Moderately volatile elements in chondrites record chondrule formation, two-component mixing and redistribution on parent bodiesOPEN ACCESS
Ninja Braukmüller, Claudia Funk, Wafa Abouchami, Harvey Pickard, Mark Rehkämper, Alessandro Bragagni, Stephen J.G. Galer, Carsten Münker, Harry Becker, Frank Wombacher Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 6 February 2025 LINK +…
Benford’s Law: applications to chondrules and refractory inclusionsOPEN ACCESS
Jake Grodner, Alan E. Rubin Discover Space, Volume 129, article number 2, 22 January 2025 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Benford’s Law is a scale- and base-invariant probability distribution wherein smaller numerals occur more often…
Chondrule dust rim growth: Influence of restructuring using molecular dynamics simulationsOPEN ACCESS
Chuchu Xiang, Nina Merkert, Lorin S. Matthews, Augusto Carballido, Truell W. Hyde PDF (OPEN ACCESS) (preprint) “We investigate the influence of disruptive collisions on chondrule rim growth, emphasizing the role of kinetic energy in determining…
Discovery of carbonaceous chondritic fragment in Chang’e-5 regolith samples
Linxi Li, Hejiu Hui, Sen Hu, Qiuli Li, Yi Chen, Wei Yang, Guoqiang Tang, Lihui Jia, Xiaoguang Li, Lixin Gu, Fuyuan Wu Icarus, In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 6 January 2025 LINK “Highlights “Lunar…
Petrofabrics in the CM chondrite Kolang: Evidence for non-spherical chondrules in the protoplanetary diskOPEN ACCESS
Laura E. Jenkins, Martin R. Lee, Luke Daly, Ashley J. King, Cameron J. Floyd, Peter Chung, Sammy Griffin MAPS, Version of Record online: 21 December 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The alignment of non-spherical…
Calcium phosphates associated with chondrules in the CR chondrite Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 99177: Evidence for solar nebular and parent body processesOPEN ACCESS
Marina Martínez, Adrian J. Brearley In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 18 December 2024 LINK + PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Phosphorus-bearing minerals in carbonaceous chondrites record early aqueous alteration effects in the parent asteroid and potentially…
Chondrites as thermal and mechanical archives of accretion processes in the Solar protoplanetary diskOPEN ACCESS
Anthony Seret, Guy Libourel Earth and Planetary Science Letters 649, 119066 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “As some of the most ancient materials in our Solar System, chondritic meteorites offer a valuable window into the early stages…
Chondrule formation indicates protracted growth of giant planet cores
M.D. Cashion, B.C. Johnson, R. Deienno, K.A. Kretke, K.J. Walsh, A.N. Krot IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 27 November 2024 LINK “Highlights “Chondrules, igneous spherules found in most meteorites, formed throughout the protoplanetary disk,…
Radial transport and nebular thermal processing of millimeter-sized solids in the Solar protoplanetary disk inferred from Cr-Ti-O isotope systematics of chondrulesOPEN ACCESS
Kohei Fukuda, Yuki Hibiya, Craig R. Kastelle, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Tsuyoshi Iizuka, Katsuyuki Yamashita, Thomas E. Helser, Noriko T. Kita MAPS, Version of Record online: 27 October 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Understanding the material…
Numerical model for the solidification of a chondrule meltOPEN ACCESS
Hitoshi Miura IcarusAvailable online 1 October 2024, 116317 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights “In this study, we propose a novel numerical method to simulate the growth dynamics of an olivine single crystal within an isolated, multicomponent…
Is there a genetic relationship between chondrules and matrix?OPEN ACCESS
Elishevah van Kooten, Adrian Brearley, Denton Ebel, Conel Alexander, Marina Gemma, Dominik Hezel Update (24 September 2024): LINK (OPEN ACCESS) / PDF (DOWNLOAD) accepted in Space Science Reviews PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Chondritic components such as…
Formation and evolution of a protoplanetary disk: combining observations, simulations and cosmochemical constraintsOPEN ACCESS
Alessandro Morbidelli,Yves Marrocchi,Adnan Ali Ahmad,Asmita Bhandare,Sebastien Charnoz,Benoit Commercon,Cornellis P. Dullemond,Tristan Guillot,Patrick Hennebelle,Yueh-Ning Lee,Francesco Lovascio,Raphael Marschall,Bernard Marty,Anaelle Maury,Okamoto Tamami In press in Astronomy and Astrophysics PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We present a plausible and coherent view of…
Cavitating bubbles in condensing gas as a means of forming clumps, chondrites, and planetesimalsOPEN ACCESS
Eugene Chiang Accepted to ApJ Letters PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Vaporized metal, silicates, and ices on the verge of re-condensing into solid or liquid particles appear in many contexts: behind shocks, in impact ejecta, and within…
Chondrule Properties and Formation ConditionsOPEN ACCESS
Yves Marrocchi, Rhian H. Jones, Sara S. Russell, Dominik C. Hezel, Jens Barosch & Aleksandra Kuznetsova Space Science ReviewsVolume 220, article number 69, 5 September 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Chondrules are iconic sub-millimeter…
The last generation of nebular chondrules possibly sampled in the CH/CBb chondrite Isheyevo
Timothé Mahlé, Yves Marrocchi, Julia Neukampf, Johan Villeneuve, Emmanuel Jacquet Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 4 September 2024 LINK “Among carbonaceous chondrites, the chondrules of CB and CH stand out…
Chondrule sizes within the CM carbonaceous chondrites and measurement methodologiesOPEN ACCESS
C. J. Floyd, S. Benito, P.-E. Martin, L. E. Jenkins, E. Dunham, L. Daly, M. R. Lee MAPS, Version of Record online: 08 August 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The sizes of chondrules are…
Forging inner-disk Al-rich chondrules by interactions of CAI-like melt and ambient gas
Mingming Zhang, Kohei Fukuda, Michael J. Tappa, Guillaume Siron, William O. Nachlas, makoto Kimura, Kouki Kitajima, Ann M. Bauer, Noriko T. Kita Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 22 June 2024 LINK…
The primary abundance of chondrules in CI chondrites
