Quantitative analysis of spectral properties and composition of primitive achondrites (acapulcoites, lodranites and winonaites)

PengYue Wang, Edward Cloutis, Ye Su, PengFei Zhang

Icarus, In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 18 September 2024



  • The generalized spectral field of primitive achondrites (acapulcoites, lodranites and winonaites) in the plot of the band area ratio and 1 μm band center was determined.
  • The 2 μm band center of acapulcoite–lodranite is significantly lower than that of H chondrites, which is consistent with their mineralogies.
  • The choice of spectral parameter analysis techniques for primitive achondrites can determine how uniquely they can be identified.”

“The establishment of robust meteorite-asteroid links has been a major focus of planetary exploration, and a major driver of asteroid sample return missions. Reflectance spectroscopy has been shown to be a powerful tool for this purpose. For the meteorites dominated by silicate minerals, quantitative analysis of spectral absorption features caused by the Fe2+-bearing minerals (mainly olivine and pyroxene) is a common method to determine mafic silicate mineralogy and end member abundances, and establish the relationship between them and possible parent bodies. In this study, the reflectance spectra of 22 primitive achondrites (acapulcoites, lodranites and winonaites) from NASA RELAB database were analyzed to determine their positions in the plot of the band area ratio (BAR) and 1 μm band center (Band I center). We found that Band I center and BAR of acapulcoites and lodranites are in roughly the same range. Acapulcoite-lodranite partially overlap with the field of H chondrites in the plot of the BAR and Band I center. This overlap means that spectral calibrations (also referred to as mineralogical formulas) based on the two types of meteorites needs to be applied with caution. The 2 μm band center of acapulcoite–lodranite is significantly lower than that of H chondrites, which is consistent with the conclusion of previous studies and provides a means to separate these two groups. In addition, the choice of spectral parameter analysis techniques may be a potential error source in similar studies. We provide generalized spectral fields of primitive achondrites in the plot of the BAR and Band I center derived from two widely used technologies.”