Ba and Sr isotopic patterns from step-leaching experiments on the pristine Aguas Zarcas CM2 meteorite
Liam S. T. McGovern, Bruce L. A. Charlier, Colin J. N. Wilson MAPS, Version of Record online: 19 October 2024 LINK “Stepwise acid leaching experiments were performed on the pre-rain CM2 fall Aguas Zarcas to…
n-Alkanes formed by methyl-methylene addition as a source of meteoritic aliphaticsOPEN ACCESS
P. Merino, L. Martínez, G. Santoro, J. I. Martínez, K. Lauwaet, M. Accolla, N. Ruiz del Arbol, C. Sánchez-Sánchez, A. Martín-Jimenez, R. Otero, M. Piantek, D. Serrate, R. Lebrón-Aguilar, J. E. Quintanilla-López, J. Mendez, P….
The Aguas Zarcas carbonaceous chondrite meteorite: Brecciation and aqueous alteration on the parent body
I. Kouvatsis, J. A. Cartwright, W. E. Hames MAPS, Version of Record online: 29 May 2024 LINK “CM chondrites are samples from primitive water-rich asteroids that formed early in the solar system; many record evidence…
High surface area and interconnected nanoporosity of clay-rich astromaterialsOPEN ACCESS
Laurence A. J. Garvie, László Trif, Desireé Cotto-Figueroa, Erik Asphaug & Christian G. Hoover Scientific Reports, Volume 14, Article number: 10358 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Porosity affects key astromaterial processes from disruption in our…
Life on Earth can grow on extraterrestrial organic carbonOPEN ACCESS
Annemiek C. Waajen, Cassio Lima, Royston Goodacre & Charles S. Cockell Scientific Reports, Volume 14, Article number: 3691 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The universe is a vast store of organic abiotic carbon that could…
The water content of CM carbonaceous chondrite falls and finds, and their susceptibility to terrestrial contaminationOPEN ACCESS
Martin R. Lee, Lydia J. Hallis, Luke Daly, Adrian J. Boyce MAPSVersion of Record online: 12 November 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “CM carbonaceous chondrites can be used to constrain the abundance and H…
Grain Size Effects on UV–MIR (0.2–14μm) Spectra of Carbonaceous Chondrite GroupsOPEN ACCESS
David C. Cantillo, Vishnu Reddy, Adam Battle, Benjamin N. L. Sharkey, Neil C. Pearson, Tanner Campbell, Akash Satpathy, Mario De Florio, Roberto Furfaro and Juan Sanchez The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 4, Number 9 LINK…
Three-dimensional imaging of high-velocity-impact induced crack growth in carbonaceous meteorites
Tatsuhiro Michikami, Akira Tsuchiyama, Axel Hagermann, Akio Takeda, Katsuki Shishido, Yushi Otsuka, Osamu Sasaki, Michihiko Nakamura, Satoshi Okumura, Harumasa Kano, Sunao Hasegawa, IcarusAvailable online 25 November 2022 LINK “The material strength of meteorites provides useful…
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in carbonaceous chondrites can be used as tracers of both pre-accretion and secondary processesOPEN ACCESS
Marceau Lecasble, Laurent Remusat, Jean-Christophe Viennet, Boris Laurent, Sylvain Bernard Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 6 September 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Carbonaceous chondrites contain in a diverse suite of more or…
A record of post-accretion asteroid surface mixing preserved in the Aguas Zarcas meteorite
Xin Yang, Romy D. Hanna, Andrew M. Davis, April I. Neander & Philipp R. Heck Nature AstronomyPublished: 11 August 2022 LINK “Particle ejection and redeposition events on the surface of asteroid 101955 Bennu, which led…
Heterogeneous nature of the carbonaceous chondrite breccia Aguas Zarcas – cosmochemical characterization and origin of new carbonaceous chondrite lithologies
Imene Kerraouch, Yoko Kebukawa, Addi Bischoff, Michael E. Zolensky, Elias Wölfer, Jan L. Hellmann, Motoo Ito, Ashley King, Mario Trieloff, Jean-Alix Barrat, Phillipe Schmitt-Kopplin, Andreas Pack, Markus Patzek, Romy D. Hanna, Thomas Fockenberg, Yves Marrocchi,…
Phosphorus Speciation in Hydrous Carbonaceous Meteorites: Indications of the Degree of Oxidation During Hydrothermal Processing
MetSoc22 abstract [#6290] LINK “Results suggest P was incorporated into parent bodies as phosphide, and aqueous processing was most effective at oxidizing this to phosphate in Murchison, with a lesser degree of oxidation in Aguas…
The Aguas Zarcas Carbonaceous Chondrite Meteorite: A Study of Chondrules, Fine-Grained Rims, and Indications for a Heterogeneous Parent Body
Kouvatsis I. Cartwright J. A. Hames W. E. MetSoc22 abstract [#6308] LINK “We study the formation and evolution of fine-grained rims (FGRs) in the carbonaceous chondrite Aguas Zarcas.”