Makoto Kimura, Motoo Ito, Akira Monoi, Akira Yamaguchi, Richard C. Greenwood Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 14 June 2024 LINK “CI chondrites are the most significant extra-terrestrial samples for estimating the…
Abundance, sizes, and major element compositions of components in CR and LL chondrites: formation from single reservoirsOPEN ACCESS
Denton S. Ebel, Marina E. Gemma, Samuel P. Alpert, Jasmine Bayron, Ana H. Lobo, Michael K. Weisberg MAPS, Version of Record online: 11 June 2024 LINK PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Abundances, apparent sizes, and individual chemical…
Differences in bulk Fe content and density between type I and type II ordinary chondrite chondrules: Implications for parent body heterogeneities in oxidation state and O-isotopic compositionOPEN ACCESS
Alan E. Rubin MAPS, Version of Record online: 10 June 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Type II chondrules have higher oxidation states than type I chondrules; in ordinary chondrites (OC), type II chondrules tend…
Accretion of warm chondrules in weakly metamorphosed ordinary chondrites and their subsequent reprocessingOPEN ACCESS
Alex M. Ruzicka, Richard C. Hugo, Jon M. Friedrich, Michael T. Ream Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 4 June 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “To better understand chondrite accretion and subsequent processes,…
Compositional evidence for chondrule origins of low-Ca pyroxenes in comet Wild 2 and a giant cluster IDP
D. J. Joswiak, D. E. Brownlee, A. J. Westphal, Z. Gainsforth, M. Zhang, N. T. Kita MAPS, Version of Record online: 23 May 2024 LINK “A literature compilation of 1136 low-Ca pyroxene compositions from chondrules…
Experimental constraints on formation of silica-rich igneous rims around chondrules in CR chondritesOPEN ACCESS
Aimee Smith, Rhian H. Jones Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 15 April 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Silica-rich igneous rims (SIRs) occur commonly as an outer rim layer on porphyritic chondrules in…
Chondrule Destruction via Dust Collisions in Shock WavesOPEN ACCESS
Yuji Matsumoto, Kosuke Kurosawa, Sota Arakawa accepted for publication in ApJ PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “A leading candidate for the heating source of chondrules and igneous rims is shock waves. This mechanism generates high relative velocities…
The influence of chondrules on sub-mm fragment shape distributions in Allende impact experiments
Tatsuhiro Michikami, Axel Hagermann, Akira Tsuchiyama, Yushi Otsuka, Michihiko Nakamura, Satoshi Okumura, Harumasa Kano, Junya Matsuno, Sunao Hasegawa IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 2 April 2024 LINK “Highlights • We investigated the shapes of…
Isotopic evolution of the inner solar system revealed by size-dependent oxygen isotopic variations in chondrules
Yves Marrocchi, Alizé Longeau, Rosa Lozano Goupil, Valentin Dijon, Gabriel Pinto, Julia Neukampf, Johan Villeneuve, Emmanuel Jacquet Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 11 March 2024 LINK “The systematic isotopic difference between…
Comet 81P/Wild 2 dust impactors of Stardust turnip-like tracks analogous to cluster IDPs
Mingming Zhang, Noël Chaumard, Céline Defouilloy, William O. Nachlas, Donald E. Brownlee, David J. Joswiak, Andrew J. Westphal, Zack Gainsforth, Kouki Kitajima, Noriko T. Kita Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 24 February 2024 LINK “We…
Chondrule Formation During Low-Speed Collisions of Planetesimals: A Hybrid Splash-Flyby FrameworkOPEN ACCESS
William Herbst, James P. Greenwood Update (MAPS, 28 February 2024): LINK (OPEN ACCESS) / PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Accepted for publication in Meteoritics and Planetary Science PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Chondrules probably formed during a small window…
Chondrules from the ordinary chondrite Itawa Bhopji (L3-5): Noble gases and nitrogen
Ramakant R. Mahajan Planetary and Space ScienceIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 11 January 2024 LINK “Noble gases and nitrogen compositions are investigated in chondrules of Itawa Bhopji (L3-5) chondrite. Single chondrule and bunch of…
Chondrule survivability in the solar nebulaOPEN ACCESS
Tetsuo Taki, Shigeru Wakita Update (27 February 2024): The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 963, Number 1 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal PDF (OPEN ACCESS) The lifetime of millimeter-sized dust…
A common isotopic reservoir for amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) and calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) revealed by Ti and Cr isotopic compositions
Zachary A. Torrano, Conel M.O’D. Alexander, Richard W. Carlson, Jan Render, Gregory A. Brennecka, Emma S. Bullock Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 627, 1 February 2024, 118551 LINK “Amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) are the most…
Deciphering recycling processes during solar system evolution from magnesium-rich relict olivine grains in type II chondrules
Gabriel A. Pinto, Emmanuel Jacquet, Alexandre Corgne, Felipe Olivares, Johan Villeneuve, Yves Marrocchi Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 21 November 2023 LINK “Ferromagnesian chondrules present a remarkable dichotomy between reduced (type…
Physical properties and average atomic numbers of chondrules using computed tomography
Yogita Kadlag, David Haberthür, Ingo Leya, Ruslan Hlushchuk, Klaus Mezger Planetary and Space ScienceAvailable online 17 October 2023, 105799 LINK “Micro-computed tomography is a fast and essentially non-destructive technique for studying 3D properties of solid…
Fine-grained chondrule rims in Mighei-like carbonaceous chondrites: Evidence for a nebular origin and modification by impacts and recurrent solar radiation heating
Xeynab Mouti Al-Hashimi, Jemma Davidson, Devin L. Schrader, Emma S. Bullock MAPSVersion of Record online: 12 September 2023 LINK “The Mighei-like carbonaceous (CM) chondrites, the most abundant carbonaceous chondrite group by number, further our understanding…
Iron Isotope Constraints on the Structure of the Early Solar SystemOPEN ACCESS
