Proto-type installation of a double-station system for the optical-video-detection and orbital characterisation of a meteor/fireball in South KoreaOPEN ACCESS
Tobias Cornelius Hinse, Woo-Kyum Kim, Sang-Hyeon Ahn, Jae-Keun Lee, Jun-Hyeong Park, Young-Woo Lee, Woo-Jung Jeong, Sang-Min Woo Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We give a detailed description of the installation and…
Major elements and noble gases of the Jinju (H5) meteorite, an observed fall on March 9, 2014, in South Korea
Keisuke Nagao, Makiko K. Haba, Jong Ik Lee, Taehoon Kim, Mi Jung Lee, Changkun Park, Yong Joo Jwa, Byeon-Gak Choi GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL Vol. 50 (2016) No. 4 p. 315-325 Released on J-STAGE 20160731 abstract “The…
Noble Gases of the Jinju (H5) Meteorite Fell on March 9, 2014, in Korea
Nagao K., Haba M. K., Lee J. I., Kim T., Lee M. J. 78th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2015), abstract #5027 abstract
Jinju H5 Chondrite: A New Fall in Korea Having Numerous Vugs Filled with Vapor-Phase Crystallized Minerals
Choi B.-G., Kim H., Kim H., Lee J. I., Kim T. H., Ahn I., Yi K., Hong T. E. 78th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2015) Berkeley, USA July 27-31 2015 PDF (abstract)
An alleged fifth Jinju find (12 kg) is probably a basalt rock and not a meteorite
LINK (NewDaily, 14 May 2015) automatic translation Jinju (Meteoritical Bulletin Database)
New meteorite registration system at the Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources
Apparently from now on meteorites that are imported into Korea or found in the country can (or even have to be) registered at the Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM) LINK LINK (machine-translated)…