Composition and Petrography of Recent Type 1 and 2 Carbonaceous Chondrite Falls
Wombacher F. Kerraouch I. Bischoff A. MetSoc22 abstract [#6219] LINK “We analysed the recent carbonaceous chondrite falls Flensburg C1, Kolang CM1/2, Aguas Zarcas CM2, Winchcombe CM2 and Tarda C2 together with the CM2 chondrites Murchison…
Multiscale correlated analysis of the Aguas Zarcas CM chondriteOPEN ACCESS
Zélia Dionnet, Alice Aléon-Toppani, Rosario Brunetto, Stefano Rubino, Martin D. Suttle, Cateline Lantz, Chrysa Avdellidou, Donia Baklouti, Ferenc Borondics, Zahia Djouadi, Francesco Greco, Eva Héripré, Tomoki Nakamura, Alessandra Rotundi, Mario Scheel MAPSVersion of Record online:…
Distinguishing between terrestrial and extraterrestrial organic compounds in the CM2 Aguas Zarcas carbonaceous chondrite: Implications for intrinsic organic matter
Libby D. Tunney, Patrick J. A. Hill, Christopher D. K. Herd, Robert W. Hilts, Miranda C. Holt MAPSVersion of Record online: 15 March 2022 LINK “Soluble organic matter analyses of astromaterials can provide valuable information…
Tracing Organic Contamination from Collection to Curation: Best Practices for the Recovery and Contamination Mitigation of Meteorites
Tunney L. D. Hill P. J. A. Herd C. D. K. Hilts R. W. PDF LPSC 2022 abstract [#2103] “In this study, we derive six key recommendations for recovering, handling, and curating freshly fallen meteorites.”
Brecciation on the Aguas Zarcas Parent Body Revealed Using Clast Petrofabrics
Floyd C. J. * Macente A. Daly L. Hanna R. D. Lee M. R. PDF LPSC 2022 abstract [#1470] “Chondrules in chondrites / What secrets are they hiding / Fabrics reveal all.”
LASER Raman Spectroscopy on Aguas Zarcas (CM2) — the 2019 Meteorite Fall from Costa Rica
Hoffmann V. H. Kaliwoda M. Junge M. Schmahl W. W. PDF LPSC 2022 abstract [#2231] “A large slice of Aguas Zarcas (CM2) was analyzed systematically by LASER Raman spectroscopy. The results are compared with Raman…
Assessing the Oxygen Isotope Heterogeneity in Aguas Zarcas, Mukundpura and Kolang
Findlay R. * Greenwood R. C. Franchi I. A. Anand M. King A. J. et al. PDF LPSC 2022 abstract [#2647] “Warm cosmic hot tub / Wet and dry are now as one / Juxtaposed…
Mineralogy of the 2019 Aguas Zarcas (CM2) carbonaceous chondrite meteorite fallOPEN ACCESS
Laurence A. J. Garvie American MineralogistRevision 1, preprint (peer-reviewed, final accepted version for American Mineralogist, published online: 24 November 2021) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (1 December 2021, American Mineralogist, 106 (12): 1900–1916): LINK “The 2019…
The Metal-Rich Lithology Within the Aguas Zarcas Breccia: Characterization, Origin, and Evolution
Kerraouch I., Bischoff A., Zolensky M. E., Hellmann J. L., Wölfer E., King A. J., Patzek M., Marrocchi Y., Pack A., Ludwig T., Trieloff M. 84th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2021 (abstract #…
Spectroscopic Investigation of Ungrouped Carbonaceous Chondrites
Yesiltas M., Kebukawa Y., Zolensky M. E., Fries M., Glotch T. D. 84th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2021 (abstract # 6098) PDF We present detailed spectroscopic and imaging data on multiple C2-ung chondrites…
Silicate Minerals in CM Carbonaceous Chondrites Murchison and Aguas Zarcas
Bose M., Hahn T. M. Jr., Jin Z. 84th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2021 (abstract # 6078) PDF Silicate minerals in Aguas Zarcas has elevated hydrogen isotopic ratios compared to Murchison. Isolated olivines…