Yves Marrocchi, Maxime Piralla, and François L. H. Tissot The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 954, Number 1, Published: 1 September 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The recent advent of nontraditional isotopic systems has revealed…
Implications for Chondrule Formation Regions and Solar Nebula Magnetism from Statistical Reanalysis of Chondrule PaleomagnetismOPEN ACCESS
Roger R. Fu, Sarah C. Steele, Jacob B. Simon, Richard Teague, Joan Najita and David Rea The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 4, Number 8 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Converging lines of evidence show that…
Testing models for the compositions of chondrites and their components: III. CM chondrites
Andrea Patzer, Emma S. Bullock, Conel M. O’D. Alexander Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 25 August 2023 LINK “In continuation of our comprehensive study of the carbonaceous chondrites, we here present data for the CM…
Petrographic constraints on the formation of silica-rich igneous rims around chondrules in CR chondritesOPEN ACCESS
Aimee Smith, Rhian H. Jones MAPSVersion of Record online: 19 July 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “In the CR (Renazzo-like) chondrite group, many chondrules have successive igneous rim (IR) layers, with an outer layer…
Geochemistry of Trace Elements in Minerals of Porphyritic and Nonporphyritic Chondrules from Equilibrated Ordinary Chondrites
K. G. Sukhanova, S. G. Skublov, O. L. Galankina, E. V. Obolonskaya & E. L. Kotova Geochemistry International, Volume 61, pages 468–483Published: 06 July 2023 LINK “The paper presents the results of SIMS and EPMA…
Mechanical Modification of Chondrule Fine-grained Rims by Dusty Nebular ShocksOPEN ACCESS
Augusto Carballido, Lorin S. Matthews, Romy D. Hanna and Truell W. Hyde The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 4, Number 6 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The mechanical processes that convert an initially fluffy chondrule fine-grained…
Oxygen Isotope Exchange Between Molten Silicate Spherules and Ambient Water Vapor with Nonzero Relative Velocity: Implication for Chondrule Formation EnvironmentOPEN ACCESS
Sota Arakawa, Daiki Yamamoto, Takayuki Ushikubo, Hiroaki Kaneko, Hidekazu Tanaka, Shigenobu Hirose, Taishi Nakamoto Accepted for publication in Icarus PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (28 June 2023): Icarus LINK “Oxygen isotope compositions of chondrules reflect the…
Micro-XCT chondrule classification for subsequent isotope analysisOPEN ACCESS
Noah Jäggi, Antoine S. G. Roth, Miriam Rüfenacht, Maria Schönbächler, André Galli MAPSVersion of Record online: 23 June 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Chondrules are microscopic, recrystallized melt droplets found in chondritic meteorites. High-resolution…
Modeling Chondrule Dust Rim Growth with Ellipsoidal MonomersOPEN ACCESS
C. Xiang, A. Carballido, L. S. Matthews, and T. W. Hyde The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 950, Number 1 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Fine-grained dust rims (FGRs) surrounding chondrules in carbonaceous chondrites encode important information…
Early solar system chronology from short-lived chronometersOPEN ACCESS
Aryavart Anand, Klaus Mezger GeochemistryInvited ReviewAvailable online 30 May 2023, 126004 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Age constraints on early solar system processes and events can be derived from meteorites and their components using…
The high-temperature origin of hydrogen in enstatite chondrite chondrules and implications for the origin of terrestrial water
Dorian Thomassin, Laurette Piani, Johan Villeneuve, Marie-Camille Caumon, Nordine Bouden, Yves Marrocchi Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 616, 15 August 2023, 118225, Available online 30 May 2023 LINK “Due to their numerous isotopic similarities to…
Study of Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd Isotopic Systems in Chondrules of the Sierra Gorda 009 and 013 Chondrites and Possible Mechanisms of Their Disturbance
M. A. Ivanova, A. V. Somsikova, C. A. Lorenz & Yu. A. Kostitsyn Geochemistry InternationalPublished: 24 April 2023 LINK “We conducted a first investigation of the Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic systems of chondrules from rare…
Cooling Rates of Chondrules after Lightning Discharge in Solid-rich EnvironmentsOPEN ACCESS
Hiroaki Kaneko, Kento Sato, Chihiro Ikeda, and Taishi Nakamoto The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 947, Number 1 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Among the several candidate models for chondrule formation, the lighting model has been recognized…
Igneous Rim Accretion on Chondrules in Low-Velocity Shock WavesOPEN ACCESS
Yuji Matsumoto, Sota Arakawa draft, accepted for publication in ApJ PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Shock wave heating is a leading candidate for the mechanisms of chondrule formation. This mechanism forms chondrules when the shock velocity is…
Origin of isotopic diversity among carbonaceous chondritesOPEN ACCESS
Jan L. Hellmann, Jonas M. Schneider, Elias Wölfer, Joanna Drążkowska, Christian A. Jansen, Timo Hopp, Christoph Burkhardt, Thorsten Kleine Accepted for publication in ApJL PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Carbonaceous chondrites are some of the most primitive…
Chondrule-like objects and Ca-Al-rich inclusions in Ryugu may potentially be the oldest Solar System materialsOPEN ACCESS
Daisuke Nakashima, Tomoki Nakamura, Mingming Zhang, Noriko T. Kita, Takashi Mikouchi, Hideto Yoshida, Yuma Enokido, Tomoyo Morita, Mizuha Kikuiri, Kana Amano, Eiichi Kagawa, Toru Yada, Masahiro Nishimura, Aiko Nakato, Akiko Miyazaki, Kasumi Yogata, Masanao Abe,…
On the significance of oxygen-isotope variations in chondrules from carbonaceous chondrites
Guy Libourel, Kazuhide Nagashima, Marc Portail, Alexander N. Krot Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 10 February 2023 LINK “Oxygen-isotope studies of carbonaceous chondrite chondrules are of pivotal importance for understanding of…
An Astrophysical Site for Chondrule Formation
Herbst W.* Greenwood J. P. 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2023 abstract [#1209] We propose that chondrules form during the accretion of primitive planetesimal fragments to differentiated planetesimals.
