Microtextures and structures in metal–sulfide grains in NWA 869 meteorite and their relation to thermal history of L-chondrite parent bodyOPEN ACCESS
Paulina Skirak, Gabriela Opiła, Adam Piestrzyński, Gabriela Kozub-Budzyń, Czesław Kapusta MAPS, Version of Record online: 10 February 2025 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Results of microanalysis study of NWA 869 meteorite, an ordinary chondrite, where…
The Gefion Asteroid Family: Parent Body Puzzles and Ordinary Chondrite PiecesOPEN ACCESS
Allison McGraw, Vishnu Reddy, Juan A Sanchez Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Published: 24 January 2025 LINK + PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Asteroid families provide critical clues to the nature of their original parent…
Microstructural analysis of phosphorus (P)-bearing assemblages in type 3 chondrites: Implications for P condensation and processing in the early solar nebula
M.C. Benner, V.R. Manga, B.S. Prince, L.M. Ziurys, T.J. Zega Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 17 January 2025 LINK “As the limiting element in the development of living systems, it is…
Systematic meteorite collection in the Catalina Dense Collection area (Chile): Description and statisticsOPEN ACCESS
Carine Sadaka, Jérôme Gattacceca, Matthieu Gounelle, Mathieu Roskosz, Anthony Lagain, Romain Tartese, Lydie Bonal, Clara Maurel, Rodrigo Martinez, Millarca Valenzuela MAPS, Version of Record online: 10 January 2025 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We present…
Cerium Stable Isotopic Composition of Non-Carbonaceous Chondrites
Hamed Pourkhorsandi, Vinciane Debaille, Rosalind M. G. Armytage, Jeroen de Jong ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, November 25, 2024 LINK “The elemental and isotopic compositions of the rare earth elements (REE) reveal critical information about…
An early giant planet instability recorded in asteroidal meteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Graham Harper Edwards, C. Brenhin Keller, Elisabeth R. Newton & Cameron W. Stewart Nature AstronomyPublished: 15 August 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Giant planet migration appears widespread among planetary systems in our Galaxy. However,…
Characterization of bulk interior and fusion crust of Calama 009 L6 ordinary chondrite
E. V. Petrova, A. V. Chukin, G. Varga, Z. Dankházi, G. Leitus, I. Felner, E. Kuzmann, Z. Homonnay, V. I. Grokhovsky, M. I. Oshtrakh MAPS, First published: 30 July 2024 LINK “Fragment of Calama 009…
Differences in bulk Fe content and density between type I and type II ordinary chondrite chondrules: Implications for parent body heterogeneities in oxidation state and O-isotopic compositionOPEN ACCESS
Alan E. Rubin MAPS, Version of Record online: 10 June 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Type II chondrules have higher oxidation states than type I chondrules; in ordinary chondrites (OC), type II chondrules tend…
Takapō meteorite (810 g, L5, S5/6) of bolide at 21:04:10 NZDT (08:04:10 UTC) on 13 March 2024 found south of Lake Takapō/Tekapo, Mackenzie Basin, Canterbury, New Zealand
Last update: 18 October 2024, 20:20 CEST An apple-sized 810-gram meteorite (L5, S5/6) of the bolide on 13 March 2024 has been found by 29-year old voluteer Jack Weterings from Wellington at location 44°06.009960’S, 170°25.024080’E,…