FTIR Spectroscopy and X-CT Characterization of the New CM Aguas Zarcas
Dionnet Z., Aléon-Toppani A., Rubino S., Suttle M. D., Lantz C., Grieco F., Baklouti D., Djouadi Z., Rotundi A., Scheel M., Borondics F., Heripre E., Avdellidou C., Brunetto R. 84th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical…
PAH Content of CM Chondrites: Influence of Aqueous Alteration on the Parent Body?
Lecasble M., Remusat L., Viennet J.-C., Laurent B., Bernard S. 84th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2021 (abstract # 6205) PDF We extracted PAHs from Mukundpura, Aguas Zarcas, Kolang and Tarda. PAH concentration and…
Alteration of Carbonate in the Aguas Zarcas and Tarda Carbonaceous Chondrites
Hicks L. J., Bridges J. C. 84th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2021 (abstract # 6157) PDF In this study of Aguas Zarcas and Tarda carbonaceous chondrites, we aim to constrain the history of…
A Possible Record of an Active Asteroid: Discovery of a Compact Lithology in the Aguas Zarcas CM Chondrite
Yang X., Hanna R. D., Davis A. M., Neander A. I., Heck P. R. 84th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2021 (abstract # 6075) PDF We found a previously unreported lithology of compact fragments…
Hydrogen Content in Chondrules of CM Chondrites: Influence of Aqueous Alteration or Preaccretional Heritage?
S. Azevedo-Vannson, Remusat L., Piani L., Pont S., Roskosz M. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #1867 PDF “Ion probe reveals high H content in NAMs of chondrules in Paris and Aguas Zarcas…
Clast Populations Within the CM2.2 Brecciated Carbonaceaous Chondrite Aguas Zarcas: Implications for Understanding Aqueous Alteration on Ryugu
Clast Populations Within the CM2.2 Brecciated Carbonaceaous Chondrite Aguas Zarcas: Implications for Understanding Aqueous Alteration on Ryugu P. M. C. Martin, Lee M. R. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #2068 “Petrological characterization…
The polymict carbonaceous breccia Aguas Zarcas: A potential analog to samples being returned by the OSIRIS‐REx and Hayabusa2 missionsOPEN ACCESS
Imene Kerraouch, Addi Bischoff, Michael E. Zolensky, Andreas Pack, Markus Patzek, Romy D. Hanna, Marc D. Fries, Dennis Harries, Yoko Kebukawa, Loan LeMotoo, ItoZia Rahman Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceFirst Published: 2 February 2021 LINK (OPEN…
The Aguas Zarcas (CM2) meteorite: New insights into early solar system organic chemistry
Sandra Pizzarello, Christopher T. Yarnes, George Cooper Meteoritics & Planetary Science First published: 15 July 2020 LINK “To date, the CM2 class of carbonaceous chondrites has provided the most detailed view of organic synthesis in…
Extraterrestrial organic compounds and cyanide in the CM2 carbonaceous chondrites Aguas Zarcas and Murchison
José C. Aponte, Hannah L. McLain, Danielle N. Simkus, Jamie E. Elsila, Daniel P. Glavin, Eric T. Parker, Jason P. Dworkin, Dolores H. Hill, Harold C. Connolly, Jr. Dante S. Lauretta Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion…
Extraterrestrial amino acids and L‐enantiomeric excesses in the CM2 carbonaceous chondrites Aguas Zarcas and Murchison
Daniel P. Glavin, Jamie E. Elsila, Hannah L. McLain, José C. Aponte, Eric T. Parker, Jason P. Dworkin, Dolores H. Hill, Harold C. Connolly, Dante S. Lauretta Meteoritics & Planetary Science First Published: 25 February…