A unified chronology of dust formation in the early solar systemOPEN ACCESS
Maxime Piralla, Johan Villeneuve, Nicolas Schnuriger, David V. Bekaert, Yves Marrocchi IcarusAvailable online 9 January 2023, 115427 (updated: 12 January 2023) LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Highlights • Aluminum-Magnesium dating of spinel-bearing chondrules. • Chondrule…
Thermodynamic Calculations Support a Rain Cloud Model of Chondrule FormationOPEN ACCESS
Arthur D. Pelton ACS Earth and Space ChemistryPublication Date: January 4, 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Thermodynamic calculations using the critically evaluated and optimized FactSage databases lead to the conclusion that chondrules of all…
Lithium and boron isotopic compositions of olivine in chondrules from carbonaceous and ordinary chondrite meteorites: implications for the origin of solar 11B/10B ratioOPEN ACCESS
Ming-Chang Liu, Marc Chaussidon, Nozomi Matsuda Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 5 December 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “The origin of solar 11B/10B ratio ∼4 remains an open question. It has been…
Three-dimensional imaging of high-velocity-impact induced crack growth in carbonaceous meteorites
Tatsuhiro Michikami, Akira Tsuchiyama, Axel Hagermann, Akio Takeda, Katsuki Shishido, Yushi Otsuka, Osamu Sasaki, Michihiko Nakamura, Satoshi Okumura, Harumasa Kano, Sunao Hasegawa, IcarusAvailable online 25 November 2022 LINK “The material strength of meteorites provides useful…
The early Solar System Abundance of Iron-60: New Constraints from Chondritic SilicatesOPEN ACCESS
János Kodolányi, Peter Hoppe, Christian Vollmer, Jasper Berndt, and Maren Müller The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 940, Number 1 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The abundance of iron-60 in the early solar system is important for…
Trace element composition of silicate minerals in the porphyritic and nonporphyritic chondrules of Elenovka (L5) and Knyahinya (L/LL5) meteorites
Kristina Sukhanova, Sergey Skublov, Olga Galankina, Elena Kotova GeochemistryIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 8 November 2022 LINK “The results of SIMS and EPMA studies on the silicate minerals and bulk compositions (SEM-EDS) of porphyritic…
Tellurium isotope fractionation during evaporation from silicate melts
C.J. Renggli, J.L. Hellmann, C. Burkhardt, S. Klemme, J. Berndt, P. Pangritz, T. Kleine Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 26 October 2022 LINK “Highlights • Tellurium volatility increases with oxygen fugacity.• Degassing of Te at…
Mineralogy, petrology, and oxygen isotopic compositions of aluminium-rich chondrules from unequilibrated ordinary and the Dar Al Gani 083 (CO3.1) chondrite
Samuel Ebert, Kazuhide Nagashima, Addi Bischoff, Jasper Berndt, Alexander N. Krot Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 28 August 2022 LINK “Understanding the genetic relationship between different chondritic components will help to…
SIMS matrix effects in oxygen isotope analysis of olivine and pyroxene: Application to Acfer 094 chondrite chondrules and reconsideration of the primitive chondrule minerals (PCM) line
Mingming Zhang, Kohei Fukuda, Michael J. Spicuzza, Guillaume Siron, Adriana Heimann, Alex J. Hammerstromb, Noriko T.Kita, Takayuki Ushikubo, John W.Valley Chemical GeologyIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 11 July 2022 LINK “The instrumental bias (here…
Isotopic evidence for two chondrule generations in CR chondrites and their relationships to other carbonaceous chondrites
Yves Marrocchi, Maxime Piralla, Maxence Regnault, Valentina Batanova, Johan Villeneuve, Emmanuel Jacquet Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 593, 1 September 2022 LINK “Highlights • CR chondrites are characterized by two distinct chondrule populations.• Large CR…
The Dynamic Formation Process of the CB Chondrite Gujba
Piers Koefoed, Olga Pravdivtseva, Ryan Ogliore, Yun Jiang, Katharina Lodders, Mason Neuman, Kun Wang (王昆) Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 23 June 2022 LINK “The many unique characteristics of CB chondrites…
The Aguas Zarcas Carbonaceous Chondrite Meteorite: A Study of Chondrules, Fine-Grained Rims, and Indications for a Heterogeneous Parent Body
Kouvatsis I. Cartwright J. A. Hames W. E. MetSoc22 abstract [#6308] LINK “We study the formation and evolution of fine-grained rims (FGRs) in the carbonaceous chondrite Aguas Zarcas.”