Young asteroid families as the primary source of meteoritesOPEN ACCESS
M. Brož, P. Vernazza, M. Marsset, F.E. DeMeo, R.P. Binzel, D. Vokrouhlický, D. Nesvorný PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (16 October 2024): Nature, Volume 634, pages 566–571 LINK “Understanding the origin of bright shooting stars and…
The Massalia asteroid family as the origin of ordinary L chondritesOPEN ACCESS
Michaël Marsset, Pierre Vernazza, Miroslav Brož, Cristina A. Thomas, Francesca E. DeMeo, Brian Burt, Richard P. Binzel, Vishnu Reddy, Allison McGraw, Chrysa Avdellidou, Benoit Carry, Stephen M. Slivan, David Polishook PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (16…
Search and Study for Meteorites Analogous to DidymosOPEN ACCESS
G. Massa, E. Palomba, A. Longobardo, F. Dirri, M. Angrisani, C. Gisellu, D. Polishook, A. S. Rivkin, C. Thomas Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Published: 01 March 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “The Hera…
Space weathering, grain size, and metamorphic heating effects on ordinary chondrite spectral reflectance parametersOPEN ACCESS
Eric M. MacLennan, Joshua P. Emery, Michael P. Lucas, Lucas M. McClure, Sean S. Lindsay MAPS, Version of Record online: 05 March 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The exposure to irradiation from high-energy particles…
Unusual sources of fossil micrometeorites deduced from relict chromite in the small size fraction in ~467 Ma old limestoneOPEN ACCESS
Philipp R. Heck, Birger Schmitz, Xenia Ritter, Surya S. Rout, Noriko T. Kita, Céline Defouilloy, Katarina Keating, Kevin Eisenstein, Fredrik Terfelt MAPS, Version of Record online: 02 February 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Extraterrestrial…
Chondrules from the ordinary chondrite Itawa Bhopji (L3-5): Noble gases and nitrogen
Ramakant R. Mahajan Planetary and Space ScienceIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 11 January 2024 LINK “Noble gases and nitrogen compositions are investigated in chondrules of Itawa Bhopji (L3-5) chondrite. Single chondrule and bunch of…
Overview of the Lost Meteorites of Antarctica field campaignsOPEN ACCESS
K. H. Joy, A. R. D. Smedley, J. L. MacArthur, W. van Verre, L. A. Marsh, M. Rose, T. A. Harvey, R. Tartèse, R. H. Jones, I. D. Abrahams, J. W. Wilson, A. J. Peyton,…
Cosmogenic radionuclides in the Cavezzo meteorite: Gamma-ray measurement and detection efficiency simulationsOPEN ACCESS
Ilaria Bizzarri, Dario Barghini, Paolo Colombetti, Daniele Gardiol, Sara Rubinetti, Salvatore Mancuso, Mario Di Martino, Giovanni Pratesi, Vanni Moggi Cecchi, Nora Groschopf, Andrea Aquino, Matthias Laubenstein, Narendra Bhandari, Carla Taricco Applied Radiation and IsotopesVolume 194,…
The Golden Meteorite Fall: Fireball Trajectory, Orbit and Meteorite CharacterizationOPEN ACCESS
P. G. Brown, P. J. A. McCausland, A. R. Hildebrand, L. T. J. Hanton, L. M. Eckart, H. Busemann, D. Krietsch, C. Maden, K. Welten, M. W. Caffee, M. Laubenstein, D. Vida, F. Ciceri, E….
Nature and timing of a significant reduction event on the L-chondrite parent asteroidOPEN ACCESS
Alan E. Rubin, Brent D. Turrin MAPS, Version of Record online: 26 October 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “About 17% of L6 chondrites (15/87) show significant reduction features in BSE images in thin section….