The Aguas Zarcas Meteorite: A Review of Chondrules and Fine-Grained Rims Observed Within a New Carbonaceous Chondrite (CM2) Fall
I. Kouvatsis, J. A. Cartwright 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2020), Abstract #2512 PDF (OPEN ACCESS)
Distinguishing Between Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Organic Compounds in the CM2 Aguas Zarcas Carbonaceous Chondrite
L. D. Tunney, P. J. A. Hill, C. D. K. Herd, R. W. Hilts 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2020), Abstract #1795 PDF (OPEN ACCESS)
Aqueous Alteration in the CM2 Aguas Zarcas Meteorite
L. J. Hicks, J. C. Bridges 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2020), Abstract #2869 PDF (OPEN ACCESS)
Degree of Aqueous Alteration of the CM Carbonaceous Chondrite Aguas Zarcas: Implications for Understanding Ryugu and Bennu
P. M. C. Martin, M. R. Lee 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2020), Abstract #1375 PDF (OPEN ACCESS)
Organic Matter in the Aguas Zarcas (CM2) Meteorite: High Abundance of Aliphatic Carbon in Metal-Rich Lithology
Y. Kebukawa, M. E. Zolensly, J. Mathurin, E. Dartois, C. Engrand, J. Duprat, A. Deniset-Besseau, A. Dazzi, M. Fries, T. Ohigashi, D. Wakabayashi, S. Yamashita, Y. Takeichi, Y. Takahashi, M. Kondo, M. Ito, Y. Kodama,…
Spectroscopy and Mineralogy of Aguas Zarcas
D. Takir, K. T. Howard, K. R. Stockstill-Cahill, C. A. Hibbitts, N. Abreu, M. E. Zolensky, M. Fries 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2020), Abstract #2533 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Aguas Zarcas is a new…
Two Recent CM Falls: New Evidence for a Lithologically and Isotopically Heterogeneous CM Parent Body
R. Findlay, R. C. Greenwood, A. J. King, M. Anand, I. A. Franchi 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2020), Abstract #2880 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The CM carbonaceous chondrites (CCs) are a diverse group of…
Characteristics of a New Carbonaceous, Metal-Rich Lithology Found in the Carbonaceous Chondrite Breccia Aguas Zarcas
I. Kerraouch, A. Bischoff, M. E. Zolensky, A. Pack, M. Patzek, E. Wölfer, C. Burkhardt, M. Fries 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2020), Abstract #2011 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The Aguas Zarcas meteorite fell in…
El condrito carbonáceo Aguas Zarcas: bólido, caída y recuperación de un meteorito extraordinario del tipo CM2
Oscar H. Lücke, Pilar Madrigal, Gerardo J. Soto Revista Geológica de América Central Número 61 , 9-22; published: 2019-12-11 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “El 23 de abril del 2019 a las 21:08, se…
Análisis de datos de infrasonido del meteorito de Aguas Zarcas de San Carlos, Costa Rica, 23 de abril 2019
Ronnie Quintero-Quintero, Hairo Villalobos-Villalobos, Daniela Campos-Durán Revista Geológica de América Central Número 61 , 35-55; published: 2019-12-11 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “El 23 de abril de 2019 a las 21:07:22 hora de Costa…
Meteorite fall (~ 27 kg, CM2) in La Caporal, AGUAS ZARCAS and around Santa Rosa and La Palmera, San Carlos, Alajuela, Costa Rica on 23 April 2019 at ~ 9.07.22-26 p.m. CST (~3.07.22-26 UTC, 24 April)
Last update: 15 February 2020 Patio roof with impact hole (top) and impact damage on tables (bottom right) CLICK IMAGE FOR ANIMATION On 23 April 2019 at about 9.07.22-26 p.m. CST (3.07.22-26 UTC, 24 April)…