Enrichment of moderately volatile elements in first-generation planetesimals of the inner Solar SystemOPEN ACCESS
Damanveer S. Grewal, Surjyendu Bhattacharjee, Bidong Zhang, Nicole X. Nie, and Yoshinori Miyazaki Science Advances5 Feb 2025Vol 11, Issue 6 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The depletion of moderately volatile elements (MVEs) in terrestrial planets…
Benford’s Law: applications to chondrules and refractory inclusionsOPEN ACCESS
Jake Grodner, Alan E. Rubin Discover Space, Volume 129, article number 2, 22 January 2025 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Benford’s Law is a scale- and base-invariant probability distribution wherein smaller numerals occur more often…
Implications of Differentiated Late Accretion for the Volatile Inventory of the Bulk Silicate EarthOPEN ACCESS
Damanveer S. Grewal and Varun Manilal The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 6, Number 1 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Earth is believed to have acquired its highly siderophile element (HSE) inventory through the late accretion…
A chondritic Martian mantle revealed by the heavy noble gas composition of the chassignite NWA 8694
Sandrine Péron, Sujoy Mukhopadhyay Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 11 January 2025 LINK “Accretion of volatile elements is a critical step to make a planet habitable. It is often assumed that…
Metal differentiation on asteroids recorded in Zn and Fe isotopic signatures of ureilitesOPEN ACCESS
S.M. Chernonozhkin, L. Pittarello, G. Hublet, S. Weyer, I. Horn, P. Claeys, V. Debaille, F. Vanhaecke, S. Goderis Geochemical Perspectives Letters, V.33, 38–43, Published 03 January 2025 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Ureilites are meteorites…
Early Solar System Turbulence Constrained by High Oxidation States in the Oldest Noncarbonaceous PlanetesimalsOPEN ACCESS
Teng Ee Yap, Konstantin Batygin and François L. H. Tissot The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 6, Number 1 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Early solar system (SS) planetesimals constitute the parent bodies of most meteorites…
Methylene-to-methyl ratio variability in Ryugu samples: Clues to a heterogeneous aqueous alteration
Zélia Dionnet, Zahia Djouadi, Lukas Delaye, Lucas Caron, Rosario Brunetto, Alice Aléon-Toppani, Cateline Lantz, Stefano Rubino, Donia Baklouti, Tomoki Nakamura, Ferenc Borondics, Christophe Sandt, Megumi Matsumoto, Kana Amano, Tomoyo Morita, Hisayoshi Yurimoto, Takaaki Noguchi, Ryuji…
The extent of liquid immiscibility in planetesimal coresOPEN ACCESS
G.D. Bromiley, M. Varnam, H. Terasaki, T. Komabayashi, J. Barosch Geochemical Perspectives Letters, V33Published: 26 November 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We report results of experiments in the system Fe0.9Ni0.1, S, P, C, O,…
Remnants of a lost Planetesimal: Searching for the Angrite parent bodyOPEN ACCESS
B.G. Rider-Stokes, S.L. Jackson, T.H. Burbine, L.F. White, R.C. Greenwood, E.M. MacLennan, M. Anand, A. Yamaguchi, M.M. Grady IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 9 December 2024 LINK + PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights “It is…
Comment on “Did the terrestrial planets of the Solar System form by pebble accretion?”OPEN ACCESS
PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Anders Johansen, Peter Olson, Zachary Sharp “Morbidelli, Kleine & Nimmo (2024) (MKN) recently published a critical analysis on whether the terrestrial planets in the Solar System formed by rapid pebble accretion or…
Chondrule formation indicates protracted growth of giant planet cores
M.D. Cashion, B.C. Johnson, R. Deienno, K.A. Kretke, K.J. Walsh, A.N. Krot IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 27 November 2024 LINK “Highlights “Chondrules, igneous spherules found in most meteorites, formed throughout the protoplanetary disk,…
Timing of crustal reworking on Mars inferred from the Lu-Hf isotope systematics of igneous clasts in NWA 7533OPEN ACCESS
Ninna K. Jensen, Alexander A. Nemchin, Gavin Kenny, Martin J. Whitehouse, James N. Connelly, Takashi Mikouchi, Martin Bizzarro Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 19 November 2024 LINK + PDF (OPEN ACCESS)…
Understanding the Effects of Micrometeoroid Bombardment on Graphite-rich Mercury Analogs through Laboratory Experiments and Electron Microscopy AnalysisOPEN ACCESS
Nicolas Bott, Michelle S. Thompson, Mark J. Loeffler, Kathleen E. Vander Kaaden and Francis M. McCubbin The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 5, Number 11, Published: 18 November 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Space weathering…
Sodium carbonates on Ryugu as evidence of highly saline water in the outer Solar SystemOPEN ACCESS
Toru Matsumoto, Takaaki Noguchi, Akira Miyake, Yohei Igami, Megumi Matsumoto, Toru Yada, Masayuki Uesugi, Masahiro Yasutake, Kentaro Uesugi, Akihisa Takeuchi, Hayato Yuzawa, Takuji Ohigashi & Tohru Araki Nature Astronomy, Published: 18 November 2024 LINK (OPEN…
Did the terrestrial planets of the Solar System form by pebble accretion?OPEN ACCESS
Alessandro Morbidelli, Thorsten Kleine, Francis Nimmo In press as a Frontier paper in Earth and Planetary Science Letters PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The dominant accretion process leading to the formation of the terrestrial planets of the…
Tracing the origin of volatiles on Earth using nitrogen isotope ratios in iron meteorites
Damanveer S. Grewal, Surjyendu Bhattacharjee, Gabriel-Darius Mardaru, Paul D. Asimow Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 15 November 2024 LINK “Understanding the relationships between the nitrogen (N) isotope ratios of early solar…
On the Early Thermal Processing of Planetesimals during and after the Giant Planet InstabilityOPEN ACCESS
Anastasios Gkotsinas, David Nesvorný, Aurélie Guilbert-Lepoutre, Sean N. Raymond and Nathan Kaib The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 5, Number 11 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Born as ice-rich planetesimals, cometary nuclei were gravitationally scattered onto…
Mechanisms and timing of carbonaceous chondrite delivery to the EarthOPEN ACCESS
Francis Nimmo, Thorsten Kleine, Alessandro Morbidelli, David Nesvorny Accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 7 November 2024 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The nucleosynthetic isotope signatures of meteorites and the bulk silicate Earth (BSE)…