Roughness and Angularity of Fragments from Meteorite Disruption ExperimentsOPEN ACCESS
Gabriel Gowman, Desireé Cotto-Figueroa, Andrew Ryan, Laurence A. J. Garvie, Christian G. Hoover and Erik Asphaug The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 4, Number 10 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “In this study, we set out…
Microstructural characterization and mechanical behavior of Aba Panu meteorite by correlative microscopy and nanoindentation
Tai-Jan Huang, Sridhar Niverty, Arun Sundar, Nikhilesh Chawla Materials CharacterizationVolume 205, November 2023, 113331 LINK “Highlights Correlative microscopy was used to quantify complex microstructure of Aba Panu meteorite. Nanoindentation was used to obtain mechanical properties…
Production rates of cosmogenic nuclides in extraterrestrial material using GEANT4 softwareOPEN ACCESS
Patrik Čechvala, Róbert Breier & Jozef Masarik Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear ChemistryPublished: 27 September 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We present a model for the calculation of the production rates of cosmogenic nuclides…
An early giant planet instability recorded in asteroidal meteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Graham Harper Edwards, C. Brenhin Keller, Elisabeth R. Newton, Cameron W. Stewart Under review at Nature Astronomy PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Giant planet migration appears widespread among planetary systems in our Galaxy. However, the timescales of…
Saint-Pierre-le-Viger (L5-6) from asteroid 2023 CX1 recovered in the Normandy, France — 220 years after the historic fall of L’Aigle (L6 breccia) in the neighborhoodOPEN ACCESS
Addi Bischoff, Markus Patzek, Tommaso Di Rocco, Andreas Pack, Aleksandra Stojic, Jasper Berndt, Stefan Peters MAPSVersion of Record online: 15 September 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “On February 13, 2023, a huge fireball was…
Oued el Kechbi (L4) registered as probable meteorite fall (Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra, Morocco, ~2 pm UTC, 3 March 2023)
Last update: 10 September 2023 Meteorites reportedly found in close spacial and temporal proximity to a humanly observed bolide event at about 2 p.m. (UTC) on 3 March 2023 above northern Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra in…
In-situ phosphate U-Pb ages of the L chondritesOPEN ACCESS
Craig Robert Walton, Heejin Jeon, Ana Černok, Auriol S.P. Rae, Ioannis Baziotis, Fengzai Tang, Venkata S.C. Kuppili, Ludovic Ferrière, James Darling, Sen Hu, Martin J. Whitehouse, Mahesh Anand, Oliver Shorttle Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In…
Results of statistical analysis of primary components concentrations in bulk chemical composition of ordinary chondrite groups
Tadeusz A. Przylibski, Magdalena Długosz-Lisiecka, Katarzyna Łuszczek, Konrad Blutstein MAPS,First published: 17 July 2023 LINK “We used two different methods of statistical analysis—cluster analysis and principal component analysis—to analyze the concentrations of principal chemical components…
An in situ study of presolar grains and the fine-grained matrices of the Meteorite Hills 00526 and Queen Alexandra Range 97008 unequilibrated ordinary chondrites
Laura B. Seifert, Pierre Haenecour, Tarunika Ramprasad, Thomas J. Zega MAPSVersion of Record online: 09 July 2023 LINK “Here we report in situ structural and chemical analyses of four presolar grains and the matrices of…
Calcium–aluminum-rich inclusions in non-carbonaceous chondrites: Abundances, sizes, and mineralogyOPEN ACCESS
E. T. Dunham, A. Sheikh, D. Opara, N. Matsuda, M.-C. Liu, K. D. McKeegan MAPS, Version of Record online: 12 May 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “As the Sun was forming, calcium–aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs)…
Upper limits of water contents in olivine and orthopyroxene of equilibrated chondrites and several achondritesOPEN ACCESS
Dennis Harries, Xuchao Zhao, Ian Franchi MAPSVersion of Record online: 13 April 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Hydroxyl defects in nominally anhydrous minerals (NAMs) were potential carriers of water in the early Solar System…
