Numerical model for the solidification of a chondrule meltOPEN ACCESS 

Hitoshi Miura

Available online 1 October 2024, 116317



  • Theoretical breakthrough: Overcoming challenges in chondrule solidification.
  • Development of a phase-field model for olivine growth in molten chondrules.
  • Appropriate modeling of olivine’s anisotropic properties.
  • Contribution to unraveling early solar system material evolution.”

“In this study, we propose a novel numerical method to simulate the growth dynamics of an olivine single crystal within an isolated, multicomponent silicate droplet. We aimed to theoretically replicate the solidification textures observed in chondrules. The method leverages the phase-field model, a well-established framework for simulating alloy solidification. This approach enables the calculation of the solidification process within the ternary MgO–FeO–SiO system. Furthermore, the model incorporates the anisotropic characteristics of interface free energy and growth kinetics inherent to the crystal structure. Here we investigated an anisotropy model capable of reproducing the experimentally observed dependence of the growth patterns of the olivine single crystal on the degree of supercooling under the constraints of two-dimensional modeling. By independently adjusting the degree of anisotropies of interface free energy and growth kinetics, we successfully achieved the qualitative replication of diverse olivine crystal morphologies, ranging from polyhedral shapes at low supercooling to elongated, needle-like structures at high supercooling. This computationally driven method offers a unique and groundbreaking approach for theoretically reproducing the solidification textures of chondrules.”