Chondrule formation via impact jetting in the icy outer solar system
Melissa D. Cashion, Brandon C. Johnson, Alexander N. Krot, Katherine Kretke, Shigeru Wakita, Thomas M. Davison IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 24 May 2022 LINK “Highlights • Jetting during icy impacts is proposed to…
Spinel in CV chondrules: Investigating precursor legacy and chondrule thermal histories
Nicolas Schnuriger, Camille Cartier, Johan Villeneuve, Valentina Batanova, Maxence Regnault, Yves Marrocchi MAPSVersion of Record online: 01 April 2022 LINK “In carbonaceous chondrites, Mg-spinel (MgAl2O4) grains are ubiquitous in refractory inclusions but rarely reported in…
Formation of chondrule fine-grained rims from local nebular reservoirs
Gabriel A. Pinto, Yves Marrocchi, Emmanuel Jacquet, Felipe Olivares MAPSVersion of Record online: 31 March 2022 LINK “Chondrules are commonly surrounded by fine-grained rims (FGRs) whose origin remains highly debated; both nebular and parent body…
Smooth rims in Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 99177: Fluid–chondrule interactions and clues on the geochemical conditions of the primordial fluid that altered CR carbonaceous chondrites
Marina Martínez, Adrian J. Brearley Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 19 March 2022 LINK “Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 99177 is one of the least altered CR carbonaceous chondrite known, with mineralogical…
In-situ O-isotope analysis of relict spinel and forsterite in small (<200μm) Antarctic micrometeorites – samples of chondrules & CAIs from carbonaceous chondrites
N.G. Rudraswami, M.D. Suttle, Y. Marrocchi, S. Taylord, J. Villeneuve Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 19 March 2022 LINK “We report high-precision secondary ion mass spectrometer triple oxygen isotope systematics (95…
Sr distribution as proxy for Ca distribution at depth in SXRF analysis of mm-sized carbonaceous chondrites: Implications for asteroid sample return missionsOPEN ACCESS
B. J. Tkalcec, P. Tack,E. De Pauw, B. Vekemans, T. Nakamura, J. Garrevoet, G. Falkenberg, L. Vincze, F. E. Brenker MAPSVersion of Record online: 02 March 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Reliable identification of…
High precision 26Al-26Mg chronology of chondrules in unequilibrated ordinary chondrites: evidence for restricted formation ages
Guillaume Siron, Kohei Fukuda, Makoto Kimura, Noriko T. Kita Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 14 February 2022 LINK “Chondrules in ordinary chondrites are considered to form in high density environments, likely…
Brecciation on the Aguas Zarcas Parent Body Revealed Using Clast Petrofabrics
Floyd C. J. * Macente A. Daly L. Hanna R. D. Lee M. R. PDF LPSC 2022 abstract [#1470] “Chondrules in chondrites / What secrets are they hiding / Fabrics reveal all.”
Oxygen-Isotope Compositions of Chondrules in Metal-Rich Carbonaceous Chondrites Fountain Hills and Sierra Gorda 013
Krot A. N. Nagashima K. Ivanova M. A. Lauretta D. S. Libourel G. et al. PDF LPSC 2022 abstract [#1301] “O-isotope compositions of chondrules in Fountain Hills and Sierra Gorda 013 are similar to those…
A temporal shift of chondrule generation from the inner to outer Solar System inferred from oxygen isotopes and Al-Mg chronology of chondrules from primitive CM and CO chondrites
Kohei Fukuda, Makoto Kimura, Naotaka Tomioka, Guillaume Siron, Takayuki Ushikubo, Noël Chaumard, Andreas T. Hertwig, Noriko T. Kita Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 31 December 2021 LINK “Deciphering the spatial and temporal evolution of chondrules…
Oxygen isotope variations in Mg-rich olivines from type I chondrules in carbonaceous chondrites
Guy Libourel, Kazuhide Nagashima, Marc Portail, Alexander N. Krot Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 31 December 2021 LINK “Using high-resolution cathodoluminescence (HR-CL) panchromatic imaging for the location of high-precision oxygen three-isotope…
Oxygen isotope systematics of chondrules in Rumuruti chondrites: Formation conditions and genetic link with ordinary chondrites
Maxence Regnault, Yves Marrocchi, Maxime Piralla, Johan Villeneuve, Valentina Batanova, Nicolas Schnuriger, Emmanuel Jacquet MAPSVersion of Record online: 30 December 2021 LINK “Rumurutiites (R chondrites) are rare, highly oxidized chondrites belonging to the noncarbonaceous superclan…
Refractory inclusions as Type IA chondrule precursors: Constraints from melting experiments
Scott A. Whattam, Roger H. Hewins, Jieun Seo, Bertrand Devouard Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 29 December 2021 LINK “The formation of chondrules involved major processes in the protoplanetary disk and…
Testing models for the compositions of chondrites and their components: II. CR chondrites
Andrea Patzer, Emma S. Bullock, Conel M. O’D. Alexander Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 24 December 2021 LINK “Knowing how the major chondritic components evolved and what their initial compositions were…
An exploration of whether Earth can be built from chondritic components, not bulk chondrites
Conel M. O’D. Alexander Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 17 December 2021 LINK “Here, two of a range of possible models are explored that assume that: (i) two of the main chondritic components (chondrules and…
Imprint of chondrule formation on the K and Rb isotopic compositions of carbonaceous meteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Nicole X. Nie, Xin-Yang Chen, Timo Hopp, Justin Y. Hu, Zhe J. Zhang, Fang-Zhen Teng, Anat Shahar and Nicolas Dauphas Science Advances • 1 Dec 2021 • Vol 7, Issue 49 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN…
Processes and temperatures of FGR formation in chondrites
P-M. Zanetta, C. Le Guillou, H. Leroux, B. Zanda, R. Hewins, G. Bellino Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 19 November 2021 LINK “In order to understand the nature of the dust that accreted onto chondrules…
Nanoscale Infrared Characterization of Dark Clasts and Fine-Grained Rims in CM2 Chondrites: Aguas Zarcas and Jbilet Winselwan
Mehmet Yesiltas, Timothy D. Glotch, Melike Kaya ACS Earth and Space ChemistryPublication Date: November 16, 2021 LINK “Carbonaceous chondrites are among the most primitive meteorites that escaped extreme temperatures and melting in their parent bodies…
Dependence of the initial internal structure of chondrule rim on dust size distribution
Hiroaki Kaneko, Sota Arakawa, Taishi Nakamoto IcarusAvailable online 10 November 2021 LINK “Coarse objects in chondrites such as chondrules and CAIs are mostly coated with fine-grained rims (FGRs). FGRs can be formed on the surface…
Dependence of the initial internal structure of chondrule rim on dust size distributionOPEN ACCESS
Hiroaki Kaneko, Sota Arakawa, Taishi Nakamoto Accepted for publication in Icarus PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Coarse objects in chondrites such as chondrules and CAIs are mostly coated with fine-grained rims (FGRs). FGRs can be formed on…