Grain Size Effects on Visible and Near-infrared (0.35–2.5μm) Laboratory Spectra of Ordinary Chondrite and HED MeteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Bryn Bowen, Vishnu Reddy, Mario De Florio, Theodore Kareta, Neil Pearson, Roberto Furfaro, Benjamin Sharkey, Allison McGraw, David Cantillo, Juan A. Sanchez and Adam Battle The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 4, Number 3 LINK (OPEN…
40Ar/39Ar ages of L4, H5, EL6, and feldspathic ureilitic clasts from the Almahata Sitta polymict ureilite (asteroid 2008 TC3)OPEN ACCESS
Brent D. Turrin, Fara Lindsay, Jeremy S. Delaney, Jisun Park, Gregory F. Herzog, Carl Swisher Jr, Cyrena A. Goodrich MAPSVersion of Record online: 22 February 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The Almahata Sitta (AhS)…
Multi-zone fusion crust formation and classification of the 2004 Auckland meteorite (L6, S5, and W0)OPEN ACCESS
James M. Scott, Marianne Negrini, Kevin Faure, Marshall C. Palmer, Derek R. Knaack, Matthew I. Leybourne MAPSVersion of Record online: 19 February 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “On June 12, 2004, a meteorite passed…
EL SAUZ (5062 g, L6) meteorite fall, near El Sauz, Starr County, Texas at 5:22:40 pm CST (23:22:40 UT) on 15 February 2023
Last update: 5 January 2024 The first of five finds (3646 g in total), a meteorite (L6) with a weight of 444 grams, was announced on 18 February 2023 by Dr. Marc Fries. The meteorite…
SAINT-PIERRE-LE-VIGER meteorite fall (L5-6, C-S3, >1132.84 g) of asteroid 2023 CX1 (Sar2667) found! Meteorite fall at ~2:59:21 UT on 13 February 2023 near Angiens and Saint-Pierre-le-Viger, Seine Maritime, France
Last update: 1 June 2023 (12:20 CEST) By 22 February 2023 12 meteorites (206.2 g total, L5-6) were found by the first Vigie-Ciel search team during their first search campaign (15-19 February). Private search teams…
Bulk and in-situ chemical analysis of meteorite Berduc, an L6 chondrite
Amit Basu Sarbadhikari, Garima Arora, Maria E Varela & Ramakant R Mahajan Journal of Earth System Science, Volume 132, Article number: 21Published: 27 January 2023 LINK “We present a detailed study of petrography, mineralogy, mineral chemistry and bulk…
Analysis of the daylight fireball of July 15, 2021, leading to a meteorite fall and find near Antonin, Poland, and a description of the recovered chondriteOPEN ACCESS
Lukáš Shrbený,Agata M. Krzesińska,Jiří Borovička,Pavel Spurný,Zbigniew Tymiński,Kryspin Kmieciak MAPS, Version of Record online: 01 December 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We present the description of an observation of a fireball recorded during the sunrise…
Radioactive Isotopes as a Tool for Pairing Identification of the HAH 346—Hammadah al Hamra 346—Ordinary Chondrites from Two Separate Find AreasOPEN ACCESS
Magdalena Długosz-Lisiecka, Tomasz Jakubowski, Marcin Krystek and Ahmed ElMallul Minerals, Volume 12, Issue 12Published: 1 December 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (DOWNLOAD) “In this study, low-background gamma spectrometry was used to confirm the identity of a…
Vesicular olivines and pyroxenes in shocked Kamargaon L6 Chondrite: Implications for primary volatiles and its multiple impacts history
Kishan Tiwari, Sujoy Ghosh, Masaaki Miyahara, Dwijesh Ray JGR PlanetsFirst Published: 14 November 2022 LINK We report the first occurrence of vesicular olivine and pyroxene in an ordinary chondrite Vesicles possibly formed due to release…
Terrestrial ages of seven meteorite strewn fields and two single unpaired meteorites from the Sultanate of Oman determined using 14C and 10BeOPEN ACCESS
Malgorzata U. Sliz, Beda A. Hofmann, Ingo Leya, Sönke Szidat, Christophe Espic, Jérôme Gattacceca, Régis Braucher, Daniel Borschneck, Edwin Gnos, ASTER Team MAPSVersion of Record online: 13 November 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Through…
Once in a summer: Fall history of the JaH 073 strewn field, Sultanate of OmanOPEN ACCESS