The non-carbonaceous nature of Earth’s late-stage accretionOPEN ACCESS
K.R. Bermingham, H.A. Tornabene, R.J. Walker, L.V. Godfrey, B.S. Meyer, P. Piccoli, S.J. Mojzsis Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 5 November 2024 LINK + PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Constraining the origin of…
Reactivity of chondritic meteorites under H2-rich atmospheres: Formation of H2SOPEN ACCESS
V. Cabedo, G. Pareras, J. Allitt, A. Rimola, J. Llorca, H. H. P. Yiu, M. R. S. McCoustra Approved for publication in MNRAS PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Current models of chemical evolution during star and planetary…
Unique achondritic impact debris in the CH3 chondrite Acfer 182
Kainen L. Utt, Ryan C. Ogliore, Michael J. Krawczynski, Paul K. Carpenter, Alian Wang Geochemistry, In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 22 October 2024 LINK “The metal-rich CH carbonaceous chondrites contain abundant xenolithic clasts originating…
Recent replenishment of aliphatic organics on Ceres from a large subsurface reservoirOPEN ACCESS
Maria Cristina De Sanctis, Giuseppe A. Baratta, John R. Brucato, Julie Castillo-Rogez, Mauro Ciarniello, Fabio Cozzolino, Simone De Angelis, Marco Ferrari, Daniele Fulvio, Massimo Germanà, Vito Mennella, Silvia Pagnoscin, Maria Elisabetta Palumbo, Giovanni Poggiali, Ciprian…
Unlocking planetesimal magnetic field histories: A refined, versatile model for thermal evolution and dynamo generationOPEN ACCESS
Hannah R. Sanderson, James F.J. Bryson, Claire I.O. Nichols, Christopher J. Davies IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 23 September 2024 LINK + PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights “The thermal and magnetic histories of planetesimals provide…
Cavitating bubbles in condensing gas as a means of forming clumps, chondrites, and planetesimalsOPEN ACCESS
Eugene Chiang Accepted to ApJ Letters PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Vaporized metal, silicates, and ices on the verge of re-condensing into solid or liquid particles appear in many contexts: behind shocks, in impact ejecta, and within…
Quantification of evaporative loss of volatile metals from planetary cores and metal-rich planetesimalsOPEN ACCESS
E.S. Steenstra, C.J. Renggli, J. Berndt, S. Klemme Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 31 August 2024 LINK + PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The processes responsible for the isotopic compositions and abundances of…
An early giant planet instability recorded in asteroidal meteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Graham Harper Edwards, C. Brenhin Keller, Elisabeth R. Newton & Cameron W. Stewart Nature AstronomyPublished: 15 August 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Giant planet migration appears widespread among planetary systems in our Galaxy. However,…
The rapid formation of macromolecules in irradiated ice of protoplanetary disk dust traps
Niels F. W. Ligterink, Paola Pinilla, Nienke van der Marel, Jeroen Terwisscha van Scheltinga, Alice S. Booth, Conel M. O’D. Alexander & My E. I. Riebe Nature Astronomy, Published: 30 July 2024 LINK “Organic macromolecular…
Properties of outer solar system pebbles during planetesimal formation from meteor observationsOPEN ACCESS
Peter Jenniskens, Paul R. Estrada, Stuart Pilorz, Peter S. Gural, Dave Samuels, Steve Rau, Timothy M.C. Abbott, Jim Albers, Scott Austin, Dan Avner, Jack W. Baggaley, Tim Beck, Solvay Blomquist, Mustafa Boyukata, Martin Breukers, Walt…
Metal-silicate mixing in planetesimal collisionsOPEN ACCESS
Kang Shuai, Christoph M. Schäfer, Christoph Burger, Hejiu Hui Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscriptReceived: 22 August 2023 / Accepted: 12 April 2024, Published: 20 July 2024 PDF 1 (OPEN ACCESS)PDF 2 (OPEN ACCESS) “Impacts between differentiated…
The Solar System could have formed in a low-viscosity disc: A dynamical study from giant planet migration to the Nice modelOPEN ACCESS
P. Griveaud, A. Crida, A. C. Petit, E. Lega, and A. Morbidelli Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscriptPreprintPreprints and early-stage research may not have been peer reviewed yet. LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “In the context of…
Evidence against water delivery by impacts within 10 million years of planetesimal formationOPEN ACCESS
B.G. Rider-Stokes, A. Stephant, M. Anand, I.A. Franchi, X. Zhao, L.F. White, A. Yamaguchi, R.C. Greenwood, S.L. Jackson Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 642, 15 September 2024, 118860 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights “The quenched (rapidly-cooled)…
Recurrent planetesimal formation in an outer part of the early solar systemOPEN ACCESS
Wladimir Neumann, Ning Ma, Audrey Bouvier & Mario Trieloff Scientific Reports, Volume 14, article number 14017, Published: 01 July 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The formation of planets in our solar system encompassed various…
Different arrival times of CM and CI-like bodies from the outer Solar System to the asteroid beltOPEN ACCESS
Sarah Anderson, Pierre Vernazza, Miroslav Brož Nature PREPRINT under review, Version 1, posted 28 May, 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Understanding the provenance of CI and CM chondrites, the most primitive materials in our…
Compositions of iron-meteorite parent bodies constrain the structure of the protoplanetary diskOPEN ACCESS
Bidong Zhang, Nancy L. Chabot, and Alan E. Rubin PNAS, Vol. 121, No. 2328 May 28, 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Magmatic iron-meteorite parent bodies are the earliest planetesimals in the Solar System, and…
Igneous intrusion origin for the petrofabric of Erg Chech 002OPEN ACCESS
C. Beros, K. T. Tait, V. E. Di Cecco, D. E. Moser MAPS, Version of Record online: 19 May 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Achondrites provide an opportunity to examine the igneous processes of…
A Non-Magnetized Chondrite Parent Body Revealed by Paleomagnetic Investigation of LL6 Chondrite NWA 14180
Haijun Li, Huapei Wang, Chen Wen, Ting Cao, Jiabo Liu JGR PlanetsFirst published: 17 May 2024 LINK “Magnetic records from meteorites provide valuable information about the formation and evolution of the solar system and planets….