Paleomagnetic evidence for a disk substructure in the early solar systemOPEN ACCESS
Cauê S. Borlina, Benjamin P. Weiss, James F. J. Bryson, Xue-Ning Bai, Eduardo A. Lima, Nilanjan Chatterjee, and Elias N. Mansbach Science Advances15 Oct 2021, Vol 7, Issue 42 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS)Supplementary Materials…
Complementary nucleosynthetic isotope anomalies of Mo and W in chondrules and matrix in the Allende carbonaceous chondrite: The case for hydrothermal metamorphism and its implications
Ian S. Sanders, Edward R. D. Scott Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 07 October 2021 LINK “The remarkable complementary isotopic relationship in the Allende chondrite between chondrules (depleted in s-process molybdenum and tungsten)…
Thermal history of matrix forsterite grains from Murchison based on high-resolution tomographyOPEN ACCESS
Giulia Perotti, Henning O. Sørensen, Henning Haack, Anja C. Andersen, Dario Ferreira Sanchez, Elishevah M. M. E. van Kooten, Esther H. R. Tsai, Kim N. Dalby, Mirko Holler, Daniel Grolimund, Tue Hassenkam accepted for publication…
Cosmic Ray Induced Mass-Independent Oxygen Isotope Exchange: A Novel Mechanism for Producing 16O depletions in the Early Solar SystemOPEN ACCESS
G. Dominguez, J. Lucas, L. Tafla, M.C. Liu, K. McKeegan PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “A fundamental puzzle of our solar system’s formation is understanding why the terrestrial bodies including the planets, comets, and asteroids are depleted…
Impact plume-formed and protoplanetary disk high-temperature components in CB and CH metal-rich carbonaceous chondrites
Alexander N. Krot, Michail I. Petaev, Kazuhide Nagashima, Elena Dobrică, Brandon C. Johnson, Melissa D. Cashion Meteoritics & Planetary Science LINK “We report on the mineralogy, petrology, and oxygen isotopic compositions of ferroan olivine–pyroxene-normative cryptocrystalline…
Formation of chondrule analogs aboard the International Space StationOPEN ACCESS
Tamara E. Koch, Dominik Spahr, Beverley J. Tkalcec, Miles Lindner, David Merges, Fabian Wilde, Björn Winkler, Frank E. Brenker Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 21 August 2021 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Chondrules…
Conditions of chondrule formation in ordinary chondrites
Maxime Piralla, Johan Villeneuve, Valentina Batanova, Emmanuel Jacquet, Yves Marrocchi Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 16 August 2021 LINK “Chondrules are sub-millimetric spheroids that are ubiquitous in chondrites and whose formation…
Evidence from phosphorus X-ray mapping for a multistep process in the formation of olivine phenocrysts in FeO-rich porphyritic chondrules
Alan E. Rubin, Bastian Baecker Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 31 July 2021 LINK “Phosphorus X-ray maps of olivine phenocrysts in many type II (FeO-rich) porphyritic chondrules in LL3.00 Semarkona and CO3.05 Y…
Trace Elemental Behavior in the Solar Nebula: Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence Analyses of CM and CR Chondritic Iron Sulfides and Associated MetalOPEN ACCESS
S.A. Singerling, S.R. Sutton, A. Lanzirotti, M. Newville, A.J. Brearley Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 24 July 2021 LINK PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We have performed a coordinated focused ion beam (FIB)-scanning…
IIE irons: Origin, relationship to ordinary chondrites, and evidence for siderophile-element fractionations caused by chondrule formation
Alan E. Rubin Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 19 July 2021 LINK “IIE irons were derived from chondritic precursors that were the most reduced ordinary chondrites. The bulk chemical (e.g., Ir/Ni, Ir/Au, Au/Ni,…
The Conspicuous Compound Chondrule-CAI Conundrum: A Case Study Within the Brecciated CM2.2 Lithology of the Carbonaceous Breccia Aguas Zarcas
Martin P. M. C., Lee M. R. 84th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2021 (abstract # 6190) PDF Discovery of a new Compound Chondrule-CAI (CCCAI) within the brecciated CM2.2 lithology of the carbonaceous breccia…
A Temporal Shift of Chondrule Generation from the Inner to Outer Solar System
84th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2021 (abstract # 6030) PDF The Al-Mg ages of chondrules from pristine CM and CO chondrites are systematically younger than those of the majority of ordinary chondrite chondrules,…
Timing and Environment of Chondrule Formation
Kadlag Y. *, Leya I., Mezger K., Bouvier A.-S., Haberthür D., Hlushchuk R. 84th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2021 (abstract # 6060) PDF Combining temporal information (from Al-Mg relative ages) with environment (from…
The Non-Complementary Compositions of Chondrules and Matrices in CO, CM and CR Chondrites
Patzer A., Bullock E. S., Alexander C. M. O’D. 84th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2021 (abstract # 6025) PDF Our results are inconsistent with chondrule-matrix complementarity but in line with the four-component model…
Post-Brecciation Chondrule Flattening and Petrofabric Formation in CM Chondrite Kolang
Jenkins L. E., Lee M., Daly L., King A. J., Chung P. 84th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2021 (abstract # 6165) PDF Petrofabrics and / Flattened chondrules shared among / The clasts of…
The Macroporosity of Rubble Pile Asteroid Ryugu and Implications for the Origin of ChondrulesOPEN ACCESS
William Herbst, James P. Greenwood and Teng Ee Yap The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 2, Number 3 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We use the known surface boulder-size distribution of the C-type rubble pile asteroid…
The trace element composition of chondrule constituents: Implications for sample return methodologies and the chondrule silicate reservoir
Tak Kunihiro, Tsutomu Ota, Masahiro Yamanaka, Christian Potiszil, Eizo Nakamura Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 10 June 2021 LINK “Sample return missions represent great opportunities to study terrestrially uncontaminated solar system materials. However,…
Constraints on Chondrule Generation, Disk Dynamics, and Asteroid Accretion from the Compositions of Carbonaceous Meteorites
James F. J. Bryson and Gregory A. Brennecka The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 912, Number 2 LINK The elemental and isotopic compositions of meteorites are expected to reflect several key processes that occurred in the early…
Formation of rims around chondrules via porous aggregate accretionOPEN ACCESS
Yuji Matsumoto, Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Nozomi Matsuda, Ming-Chang Liu Accepted for publication in Icarus PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Chondrules are often surrounded by fine-grained rims or igneous rims. The properties of these rims reflect their formation histories….