Karl Wimmer, Edwin Gnos, Beda A. Hofmann MAPSVersion of Record online: 13 November 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Modeling of a prehistoric fall can be successful if a strewn field is very well documented…
Trace element composition of silicate minerals in the porphyritic and nonporphyritic chondrules of Elenovka (L5) and Knyahinya (L/LL5) meteorites
Kristina Sukhanova, Sergey Skublov, Olga Galankina, Elena Kotova GeochemistryIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 8 November 2022 LINK “The results of SIMS and EPMA studies on the silicate minerals and bulk compositions (SEM-EDS) of porphyritic…
The Traspena meteorite: Heliocentric orbit, atmospheric trajectory, strewn field, and petrography of a new L5 ordinary chondriteOPEN ACCESS
Manuel Andrade, José Á Docobo, Javier García-Guinea, Pedro P Campo, Mar Tapia, Luis Sánchez-Muñoz, Víctor Villasante-Marcos, Eloy Peña-Asensio, Josep M Trigo-Rodríguez, Jordi Ibáñez-Insa, Marc Campeny, Jordi Llorca Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, stac2911Published:…
Earth’s composition was modified by collisional erosion
Paul Frossard, Claudine Israel, Audrey Bouvier, Maud Boyet Science29 Sep 2022Vol 377, Issue 6614pp. 1529-1532 LINK Supplementary Materials “The samarium-146 (146Sm)–neodymium-142 (142Nd) short-lived decay system (half-life of 103 million years) is a powerful tracer of…
The mid-Ordovician meteorite flux to Earth shortly before breakup of the L-chondrite parent body
ShiYong Liao, Birger Schmitz IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 23 September 2022 LINK “Highlights • Flux of large micrometeorites to Earth shortly (in the 2 Ma time interval) before the breakup of the L-chondrite parent…
The chondrite breccia of Antonin (L4-5)—A new meteorite fall from Poland with a heterogeneous distribution of metalOPEN ACCESS
Addi Bischoff, Markus Patzek, Stefan T. M. Peters, Jean-Alix Barrat, Tommaso Di Rocco, Andreas Pack, Samuel Ebert, Christian A. Jansen, Kryspin Kmieciak MAPSVersion of Record online: 23 August 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “On…
Spectroscopic Characterization of the Gefion Asteroid Family: Implications for L-chondrite
Allison M McGraw, Vishnu Reddy, Juan A Sanchez Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, stac2075Published: 03 August 2022 LINK “Asteroid families are cosmic puzzles that help us understand the true nature of their original…
Noble gases, cosmic ray exposure and radiogenic ages in selected ordinary chondrites
Ramakant R. Mahajan Advances in Space ResearchIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 20 June 2022 LINK “Highlights • Cosmic ray exposure ages of the ordinary chondrites are estimated.• The exposure ages range between 5 to…
The Antonin L5 chondrite fall (Poland): Mineralogy and petrology of meteorite, bolide trajectory and meteoroid orbit
A.M. Krzesińska, Z. Tymiński, K. Kmieciak, L. Shrbený, P. Spurný and J. Borovička MetSoc22 abstract [#6144] LINK
Determination of olivine fayalite–forsterite composition in ordinary chondrites by X‐ray diffraction
V. E. Di Cecco, B. C. Hyde, K. T. Tait, R. I. Nicklin MAPSFirst Published: 27 April 2022 LINK “Ordinary chondrites account for the majority of the described meteorites on Earth. To expand the toolbox…
Unique evidence of fluid alteration in the Kakowa (L6) ordinary chondriteOPEN ACCESS
I. P. Baziotis, C. Ma, Y. Guan, L. Ferrière, S. Xydous, J. Hu, M. A. Kipp, F. L. H. Tissot & P. D. Asimow Scientific Reports, Volume 12, Article number: 5520Published: 12 April 2022 LINK…
Petrochemistry and Oxygen Isotope of Karimati (L5) Chondrite, a 2009 Fall in Uttar Pradesh, India
D. Ray, D. K. Panda, G. Arora, S. Ghosh, S. V. S. Murty & S. Chakraborty Journal of the Geological Society of India, Volume 98, pages 323–328Published: 28 March 2022 LINK “Karimati, a single stone,…
Connecting Asteroids and Meteorites with visible and near-infrared spectroscopyOPEN ACCESS
Francesca E. DeMeo, Brian J. Burt, Michaël Marsset, David Polishook, Thomas H. Burbine, Benoît Carry, Richard P. Binzel, Pierre Vernazza, Vishnu Reddy, Michelle Tang, Cristina A. Thomas, Andrew S. Rivkin, Nicholas A. Moskovitz, Stephen M….
