LINK “We conducted a transmission electron microscope study of the exsolution microstructures of…
Formation of chondrules in a moderately high dust enriched disk: evidence from oxygen isotopes of chondrules from the Kaba CV3 chondrite
Andreas T. Hertwig, Céline Defouilloy, Noriko T. Kita Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 16 December 2017 LINK “Oxygen three-isotope analysis by secondary ion mass spectrometry of chondrule olivine and pyroxene…
Impact splash chondrule formation during planetesimal recyclingOPEN ACCESS
Tim Lichtenberg, Gregor J. Golabek, Cornelis P. Dullemond, Maria Schönbächler, Taras V. Gerya, Michael R. Meyer accepted for publication in Icarus associated blog article (6 Nov 2017) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Chondrules are the dominant bulk…
Evidence for accretion of fine-grained rims in a turbulent nebula for CM Murchison
Romy D. Hanna, Richard A. Ketcham Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 481, 1 January 2018, Pages 201–211 LINK “Highlights • Fine-grained rims on CM chondrules were formed in a weakly turbulent nebula. • Chondrules…
Hf-W chronology of CR chondrites: Implications for the timescales of chondrule formation and the distribution of 26Al in the solar nebula
Gerrit Budde, Thomas S. Kruijer, Thorsten Kleine Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript,Available online 24 October 2017 LINK “Renazzo-type carbonaceous (CR) chondrites are distinct from most other chondrites in having younger chondrule 26Al-26Mg…
Spatial distribution of carbon dust in the early solar nebula and the carbon content of planetesimalsOPEN ACCESS
Hans-Peter Gail, Mario Trieloff A&A Volume 606, October 2017 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Context. A high fraction of carbon bound in solid carbonaceous material is observed to exist in bodies formed in the cold outskirts of…
Chondrule heritage and thermal histories from trace element and oxygen isotope analyses of chondrules and amoeboid olivine aggregatesOPEN ACCESS
Jacquet, E. and Marrocchi, Y. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12985 First published: 26 September 2017 LINK PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We report combined oxygen isotope and mineral-scale trace element analyses of amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOA)…
Early formation of planetary building blocks inferred from Pb isotopic ages of chondrulesOPEN ACCESS
By Jean Bollard, James N. Connelly, Martin J. Whitehouse, Emily A. Pringle, Lydie Bonal, Jes K. Jørgensen, Åke Nordlund, Frédéric Moynier, Martin Bizzarro Science Advances 09 Aug 2017: Vol. 3, no. 8, e1700407 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1700407…
The spatial distribution of carbon dust in the early solar nebula and the carbon content of planetesimalsOPEN ACCESS
Hans-Peter Gail, Mario Trieloff accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “A high fraction of carbon bound in solid carbonaceous material is observed to exist in bodies formed in the cold outskirts of the…
Origin of Na in glass inclusions hosted in olivine from Allende CV3 and Jbilet Winselwan CM2: Implications for chondrule formation
L. Florentin, F. Faure, E. Deloule, L. Tissandier, A. Gurenko, D. Lequin Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 474, 15 September 2017, Pages 160–171 LINK “Highlights • Glass inclusions hosted in olivines from Allende experimentally…
What we know about elemental bulk chondrule and matrix compositions: Presenting the ChondriteDB DatabaseOPEN ACCESS
Dominik C. Hezel, Markus Harak, Guy Libourel Chemie der Erde – Geochemistry In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 11 July 2017 Review Article LINK Update (1 May 2018): PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Chondrules and matrix are…
An experimental study of chondrule formation from chondritic precursors via evaporation and condensation in Knudsen cell: Shock heating model of dust aggregates
Naoya Imae, Hiroshi Isobe Earth and Planetary Science Letters In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 27 June 2017 LINK “Highlights • Type I chondrules were reproduced via the Fe evaporation and Si condensation in the…
Chondrule Oxygen Isotope Systematics in Unequilibrated Ordinary Chondrites: Insights into Their Nebular Reservoir
Baeza L. Ireland T. R. Ávila J. N. Mallmann G. 80th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society 2017 [#6166] abstract (PDF) “Ordinary chondrites (OCs) have distinct bulk O-isotope composition. The range of chondrule O-isotope composition…
Chondrule Olivine Provenance in Carbonaceous Chondrites: Chemical and Oxygen Isotope Systematics
Bonning G. P. Ireland T. R. Ávila J. N. Mallmann G. 80th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society 2017 [#6151] abstract (PDF) “Bulk chondrites have specific and distinct bulk O-isotopic compositions, yet they appear to…
A Speculative “Fiefdom” Model for Chondrite Origins
Melosh H. J. * Bland P. A. Collins G. S. Johnson B. C. 80th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society 2017 [#6239] abstract (PDF) “Distinct chondrite classes, complementarity of chondrules and matrix, and chondrule ages…
Chondrule-Cored Aggregates in CV Chondrites: Origin by Chondrule Formation Followed by Olivine Condensation
Fagan T. J. Yasuda T. Nagashima K. Krot A. N. 80th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society 2017 [#6202] abstract “Chondrule-cored aggregates (ChCAs) are a new component of CV chondrites, in which early-stage pyroxene crystallized…
Secondary melting events in Semarkona chondrules revealed by compositional zoning in low-Ca pyroxene
Bastian Baecker, Alan E. Rubin, John T. Wasson Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 17 May 2017 LINK “It is well established that many chondrules contain relict grains formed in previous…
Unraveling the role of liquids during chondrule formation processes
Maria Eugenia Varela, Ernst Zinner Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 12 May 2017 LINK “The process/es involved in chondrule formation cover a wide range of mechanisms whose nature is still…
Mixing and transport of dust in the early solar nebula as inferred from titanium isotope variations among chondrulesOPEN ACCESS
Simone Gerber, Christoph Burkhardt, Gerrit Budde, Knut Metzler, Thorsten Kleine accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, May 10, 2017 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (22 May 2017): LINK “Chondrules formed by the melting of…
Formation of unequilibrated R chondrite chondrules and opaque phases
K.E. Miller, D.S. Lauretta, H.C. Connolly Jr., E.L. Berger, K. Nagashima, K. Domanik Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 18 April 2017 LINK “Sulfide assemblages are commonly found in chondritic meteorites…
The Allende multicompound chondrule (ACC)—Chondrule formation in a local super-dense region of the early solar system
Bischoff, A., Wurm, G., Chaussidon, M., Horstmann, M., Metzler, K., Weyrauch, M. and Weinauer, J. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12833 LINK “In Allende, a very complex compound chondrule (Allende compound chondrule; ACC) was found…
The origin of volatile element depletion in early solar system material: Clues from Zn isotopes in chondrulesOPEN ACCESS
Emily A. Pringle, Frédéric Moynier, Pierre Beck, Randal Paniello, Dominik C. Hezel Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 468, 15 June 2017, Pages 62-71 Open Access funded by European Research Council LINK (OPEN ACCESS) Update…
Chondrule Accretion with a Growing ProtoplanetOPEN ACCESS
Yuji Matsumoto, Shoichi Oshino, Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Shigeru Wakita accepted for publication in ApJ Draft version published: 28 February 2017 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (8 March 2017): LINK The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 837, Number 2 “Chondrules…
Lifetime of the solar nebula constrained by meteorite paleomagnetism
By Huapei Wang, Benjamin P. Weiss, Xue-Ning Bai, Brynna G. Downey, Jun Wang, Jiajun Wang, Clément Suavet, Roger R. Fu, Maria E. Zucolotto Science 10 Feb 2017: Vol. 355, Issue 6325, pp. 623-627 DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf5043…