In situ Si isotope and chemical constraints on formation and processing of chondrules in the Allende meteoriteOPEN ACCESS
Yogita Kadlag, Michael Tatzel, Daniel A. Frick, Harry Becker, Philipp Kühne Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 23 April 2021 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Chondrules in undifferentiated meteorites are former silicate melt droplets…
Testing models for the composition of chondrites and their components: I. CO chondrites
Andrea Patzer, Emma S. Bullock, Conel M. O’D.Alexander Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 16 April 2021 LINK “We present the first results of a comprehensive investigation aimed at testing the hypothesis…
The Macroporosity of Rubble Pile Asteroid Ryugu and Implications for the Origin of ChondrulesOPEN ACCESS
William Herbst, James P. Greenwood, Teng Ee Yap Accepted for publication in the Planetary Science Journal PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We use the known surface boulder-size distribution of the C-type rubble pile asteroid Ryugu (NEA 162173)…
Oxygen isotope systematics of crystalline silicates in a giant cluster IDP: A genetic link to Wild 2 particles and primitive chondrite chondrules
Mingming Zhang, Céline Defouilloy, David J. Joswiak, Donald E. Brownlee, Daisuke Nakashima, Guillaume Siron, Kouki Kitajima, Noriko T. Kita Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 564, 15 June 2021, 116928 LINK “Highlights • Five out of…
Noble gases in cluster chondrite clasts and their host brecciasOPEN ACCESS
Kim Müsing, Henner Busemann, Liliane Huber, Colin Maden, My E. I. Riebe, Rainer Wieler, Knut Metzler Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 09 April 2021 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We measured noble gases…
Highly volatile element (H, C, F, Cl, S) abundances and H isotopic compositions in chondrules from carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites
Kei Shimizu, Conel M. O’D. Alexander, Erik H. Hauri, Adam R. Sarafian, Larry R. Nittler, Jianhua Wang, Steven D.Jacobsen, Ruslan A. Mendybaev Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 10 March 2021 LINK…
Hybrid accretion of carbonaceous chondrites by radial transport across the Jupiter barrierOPEN ACCESS
Elishevah van Kooten, Martin Schiller, Frederic Moynier, Anders Johansen, Troels Haugboelle, Martin Bizzarro The Astrophysical Journal, 2021, accepted after peer-review PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (26 March 2021): The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 910, Number 1 LINK…
An evolutionary system of mineralogy. Part III: Primary chondrule mineralogy (4566 to 4561 Ma)
Robert M. Hazen, Shaunna M. Morrison, Anirudh Prabhu American Mineralogist (2021) 106 (3): 325–350. LINK “Information-rich attributes of minerals reveal their physical, chemical, and biological modes of origin in the context of planetary evolution, and…
Micro-distribution of Oxygen Isotopes in Unequilibrated Enstatite Chondrites
Michael K. Weisberg, Noriko T. Kita, Kohei Fukuda, Guillaume Siron, Denton S.Ebel Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 25 February 2021 LINK “We report petrology and high precision, in situ oxygen isotope…
Oxygen isotope systematics of chondrules in the Paris CM2 chondrite: indication for a single large formation region across snow line
Noël Chaumard, Céline Defouilloy, Andreas T. Hertwig, Noriko T. Kita Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 18 February 2021 LINK “In-situ oxygen three-isotope analyses of chondrules and isolated olivine grains in the…
Geochemical Constraints on Potential UOC Chondrule Genesis by Hypervelocity Impact Vapor Plumes and Likely Precursor Sources
Sheikh D., Humayun M. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #1279 PDF “Most UOC chondrules analyzed exhibit Ce, and Eu anomalies, implying a chondrule forming process that began oxidized but went reducing, consistent…
K Isotope Systematics of the CB Chondrite Gujba: Testing the Impact Plume Model of Formation
Koefoed P., Pravdivtseva O., Ogliore R., Jiang Y., Lodders K. et al. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #2310 PDF “High-precision K isotope analysis of chondrule and bulk fractions from the CB chondrite…
Producing Chondrules in the Outer Solar System: The Effect of Ice on Impact Jetting
Cashion M. D., Johnson B. C., Wakita S., Davison T., Krot A. N. et al. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #1737 PDF “In this work, we simulate collisions between bodies of mixed…
High Precision Al-Mg Chronology of Chondrules in Unequilibrated Ordinary Chondrites
Siron G., Kita N. T., Fukuda K., Kimura M., 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #1639 PDF “New analyses of UOC chondrules with a range of mesostasis compositions indicate a restrict range of…
Resolving the Contradictory Results for Chondrule Size Distributions When These are Empirically Determined and Theoretically Considered
Hezel D. C., Metzler K., Hochstein M. L. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #2264 PDF “Chondrule size distributions are critical to understand chondrule formation, sorting, or fragmentation. We resolve a long-standing contradiction…
Multiple CV Chondrule Precursors Originating from the Inner and Outer Solar System: Evidence from Cr-Ti-O Isotope Systematics of Allende Chondrules
K. Fukuda, Hibiya Y., Kastelle C. R., Suzuki K., Iizuka T. et al. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #1319 PDF “The large ranges of Cr-Ti-O isotope ratios among CV chondrules indicate that…
Evidence Against Chondrule-Matrix Complementarity as Seen in CO, CM, and CR Chondrites
A. Patzer, Bullock E. S., Alexander C. M. O’D. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #1866 PDF “We have investigated 12 CO, CM, and CR chondrites to test models for the compositions and…
Petrology of the opaque assemblages in unequilibrated ordinary chondrites
Samuel P. Alpert, Denton S. Ebel, Michael K. Weisberg, Jeremy R. Neiman Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 05 February 2021 LINK “Opaque assemblages (OAs) are small (submillimeter) objects composed primarily of metals, sulfides,…