Impact dynamics of the L chondrites’ parent asteroid
Marine Ciocco, Mathieu Roskosz, Béatrice Doisneau, Olivier Beyssac, Smail Mostefaoui, Laurent Remusat, Hugues Leroux, Matthieu Gounelle MAPSVersion of Record online: 24 February 2022 LINK “The dynamics of collisional events have been studied for three highly…
Trajectory, recovery, and orbital history of the Madura Cave meteoriteOPEN ACCESS
Hadrien A. R. Devillepoix, Eleanor K. Sansom, Patrick Shober, Seamus L. Anderson, Martin C. Towner, Anthony Lagain, Martin Cupák, Philip A. Bland, Robert M. Howie, Trent Jansen-Sturgeon, Benjamin A. D. Hartig, Marcin Sokolowski, Gretchen Benedix,…
High precision 26Al-26Mg chronology of chondrules in unequilibrated ordinary chondrites: evidence for restricted formation ages
Guillaume Siron, Kohei Fukuda, Makoto Kimura, Noriko T. Kita Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 14 February 2022 LINK “Chondrules in ordinary chondrites are considered to form in high density environments, likely…
The Famenin fall and other ordinary chondrites intermediate between H and L groupsOPEN ACCESS
Hamed Pourkhorsandi, Jérôme Gattacceca, Pierre Rochette, Thomas Smith, Lydie Bonal, Massimo D’Orazio, Bertrand Devouard, Corinne Sonzogni, Vinciane Debaille Meteoritics & Planetary Scienceaccepted for publication, February 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (DOWNLOAD) and PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update…
A contemporary view of the ordinary chondrite boot I: Band parameter analysis dependency
Lucas T. McClure, Sean S. Lindsay IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 14 February 2022 LINK “Highlights • The Spectral Analysis Routine for Asteroids (SARA) performed band parameter analyses on spectral data from 167 ordinary…
A contemporary view of the ordinary chondrite boot II: Mineralogical variation of S-type asteroids
Lucas T. McClure, Sean S. Lindsay IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 12 February 2022 LINK “Highlights • The Spectral Analysis Routine for Asteroids determined band parameters for a suite of 46 NEAs.• Mineralogical determinations…
The distribution of the desert meteorites in China and their classification
Yan Fan, Shijie Li, Shen Liu, Hao Peng, Guangming Song, Thomas Smith MAPSVersion of Record online: 07 February 2022 LINK “In recent years, numerous meteorites have been collected in desert areas in northern and western…
Northwest Africa 6486: Record of large impact events and fluid alteration on the L chondrite asteroid
C. A. Lorenz, E. V. Korochantseva, M. A. Ivanova, J. Hopp, I. A. Franchi, M. Humayun, M. O. Anosova, S. N. Teplyakova, M. Trieloff MAPSVersion of Record online: 05 January 2022 LINK “We report the…
Complex diagnostics of ordinary chondrites Markovka, Polujamki, Sayh al Uhaymir 001, Dhofar 020, and Jiddat al Harasis 055 by X-ray techniques and Mössbauer spectroscopy
Liubov V. Guda, Antonina N. Kravtsova, Stanislav P. Kubrin, Alexander A. Guda, Mikhail I. Mazuritskiy, Andrei A. Tereshchenko, Yuri V. Popov, Alexander V. Soldatov Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 20 December 2021 LINK…
4M method – new application of Mössbauer spectroscopy to classification of meteorites. How it works?OPEN ACCESS
Jolanta Gałązka-Friedman, Martyna Jakubowska, Marek Woźniak, Patrycja Bogusz, Łukasz Karwowski & Przemysław Duda Hyperfine Interactions, Volume 242, Article number: 55 (2021) LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “4M method is a new application of Mössbauer spectroscopy…
New evidence for wet accretion of inner solar system planetesimals from meteorites Chelyabinsk and BenenitraOPEN ACCESS
Ziliang Jin, Maitrayee Bose, Tim Lichtenberg, Gijs Mulders accepted for publication in The Planetary Science Journal PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (28 December 2021): LINK (OPEN ACCESS) / PDF (OPEN ACCESS)The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 2,…
Electromagnetic characterization of a crushed L-chondrite for subsurface radar investigations of solar system bodies