Early and elongated epochs of planetesimal dynamo generationOPEN ACCESS
Hannah R. Sanderson, James F. J. Bryson, Claire I. O. Nichols This is a preliminary release in order to share the manuscript at a conference. This paper will be submitted to Earth and Planetary Science…
EL meteorites do date the giant planet instabilityOPEN ACCESS
Chrysa Avdellidou, Marco Delbo, David Nesvorny, Kevin J. Walsh, Alessandro Morbidelli (Submitted on 30 Apr 2024), comment on The link between Athor and EL meteorites does not constrain the timing of the giant planet instability,…
Implantation of asteroids from the terrestrial planet region: The effect of the timing of the giant planet instabilityOPEN ACCESS
Andre Izidoro, Rogerio Deienno, Sean N. Raymond, Matthew S. Clement Under review in Icarus PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The dynamical architecture and compositional diversity of the asteroid belt strongly constrain planet formation models. Recent Solar System…
Dating the Solar System’s giant planet orbital instability using enstatite meteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Chrysa Avdellidou, Marco Delbo’, David Nesvorný, Kevin J. Walsh, and Alessandro Morbidelli Science, 16 Apr 2024, First Release LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The giant planets of the Solar System formed on initially compact orbits,…
Laboratory VIS–NIR reflectance measurements of heated Vesta regolith analogs: Unraveling the spectral properties of the pitted impact deposits on VestaOPEN ACCESS
T. Michalik, A. Maturilli, E. A. Cloutis, K. Stephan, R. Milke, K.-D. Matz, R. Jaumann, L. Hecht, H. Hiesinger, K. A. Otto MAPS, Version of Record online: 05 April 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS)…
Aqueous alteration in icy planetesimals: The effect of outward transport of gaseous hydrogenOPEN ACCESS
Takazo Shibuya, Yasuhito Sekine, Sakiko Kikuchi, Hiroyuki Kurokawa, Keisuke Fukushi, Tomoki Nakamura, Sei-ichiro Watanabe Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 28 March 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Parent bodies of carbonaceous chondrites that initially contained metallic iron…
Wetting property of Fe-S melt in solid core: Implication for the core crystallization process in planetesimals
Shiori Matsubara, Hidenori Terasaki, Takashi Yoshino, Satoru Urakawa, Daisuke Yumitori MAPS, Version of Record online: 10 March 2024 LINK “In differentiated planetesimals, the liquid core starts to crystallize during secular cooling, followed by the separation…
A New Database of Giant Impacts over a Wide Range of Masses and with Material Strength: A First Analysis of OutcomesOPEN ACCESS
Alexandre Emsenhuber, Erik Asphaug, Saverio Cambioni, Travis S. J. Gabriel, Stephen R. Schwartz, Robert E. Melikyan and C. Adeene Denton The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 5, Number 3 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “In the…
Large Carbonaceous Chondrite Parent Bodies Favored by Abundance–Volatility Modeling: A Possible Chemical Signature of Pebble AccretionOPEN ACCESS
Jeremy W. Boyce, Francis M. McCubbin, Nicole Lunning and Tyler Anderson The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 5, Number 2 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Primitive meteorite groups such as the Vigarano, Mighei, and Karoonda carbonaceous…
Chondrule Formation During Low-Speed Collisions of Planetesimals: A Hybrid Splash-Flyby FrameworkOPEN ACCESS
William Herbst, James P. Greenwood Update (MAPS, 28 February 2024): LINK (OPEN ACCESS) / PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Accepted for publication in Meteoritics and Planetary Science PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Chondrules probably formed during a small window…
Thermal processing of primordial pebbles in evolving protoplanetary disksOPEN ACCESS
Maria Jose Colmenares, Michiel Lambrechts, Elishevah van Kooten, Anders Johansen Accepted for publication in A&A PDF (OPEN ACCESS) During protoplanetary disk formation, dust grains located in the outer disk retain their pristine icy composition, while…
The H-poor nature of incompletely melted planetesimals: The view from acapulcoites and lodranites
Liam D. Peterson, Megan E. Newcombe, Conel M.O’D. Alexander, Jianhua Wang, Sune G. Nielsen In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 10 February 2024 LINK “The abundance of H in planetary building blocks is of fundamental…
Accretion of the earliest inner Solar System planetesimals beyond the water snowline
Damanveer S. Grewal, Nicole X. Nie, Bidong Zhang, Andre Izidoro & Paul D. Asimow Nature AstronomyPublished: 09 January 2024 LINK “How and where the first generation of inner Solar System planetesimals formed remains poorly understood….
Chondrule survivability in the solar nebulaOPEN ACCESS
Tetsuo Taki, Shigeru Wakita Update (27 February 2024): The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 963, Number 1 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal PDF (OPEN ACCESS) The lifetime of millimeter-sized dust…
Isotopic trichotomy of main belt asteroids from implantation of outer solar system planetesimals
David Nesvorný, Nicolas Dauphas, David Vokrouhlický, Rogerio Deienno, Timo Hopp Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 626, 15 January 2024, 118521 LINK “Recent analyses of samples from asteroid (162173) Ryugu returned by JAXA’s Hayabusa2 mission suggest…
Asteroids were born bigger: An implication of surface mass ablation during gas-assisted implantation into the asteroid belt
Rafael Ribeiro de Sousa, Andre Izidoro, Rogerio Deienno, Rajdeep Dasgupta IcarusAvailable online 6 December 2023, 115910 LINK “The origins of carbonaceous asteroids in the asteroid belt is not fully understood. The leading hypothesis is that…
Search for carbonaceous chondrites evidence on Vesta through the detection of carbonatesOPEN ACCESS
G. Massa, E. Palomba, A. Longobardo, M. Angrisani, C. Gisellu, F. Dirri, M.C. De Sanctis, A. Raponi, F.G. Carrozzo, M. Ciarniello IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 15 November 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights Study…
Composition and Sticking of Hot Chondritic Dust in a Protoplanetary Hydrogen AtmosphereOPEN ACCESS
Cynthia Pillich, Tabea Bogdan, Janosch Tasto, Joachim Landers, Gerhard Wurm and Heiko Wende The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 4, Number 10 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The sticking properties of dust in early phases of…
Prebiotic Vitamin B3 Synthesis in Carbonaceous PlanetesimalsOPEN ACCESS
Klaus Paschek, Mijin Lee, Dmitry A. Semenov, Thomas K. Henning Accepted for publication in ChemPlusChem. PDF (OPEN ACCESS)Supporting Information “Aqueous chemistry within carbonaceous planetesimals is promising for synthesizing prebiotic organic matter essential to all life….