Simultaneous determination of mass-dependent Mg isotopic variations and radiogenic 26Mg by laser ablation-MC-ICP-MS and implications for the formation of chondrules
Zhengbin Deng, Marc Chaussidon, Denton S. Ebel, Johan Villeneuve, Julien Moureau, Frédéric Moynier Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 2 February 2021 LINK “Improvements in our understanding of the formation of chondrules requires a better knowledge…
Bubbles to Chondrites-I. Evaporation and condensation experiments, and formation of chondrulesOPEN ACCESS
Yuki Nakano & Akihiko Hashimoto Progress in Earth and Planetary Science volume 7, Article number: 47 (2020) LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We propose a simple model of chondrule formation that is supported by our…
Bubbles to Chondrites-II. Chemical fractionations in chondritesOPEN ACCESS
Akihiko Hashimoto & Yuki Nakano Progress in Earth and Planetary Science volume 8, Article number: 9 (2021) LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (DOWNLOAD) “We attempt to develop a possible theory of chemical fractionations in chondrites, that is…
Collisions and compositional variability in chondrule-forming eventsOPEN ACCESS
Emmanuel Jacquet Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 8 January 2021 LINK PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Compound chondrules, i.e. chondrules fused together, make a powerful probe of the density and compositional diversity in…
Chondrules from high-velocity collisions: thermal histories and the agglomeration problemOPEN ACCESS
Nick Choksi, Eugene Chiang, Harold C. Connolly Jr., Zack Gainsforth, Andrew J. Westphal Major revisions to agglomeration, connections made to Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx. Minor updates to Sections 2.3 and 3.2 discussing the treatment of the…
An unusual porous, cryptocrystalline forsterite chondrule in Murchison
Michael Zolensky, Tomoki Nakamura, James Martinez, Yuma Enokido Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 28 December 2020 LINK “We describe a fragmented cryptocrystalline chondrule consisting solely of forsterite (Fo98) in the Murchison CM2 chondrite,…
Trace Element Composition of Silicate Minerals in the Chondrules and Matrix of the Buschhof Meteorite
K. G. Sukhanova, S. G. Skublov, O. L. Galankina, E. V. Obolonskaya & E. L. Kotova Geochemistry International, Volume 58, pages 1321–1330 (2020) LINK “The paper presents results of SIMS and SEM-EDS studies of the…
Experiments to understand crystallization of levitated high temperature silicate melt droplets under low vacuum conditionsOPEN ACCESS
Biswajit Mishra, Pratikkumar Manvar, Kaushik Choudhury, S. Karagadde & Atul Srivastava Scientific Reports, Volume 10, Article number: 20910 (2020) LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We report experiments on crystallization of highly undercooled forsterite melt droplets…
A condensation origin for the mass-dependent Silicon isotopic variations in Allende components: implications for complementarity
Rayssa Martins, Marc Chaussidon, Frédéric Moynier Earth and Planetary Science LettersAvailable online 25 November 2020, 116678In press, corrected proof LINK “Highlights • Silicon isotopes in Allende components show large variations due to fractionation during a…
Origin of isolated olivine grains in carbonaceous chondritesOPEN ACCESS
Emmanuel Jacquet, Maxime Piralla, Pauline Kersaho, Yves Marrocchi Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 16 November 2020 LINK PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We report microscopic, cathodoluminescence, chemical, and O isotopic measurements of FeO‐poor isolated olivine…
Oxygen-isotope systematics of chondrules and olivine fragments from Tagish Lake C2 chondrite: Implications of chondrule-forming regions in protoplanetary diskOPEN ACCESS
Takayuki Ushikubo, Makoto Kimura Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 12 November 2020 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights: • Oxygen isotopic systematics of chondrules and olivine fragments of Tagish Lake meteorite were studied.•…
New constraints from 26Al-26Mg chronology of anorthite bearing chondrules in unequilibrated ordinary chondrites
Guillaume Siron, Kohei Fukuda, Makoto Kimura, Noriko T. Kita Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn press, journal pre-proof, Available online 1 November 2020 LINK “26Al-26Mg ages were determined for 14 anorthite-bearing chondrules from five different unequilibrated ordinary…
Primary crystallization and partial remelting of chondrules in the protoplanetary disk: Petrographic, mineralogical and chemical constraints recorded in zoned type-I chondrulesOPEN ACCESS
J. Pape, Å.V. Rosén, K. Mezger, M. Guillong Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 22 October 2020 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Chondrules from unequilibrated ordinary chondrites are among the oldest Solar system materials…
Rocklines as Cradles for Refractory Solids in the Protosolar Nebula
Artyom Aguichine, Olivier Mousis, Bertrand Devouard, Thomas Ronnet The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 901, Number 2Published 2020 September 25 LINK “In our solar system, terrestrial planets and meteoritical matter exhibit various bulk compositions. To understand this…
Chondrules as fallout from vaporizing impacts in the solar nebulaOPEN ACCESS
Nick Choksi, Eugene Chiang, Harold C. Connolly Jr., Zack Gainsforth, Andrew J. Westphal Submitted to MNRAS PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We consider how chondrules, once-molten mm-sized spheres filling the oldest meteorites, may have formed as the…
Early evolution of the solar accretion disk inferred from Cr-Ti-O isotopes in individual chondrulesOPEN ACCESS
Jonas M. Schneider, Christoph Burkhardt, Yves Marrocchi, Gregory A. Brennecka, Thorsten Kleine Submitted to EPSL on Jan 29 2020, accepted in revised form Sep. 12 2020 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Erratum to “Early evolution of the…