A contemporary view of the ordinary chondrite boot I: Band parameter analysis dependency

Lucas T. McClure, Sean S. Lindsay IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 14 February 2022 LINK “Highlights • The Spectral Analysis Routine for Asteroids (SARA) performed band parameter analyses on spectral data from 167 ordinary…

Vis-IR Reflectance Spectroscopy of Hydrous Carbonaceous Chondrites with Variable Heating and Dehydration Degrees

M. Matsuoka, T. Nakamura, N. Miyajima, N. Imae, A. Yamaguchi, H. Kojima 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2017), Abstract #2050 LINK

Can We Distinguish Between Shock-Darkened and Space-Weathered Asteroids?

Kohout, Tomas; Penttila, Antti; Gritsevich, Maria; Britt, Daniel; Reddy, Vishnu; Mann, Paul; Haloda, Jakub; Halodova, Patricie; Grokhovsky, Viktor; Yakovlev, Grigoriy; Cuda, Jan; Filip, Jan; Muinonen, Karri; Zboril, Radek American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #46, #506.02…

Linear spectropolarimetry: a new diagnostic tool for the classification and characterization of asteroids

Bagnulo S, Cellino A,Sterzik MF (2014) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society MNRAS (January 01, 2015) 446 (1): L11-L15. doi: first published online October 22, 2014 LINK

Aqueous Alteration on Asteroids: Linking the Mineralogy and Spectroscopy of CM and CI Chondrites

M.M. McAdam, J.M. Sunshine, K.T. Howard, T.M. McCoy Icarus DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2014.09.041 LINK Abstract CM/CI meteorites range in degree of aqueous alteration suggesting differences in initially accreted materials including water ice and possible spatial heterogeneities within…