Ice Sublimation in Planetesimals Formed at the Outward Migrating SnowlineOPEN ACCESS
Zhongtian Zhang The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 956, Number 1 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Isotopic studies of meteorites suggest that planetesimals were formed as two distinct populations: noncarbonaceous (NC) and carbonaceous (CC) reservoirs. A…
Outgassing Composition of the Murchison Meteorite: Implications for Volatile Depletion of Planetesimals and Interior-atmosphere Connections for Terrestrial ExoplanetsOPEN ACCESS
Maggie A. Thompson, Myriam Telus, Graham Harper Edwards, Laura Schaefer, Jasmeet Dhaliwal, Brian Dreyer, Jonathan J. Fortney and Kyle Kim The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 4, Number 10 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Outgassing is…
The effect of Jupiter on the CAI storage problemOPEN ACCESS
Stefan Jongejan, Carsten Dominik, Cornelis Dullemond Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript, September 26, 2023 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “By studying the distribution of calcium-aluminium-rich inclusions (CAIs) that are embedded within meteorites, we can learn about the dynamical…
Dynamical orbital evolution of asteroids and planetesimals across distinct chemical reservoirs due to accretion growth of planets in the early solar systemOPEN ACCESS
Sandeep Sahijpal Astrophysics & Astronomy, 2023, Preprint PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “N-body numerical simulations code for the orbital motion of asteroids/planetesimals within the asteroid belt under the gravitational influence of the sun and the accreting planets…
A Chondritic Solar NeighborhoodOPEN ACCESS
Isabella L. Trierweiler, Alexandra E. Doyle and Edward D. Young The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 4, Number 8Published: 1 August 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “A persistent question in exoplanet demographics is whether exoplanetary…
The Geochemical Legacy of Low-Temperature, Percolation-Driven Core Formation in PlanetesimalsOPEN ACCESS
Geoffrey David Bromiley Earth, Moon, and Planets, Volume 127, Article number: 4 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Mechanisms for core formation in differentiated bodies in the early solar system are poorly constrained. At temperatures below…
Evidence for Very Early Planetesimal Formation and 26Al/27Al Heterogeneity in the Protoplanetary DiskOPEN ACCESS
J. N. Connelly, J. Bollard, E. Amsellem, M. Schiller, K. K. Larsen, and M. Bizzarro The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 952, Number 2 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We present a U-corrected Pb–Pb age of…
Reconciling fast and slow cooling during planetary formation as recorded in the main group pallasitesOPEN ACCESS
M. Murphy Quinlan, A.M. Walker, C.J. Davies Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 618, 15 September 2023, 118284 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights Fast and slow cooling recorded in pallasites can be explained by metal…
I/Pu reveals Earth mainly accreted from volatile-poor differentiated planetesimalsOPEN ACCESS
Weiyi Liu, Yigang Zhang, François. L. H. Tissot, Guillaume Avice, Zhilin Ye, and Qing-Zhu Yin Science Advances5 Jul 2023Vol 9, Issue 27 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The observation that mid-ocean ridge basalts had ~3×…
Trace element redistributions during metamorphism of E-chondrites: implications for reduced bodies and the Earth
Jean-Alix Barrat, Addi Bischoff, Brigitte Zanda Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 5 July 2023 LINK “We report on new trace element analyses of enstatite chondrites (ECs) to clarify their behavior during…
Genetic relationships of solar system bodies based on their nucleosynthetic Ti isotope compositions and sub-structures of the solar protoplanetary diskOPEN ACCESS
Miriam Rüfenacht, Précillia Morino, Yi-Jen Lai, Manuela A. Fehr, Makiko K. Haba, Maria Schönbächler Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 28 June 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Nucleosynthetic isotope variations are powerful tools…
Silicon isotope constraints on terrestrial planet accretionOPEN ACCESS
Isaac J. Onyett, Martin Schiller, Georgy V. Makhatadze, Zhengbin Deng, Anders Johansen & Martin Bizzarro NaturePublished: 14 June 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Understanding the nature and origin of the precursor material to terrestrial…
Early solar system chronology from short-lived chronometersOPEN ACCESS
Aryavart Anand, Klaus Mezger GeochemistryInvited ReviewAvailable online 30 May 2023, 126004 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Age constraints on early solar system processes and events can be derived from meteorites and their components using…
Hydrogen in acapulcoites and lodranites: A unique source of water for planetesimals in the inner Solar SystemOPEN ACCESS
A. Stephant, X. Zhao, M. Anand, J. Davidson, C. Carli, T. Cuppone, G. Pratesi, I.A. Franchi Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 615, 1 August 2023, 118202 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights Partial melting up to 20%…
Impact mixing among rocky planetesimals in the early Solar System from angrite oxygen isotopes
B. G. Rider-Stokes, R. C. Greenwood, M. Anand, L. F. White, I. A. Franchi, V. Debaille, S. Goderis, L. Pittarello, A. Yamaguchi, T. Mikouchi & P. Claeys Nature Astronomy, Published: 15 May 2023 LINK “Angrite…
Origin and abundances of volatiles on Mars from the zinc isotopic composition of Martian meteorites
M. Paquet, Paolo A. Sossi, Frédéric Moynier Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 611, 1 June 2023, 118126, Version of Record: 14 April 2023 LINK “Volatile elements are key to understanding the accretion and differentiation processes…
Mass-dependent nickel isotopic variations in achondrites and lunar rocks
Shui-Jiong Wang, Shi-Jie Li, Yangting Lin, Si-Zhang Sheng Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 11 April 2023 LINK “We present high-precision mass-dependent nickel isotopic data for a comprehensive suite of achondrites and…
Early bombardment of the moon: Connecting the lunar crater record to the terrestrial planet formation
David Nesvorný, Fernando V. Roig, David Vokrouhlický, William F. Bottke, Simone Marchi, Alessandro Morbidelli, Rogerio Deienno Icarus, Available online 29 March 2023, 115545 LINK „The lunar crater record features ∼50 basins. The radiometric dating of…
Terrestrial planet and asteroid belt formation by Jupiter–Saturn chaotic excitationOPEN ACCESS
Patryk Sofia Lykawka & Takashi Ito Scientific Reports, Volume 13, Article number: 4708 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The terrestrial planets formed by accretion of asteroid-like objects within the inner solar system’s protoplanetary disk. Previous…
Sulfuric acid as a corrosive cryofluid and oxygen isotope reservoir in planetesimals
Akihiko Hashimoto, Yuki Nakano IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 25 March 2023 LINK “The Earth-Moon and other planetary objects are enriched in the heavier isotopes, 17O and 18O, relative to 16O by several %,…
Degassing of early-formed planetesimals restricted water delivery to Earth
M. E. Newcombe, S. G. Nielsen, L. D. Peterson, J. Wang, C. M. O’D. Alexander, A. R. Sarafian, K. Shimizu, L. R. Nittler & A. J. Irving NaturePublished: 15 March 2023 LINK “The timing of…
New chondritic bodies identified in eight oxygen-bearing white dwarfsOPEN ACCESS
Alexandra E. Doyle, Beth L. Klein, Patrick Dufour, Carl Melis, B. Zuckerman, Siyi Xu, Alycia J. Weinberger, Isabella L. Trierweiler, Nathaniel N. Monson, Michael A. Jura, Edward D. Young Accepted for publication in ApJ PDF…
Late accretion of Ceres-like asteroids and their implantation into the outer main belt
Driss Takir, Wladimir Neumann, Sean N. Raymond, Joshua P. Emery & Mario Trieloff Nature AstronomyPublished: 20 February 2023 LINK “Low-albedo asteroids preserve a record of the primordial Solar System planetesimals and the conditions in which…
An Astrophysical Site for Chondrule Formation
Herbst W.* Greenwood J. P. 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2023 abstract [#1209] We propose that chondrules form during the accretion of primitive planetesimal fragments to differentiated planetesimals.
Early water delivery to terrestrial planet regions during the stages of Jupiter’s formation and migration in the Grand Tack modelOPEN ACCESS
Masahiro Ogihara, Hidenori Genda, Yasuhito Sekine accepted for publication in PSJ PDF (OPEN ACCESS)6-minute video summary Update (13 February 2023): The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 4, Number 2LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The formation and…
Nucleosynthetic isotope anomalies of zinc in meteorites constrain the origin of Earth’s volatiles
Rayssa Martins, Sven Kuthning, Barry J. Coles, Katharina Kreissig, and Mark Rehkämper Science26 Jan 2023Vol 379, Issue 6630pp. 369-372 LINK “Material inherited from different nucleosynthesis sources imparts distinct isotopic signatures to meteorites and terrestrial planets….
Meteorites have inherited nucleosynthetic anomalies of potassium-40 produced in supernovae
Nicole X. Nie, Da Wang, Zachary A. Torrano, Richard W. Carlson, Conel M. O’D. Alexander, and Anat Shahar Science26 Jan 2023Vol 379, Issue 6630pp. 372-376 LINK “Meteorites record processes that occurred before and during the…
Origin of the superchondritic carbon/nitrogen ratio of the bulk silicate Earth − an outlook from iron meteorites
Damanveer S. Grewal, Paul D. Asimow Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 20 January 2023 LINK “Disagreement regarding the origin of the bulk silicate Earth’s (BSE) superchondritic carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio is due, in part, to the…
K-Ca dating and Ca isotope composition of the oldest Solar System lava, Erg Chech 002OPEN ACCESS
W. Dai, F. Moynier, L. Fang, J. Siebert Geochemical Perspectives Letters v24 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Erg Chech 002 (EC 002) is an andesitic meteorite, which is the oldest lava in the Solar System…
AFM Force Measurements to Explore Grain Contacts with Relevance for Planetary MaterialsOPEN ACCESS
Keanna Jardine, Adrienne Dove and Laurene Tetard The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 3, Number 12Published: 15 December 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Most small asteroids are defined as “rubble piles” or bodies with zero…
Making the Solar SystemOPEN ACCESS
John Chambers Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (16 February 2023): The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 944, Number 2LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We model the early stages of planet formation…
Birth and decline of magma oceans in planetesimals. Part 2: Structure and thermal history of early accreted small planetary bodies
Cyril Sturtz, Angela Limare, Stephen Tait, Édouard Kaminski JGR Planets, First Published: 30 November 2022 LINK “Key Points We model the thermal and structural evolution of radiogenic heated early accreted planetesimals that experienced an internal…
The accretion of planet Earth
Alex N. Halliday & Robin M. Canup Nature Reviews Earth & EnvironmentReview Article, Published: 29 November 2022 LINK “Earth’s origins are challenging to elucidate, given the lack of surviving terrestrial geology from the first 500 Myr…
Birth and decline of magma oceans in planetesimals. Part 1: Experimental study of erosion and deposition of particles in an internally heated convecting fluid
Cyril Sturtz, Angela Limare, Stephen Tait, Édouard Kaminski JGR PlanetsFirst Published: 18 November 2022 LINK “Key Points We study experimentally the transient behavior of a convective fluid bearing particles that can float or sediment to…
Rapid formation of massive planetary cores in a pressure bumpOPEN ACCESS
T.C.H. Lau, J. Dra̧żkowska, S.M. Stammler, T. Birnstiel, C.P. Dullemond Astronomy & Astrophysics, manuscript no. 44864corrReceived: 01 September 2022 / Accepted: 08 November 2022 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Context. Models of planetary core growth by either…
The effect of enclosed water-ice pockets on porous silica cluster collisions
Raihan Alfaridzi, Maureen L. Nietiadi, Herbert M. Urbassek, Yudi Rosandi IcarusAvailable online 18 November 2022 LINK “Collisions between dust particles play an important role in the initial stages of the formation of rocky planets. In…
Xenon in the Protoplanetary Disk (PPD), in Two Planets, and a CometOPEN ACCESS
Kurt Marti and K. J. Mathew The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 940, Number 1Published: 16 November 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Isotopic anomalies in several elements, as recently observed in meteorites, are generally interpreted to…
Visible and near-infrared reflectance spectra of igneous rocks and their powders
Yan Zhuang, Hao Zhang, Pei Ma, Te Jiang, Yazhou Yang, Ralph E. Milliken, Weibiao Hsu IcarusAvailable online 10 November 2022, 115346 LINK “Highlights • We have measured the visible and near-infrared reflectance spectra of 13…
Origin of life-forming volatile elements in the inner Solar System
Michael W. Broadley, David V. Bekaert, Laurette Piani, Evelyn Füri & Bernard Marty NatureReview, Published: 09 November 2022 LINK “Volatile elements such as hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen are essential ingredients to build habitable worlds…
Bulk composition and thermal evolution constrain the formation of organics in Ceres’ subsurface ocean via geochemical modeling
Jack Diab, Mohit Melwani Daswani, Julie Castillo-Rogez IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 4 November 2022 LINK “Highlights • Organic formed in the subsurface ocean are controlled by temperature and redox conditions• Under a CI…
Tellurium isotope fractionation during evaporation from silicate melts
C.J. Renggli, J.L. Hellmann, C. Burkhardt, S. Klemme, J. Berndt, P. Pangritz, T. Kleine Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 26 October 2022 LINK “Highlights • Tellurium volatility increases with oxygen fugacity.• Degassing of Te at…
Limited nitrogen isotopic fractionation during core-mantle differentiation in rocky protoplanets and planets
Damanveer S. Grewal, Tao Sun, Sanath Aithala, Taylor Hough, Rajdeep Dasgupta, Laurence Y. Yeung, Edwin Schauble Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 19 October 2022 LINK “15N/14N ratios of meteorites are a powerful tool for tracing…
Origin of moderately volatile element depletion on differentiated bodies: insights from the evaporation of indium from silicate melts
Deze Liu, Frédéric Moynier, Julien Siebert, Paolo A. Sossi, Yan Hu, Edith Kubik Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 13 October 2022 LINK “In comparison with the Sun and CI chondrites, moderately volatile elements (MVEs) are…
Early differentiation processes on Mars inferred from silicon isotopesOPEN ACCESS
Delphine Losno, Caroline Fitoussi, Bernard Bourdon Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 10 October 2022 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (17 October 2022): LINKGeochimica et Cosmochimica ActaVolume 338, 1 December 2022, Pages 11-23 “Accretion of terrestrial planets…
Internal or external magma oceans in the earliest protoplanets – Perspectives from nitrogen and carbon fractionation
Damanveer S. Grewal, Johnny D. Seales, Rajdeep Dasgupta Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 598, 15 November 2022, 117847 LINK “Highlights • Fractionation of N and C into the cores of iron meteorite parent bodies via…
The Fate of Nitrogen during Parent Body Partial Melting and Accretion of the Inner Solar System Bodies at Reducing Conditions
Rajdeep Dasgupta, Emily Falksen, Aindrila Pal, Chenguang Sun Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 23 September 2022 LINK “Evolution of nitrogen (N), a life-essential volatile element, in highly reduced magmatic systems is a key for the…
Experiments on the reactivity of basaltic minerals and glasses in Venus surface conditions using the Glenn Extreme Environment RigOPEN ACCESS
Brandon G. Radoman-Shaw, Ralph P. Harvey, Gustavo Costa, Nathan S. Jacobson, Amir Avishai, Leah M. Nakley, Daniel Vento MAPSFirst published: 14 September 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Climate models for Venus rely heavily on…
Partitioning of Ru, Pd, Ag, Re, Pt, Ir and Au between sulfide-, metal- and silicate liquid at highly reduced conditions: implications for terrestrial accretion and aubrite parent body evolution
E.S. Steenstra, J. Berndt, A. Rohrbach, E.S Bullock, W. van Westrenen, S. Klemme, M.J. Walter Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 27 August 2022 LINK “The abundances of highly siderophile elements (HSE)…
Did transit through the galactic spiral arms seed crust production on the early Earth?OPEN ACCESS
C.L. Kirkland, P.J. Sutton, T. Erickson, T.E. Johnson, M.I.H. Hartnady, H. Smithies, M. Prause GeologyAugust 23, 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) Supplemental Material “Although there is evidence for periodic geological perturbations driven by regular or semi-regular…
Widespread impact-generated porosity in early planetary crustsOPEN ACCESS
Sean E. Wiggins, Brandon C. Johnson, Gareth S. Collins, H. Jay Melosh & Simone Marchi Nature Communications, Volume 13, Article number: 4817Published: 16 August 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Interior…
Nitrogen isotope evidence for Earth’s heterogeneous accretion of volatilesOPEN ACCESS
Lanlan Shi, Wenhua Lu, Takanori Kagoshima, Yuji Sano, Zenghao Gao, Zhixue Du, Yun Liu, Yingwei Fei & Yuan Li Nature Communications, Volume 13, Article number: 4769 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The origin of major…
Towards In-Situ Geochemical Analysis of Planetary Rocks and Soils by Laser Ablation/Ionisation Time-of-Flight Mass SpectrometryOPEN ACCESS
Marek Tulej, Peter Keresztes Schmidt, Salome Gruchola, Coenraad P. de Koning, Kristina A. Kipfer, Nikita J. Boeren, Niels F. W. Ligterink, Andreas Riedo and Peter Wurz Universe, 2022, 8(8), 410ReviewPublished: 4 August 2022 LINK (OPEN…
Anatomy of rocky planets formed by rapid pebble accretion III. Partitioning of volatiles between planetary core, mantle, and atmosphereOPEN ACCESS
Anders Johansen, Thomas Ronnet, Martin Schiller, Zhengbin Deng, Martin Bizzarro Version accepted for Astronomy & Astrophysics PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Volatile molecules containing hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen are key components of planetary atmospheres. In the pebble…
Anatomy of rocky planets formed by rapid pebble accretion II. Differentiation by accretion energy and thermal blanketingOPEN ACCESS
Anders Johansen, Thomas Ronnet, Martin Schiller, Zhengbin Deng, Martin Bizzarro Version accepted for Astronomy & Astrophysics PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We explore the heating and differentiation of rocky planets that grow by rapid pebble accretion. Our…
Anatomy of rocky planets formed by rapid pebble accretion I. How icy pebbles determine the core fraction and FeO contentsOPEN ACCESS
Anders Johansen, Thomas Ronnet, Martin Schiller, Zhengbin Deng, Martin Bizzarro Version accepted for Astronomy & Astrophysics PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We present a series of papers dedicated to modelling the accretion and differentiation of rocky planets…
Early crustal processes revealed by the ejection site of the oldest martian meteoriteOPEN ACCESS
A. Lagain, S. Bouley, B. Zanda, K. Miljković, A. Rajšić, D. Baratoux, V. Payré, L. S. Doucet, N. E. Timms, R. Hewins, G. K. Benedix, V. Malarewic, K. Servis & P. A. Bland Nature Communications,…
Bombardment history of the Moon constrained by crustal porosity
Ya Huei Huang, Jason M. Soderblom, David A. Minton, Masatoshi Hirabayashi & H. Jay Melosh Nature GeosciencePublished: 07 July 2022 LINK “The formation and evolution of the terrestrial planets were shaped by a bombardment of…
Stochastic accretion of the Earth
Paolo A. Sossi, Ingo L. Stotz, Seth A. Jacobson, Alessandro Morbidelli & Hugh St. C. O’Neill Nature AstronomyPublished: 07 July 2022 LINK “Chondritic meteorites are thought to be representative of the material that formed the…
Fe5S2 identified as a host of sulfur in Earth and planetary cores
Claire C. Zurkowski, Barbara Lavina, Abigail Case, Kellie Swadba, Stella Chariton, Vitali Prakapenka, Andrew J. Campbell Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 593, 1 September 2022 LINK Highlights • The Fe-saturated Fe-S phase relationships were probed…
Structure of differentiated planetesimals: A chondritic fridge on top of a magma ocean
Cyril Sturtz, Angela Limare, Marc Chaussidon, Édouard Kaminski IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 28 May 2022 LINK “Highlights • We study the formation and the thermal evolution of planetesimals that accreted undifferentiated material during…
Early Solar System instability triggered by dispersal of the gaseous disk
Beibei Liu, Sean N. Raymond & Seth A. Jacobson Nature, Volume 604, pages 643–646Published: 27 April 2022 LINK “The Solar System’s orbital structure is thought to have been sculpted by an episode of dynamical instability…
Core segregation during pebble accretion
Peter Olson, Zachary Sharp, Susmita Garai Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 587, 1 June 2022, 117537 LINK “Highlights • Pebble accretion builds terrestrial protoplanets in a few million years.• Core segregation is synchronized to the…
The Radiation Environment of Ceres and Implications for Surface Sampling
T.A. Nordheim, J.C. Castillo-Rogez, M.N. Villarreal, J.E.C. Scully, and E.S. Costello AstrobiologyPublished Online: 21 Apr 2022 LINK “Ceres is a large water-rich dwarf planet located within the asteroid belt. Its surface displays evidence of material…
Natural separation of two primordial planetary reservoirs in an expanding solar protoplanetary diskOPEN ACCESS
Beibei Liu, Anders Johansen, Michiel Lambrechts, Martin Bizzarro and Troels Haugbølle Science Advances • 22 Apr 2022 • Vol 8, Issue 16 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Meteorites display an isotopic composition dichotomy between noncarbonaceous…
Did Earth eat its leftovers? Impact ejecta as a component of the late veneerOPEN ACCESS
Philip J. Carter, Sarah T. Stewart Draft version April 11, 2022, to be published in PSJ PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (19 April 2022):LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS)The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 3, Number 4 “The…
Science Goals and Mission Concept for a Landed Investigation of MercuryOPEN ACCESS
Carolyn M. Ernst, Nancy L. Chabot, Rachel L. Klima, Sanae Kubota, Gabe Rogers, Paul K. Byrne, Steven A. Hauck II, Kathleen E. Vander Kaaden, Ronald J. Vervack Jr., Sébastien Besse, David T. Blewett, Brett W….
Science Drivers for the Future Exploration of Ceres: From Solar System Evolution to Ocean World ScienceOPEN ACCESS
Julie Castillo-Rogez, Marc Neveu, Vassilissa Vinogradoff, Kelly E. Miller, Michael M. Sori, Federico Tosi, Britney Schmidt, Jennifer E. C. Scully, Mohit Melwani Daswani, Kynan Hughson The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 3, Number 3Published: March 16,…
Half-life and initial Solar System abundance of 146Sm determined from the oldest andesitic meteoriteOPEN ACCESS
Linru Fang, Paul Frossard, Maud Boyet, Audrey Bouvier, Jean-Alix Barrat, Marc Chaussidon, and Frederic Moynier PNASMarch 15, 2022 | 119 (12) LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The formation and differentiation of planetary bodies are dated…
The absence of an effect of nickel on iron isotope fractionation during core formation
E. Kubik, P.A. Sossi, J. Siebert, E. Inglis, M. Roskosz, E. Siciliano Rego, N. Wehr, F. Moynier Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 24 February 2022 LINK “The Fe isotopic compositions of…
Evidence for a primordial isotopic gradient in the inner region of the solar protoplanetary discOPEN ACCESS
J. Mah, R. Brasser, J. M. Y. Woo, A. Bouvier, S. J. Mojzsis manuscript, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics PDF (OPEN ACCESS) and PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Not only do the sampled terrestrial worlds…
Brine residues and organics in the Urvara basin on CeresOPEN ACCESS
A. Nathues, M. Hoffmann, N. Schmedemann, R. Sarkar, G. Thangjam, K. Mengel, J. Hernandez, H. Hiesinger & J. H. Pasckert Nature Communications, Volume 13, Article number: 927 (2022) LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Ceres is…
Asteroids and Life: How Special Is the Solar System?OPEN ACCESS
Rebecca G. Martin and Mario Livio The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 926, Number 2Published: 18 February 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Asteroid impacts with Earth may have played an essential role in the emergence…
Dynamical origin of the Dwarf Planet CeresOPEN ACCESS
Rafael Ribeiro de Sousa, Alessandro Morbidelli, Rodney Gomes, Ernesto Vieira Neto, Andre Izidoro, Abreuçon Atanasio Alves IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 18 February 2022 LINK PDF (OPEN ACCESS) (draft version, 21 February 2022) “Highlights…
Large planets may not form fractionally large moonsOPEN ACCESS
Miki Nakajima, Hidenori Genda, Erik Asphaug & Shigeru Ida Nature Communications, Volume 13, Article number: 568 (2022)Published: 01 February 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “One of the unique aspects of Earth is that it…
Kilometer-scale crater size-frequency distributions on CeresOPEN ACCESS
Kosei Toyokawa, Junichi Haruyama, Naoyuki Hirata, Sayuri Tanaka, Takahiro Iwata IcarusAvailable online 29 January 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • We explored the crater size-frequency distribution (SFD) with D > 1 km on Ceres.• The SFD of projectiles…
Chemical Differentiation of Planets: A Core IssueOPEN ACCESS
Hervé Toulhoat, Viacheslav Zgonnik The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 924, Number 2Published: 14 January 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “By plotting empirical chemical element abundances on Earth relative to the Sun and normalized to silicon…
Planetesimal rings as the cause of the Solar System’s planetary architectureOPEN ACCESS
Andre Izidoro, Rajdeep Dasgupta, Sean N. Raymond, Rogerio Deienno, Bertram Bitsch & Andrea Isella Nature Astronomy (2021)Published: 30 December 2021 LINK Update (3 January 2022): PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Astronomical observations reveal that protoplanetary disks around…
Effects of pebble accretion on the growth and composition of planetesimals in the inner Solar SystemOPEN ACCESS
J. Mah, R. Brasser, A. Bouvier, S. J. Mojzsis accepted for publication in MNRAS PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Recent work has shown that aside from the classical view of collisions by increasingly massive planetesimals, the accretion…
Terrestrial planet formation from lost inner solar system materialOPEN ACCESS
Christoph Burkhardt, Fridolin Spitzer, Alessandro Morbidelli, Gerrit Budde, Jan H. Render, Thomas S. Kruijer and Thorsten Kleine Science Advances, 22 Dec 2021, Vol 7, Issue 52 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Two fundamentally different processes…
Contemporary formation of early Solar System planetesimals at two distinct radial locationsOPEN ACCESS
A. Morbidelli, K. Baillié, K. Batygin, S. Charnoz, T. Guillot, D. C. Rubie & T. Kleine Nature Astronomy (2021)Published: 22 December 2021 LINK Update (3 January 2022): PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The formation of planetesimals is…
The impact of asteroid shapes and topographies on their reflectance spectroscopyOPEN ACCESS
S.M. Potin, S. Douté, B. Kugler, F. Forbes Accepted for publication in Icarus PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (16 December 2021): LINK “Highlights • The spectral bidirectional reflectance of two reference surfaces is measured in the…
Polluted white dwarfs reveal exotic mantle rock types on exoplanets in our solar neighborhoodOPEN ACCESS
Keith D. Putirka & Siyi Xu Nature Communications, Volume 12, Article number: 6168 (2021) LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Prior studies have hypothesized that some polluted white dwarfs record continent-like granitic crust—which is abundant on…
Moons are planets: Scientific usefulness versus cultural teleology in the taxonomy of planetary scienceOPEN ACCESS
Philip T. Metzger, W.M. Grundy, Mark V. Sykes, Alan Stern, James F. Bell III, Charlene E. Detelich, Kirby Runyon, Michael Summers IcarusAvailable online 28 October 2021 LINKPDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • Vital issues were not…
Early Initiation of Inner Solar System Formation at the Dead-zone Inner EdgeOPEN ACCESS
Takahiro Ueda, Masahiro Ogihara, Eiichiro Kokubo, and Satoshi Okuzumi The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 921, Number 1 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The inner solar system possesses a unique orbital structure in which there are…
Specific Heat Capacity Measurements of Selected Meteorites for Planetary Surface Temperature Modeling
Sylvain Piqueux, Tuan H. Vu, Jonathan Bapst, Laurence A.J. Garvie, Mathieu Choukroun, Christopher S. Edwards JGR PlanetsFirst published: 16 October 2021, accepted for publication and undergone full peer review LINK “Key Points Specific heat capacity…
GAUSS – genesis of asteroids and evolution of the solar systemOPEN ACCESS
A sample return mission to Ceres Xian Shi, Julie Castillo-Rogez, Henry Hsieh, Hejiu Hui, Wing-Huen Ip, Hanlun Lei, Jian-Yang Li, Federico Tosi, Liyong Zhou, Jessica Agarwal, Antonella Barucci, Pierre Beck, Adriano Campo Bagatin, Fabrizio Capaccioni,…
Earth’s accretion inferred from iron isotopic anomalies of supernova nuclear statistical equilibrium originOPEN ACCESS
Timo Hopp, Nicolas Dauphas, Fridolin Spitzer, Christoph Burkhardt, Thorsten Kleine Accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (10 November 2021):Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 577, 1 January 2022LINK “Highlights…
Common feedstocks of late accretion for the terrestrial planets
M.-H. Zhu, A. Morbidelli, W. Neumann, Q.-Z. Yin, J.M.D. Day, D.C. Rubie, G.J. Archer, N. Artemieva, H. Becker, K. Wünnemann Nature Astronomy (30 September 2021) LINK “Abundances of the highly siderophile elements (HSEs) in silicate…
Isotopic evolution of planetary crusts by hypervelocity impacts evidenced by Fe in microtektitesOPEN ACCESS
S. M. Chernonozhkin, C. González de Vega, N. Artemieva, B. Soens, J. Belza, E. Bolea-Fernandez, M. Van Ginneken, B. P. Glass, L. Folco, M. J. Genge, Ph. Claeys, F. Vanhaecke & S. Goderis Nature Communications,…
Potassium isotope composition of Mars reveals a mechanism of planetary volatile retention
Zhen Tian, Tomáš Magna, James M. D. Day, Klaus Mezger, Erik E. Scherer, Katharina Lodders, Remco C. Hin, Piers Koefoed, Hannah Bloom, and Kun Wang PNAS, September 28, 2021 118 (39) LINK “The abundances of…