Alessandro Brin, Sebastian Emanuel Lauro, Barbara Cosciotti, Elisabetta Mattei, Elena Pettinelli IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 17 November 2021 LINK “Highlights • Electric and magnetic characterization of an L-chondrite granular sample.• Electric permittivity and…
Understanding asteroidal failure through quasi-static compression testing and 3-D digital image correlation of the Aba Panu (L3) chondrite
M. F. Rabbi, L. A. J. Garvie, D. Cotto-Figueroa, E. Asphaug, K. H. Khafagy, S. Datta, A. Chattopadhyay Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 11 November 2021 LINK “A comprehensive understanding of the mechanical…
Middle Ordovician astrochronology decouples asteroid breakup from glacially-induced biotic radiationsOPEN ACCESS
Jan Audun Rasmussen, Nicolas Thibault & Christian Mac Ørum Rasmussen Nature Communications, Volume 12, Article number: 6430 (2021) LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Meso-Cenozoic evidence suggests links between changes in the expression of orbital changes…
Meteorite terrestrial ages in Oman based on gamma spectrometry and sediment dating, focusing on the Ramlat Fasad dense collection areaOPEN ACCESS
Åke V. Rosén, Beda A. Hofmann, Frank Preusser, Edwin Gnos, Urs Eggenberger, Marc Schumann, Sönke Szidat Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 04 November 2021 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We combine the search…
Light noble gas records and cosmic ray exposure histories of recent ordinary chondrite falls
Thomas Smith, Huaiyu He, Shijie Li, P. M. Ranjith, Fei Su, Jérôme Gattacceca, Régis Braucher, ASTER-Team Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 04 November 2021 LINK “We measured noble gas concentrations and isotopic ratios…
Study of Spectrally Resolved Thermoluminescence in Tsarev and Chelyabinsk Chondrites with a Versatile High-Sensitive SetupOPEN ACCESS
Alexander Vokhmintsev, Ahmed Henaish, Taher Sharshar, Osama Hemeda, Ilya Weinstein Materials 2021, 14 (21), 6518 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (DOWNLOAD)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Thermoluminescence (TL) research provides a powerful tool for characterizing radiation-induced processes in extraterrestrial matter….
GOLDEN meteorite fall (L/LL5 chondrite, 1270 + 919 g) in Golden, British Colombia, Canada at around 23:33:43-49 MST on 3 October (5:33:43-49 UT, 4 Oct.) 2021
Last update: 8 November 2023 Ruth Hamilton holding her Golden meteorite. Photo: Ruth Hamilton In an article on the website of ‘The Golden Star’ on 8 October 2021 (3:50 pm) Claire Palmer reported that a…
Natural Fe-bearing aluminous bridgmanite in the Katol L6 chondrite
Sujoy Ghosh, Kishan Tiwari, Masaaki Miyahara, Arno Rohrbach, Christian Vollmer, Vincenzo Stagno, Eiji Ohtani, and Dwijesh Ray PNAS October 5, 2021 118 (40) LINK “Bridgmanite, the most abundant mineral of the Earth’s lower mantle, has…
Novo Mesto meteorite fall – trajectory, orbit, and fragmentation analysis from optical observationsOPEN ACCESS
Denis Vida, Damir Šegon, Marko Šegon, Jure Atanackov, Bojan Ambrožič, Luke McFadden, Ludovic Ferrière, Javor Kac, Gregor Kladnik, Mladen Živčić, Aleksandar Merlak, Ivica Skokić, Lovro Pavletić, Gojko Vinčić, Ivica Ćiković, Zsolt Perkó, Martino Ilari, Mirjana…
Evolution of hematite and/or magnetite iron phases with thermal heating in ordinary chondrites: A generic characteristic
Ambesh Dixit, Beena Bhatia & R P Tripathi Journal of Earth System Science, Volume 130, Article number: 191 (2021) LINK “We used 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopic measurements on untreated and controlled thermally treated Ararki, Didwana, and…
Kindberg meteorite (233 g, L6) apparently found – bolide at 04:46:47- CET, 19 November 2020, Kindberg, Bruck-Mürzzuschlag, Steiermark, Austria
On 14 September 2021 it was announced in several Austrian media that on 4 July 2021 a 233-gram fragment of a meteorite (L6) was found near Kindberg in Austria. It is supposed to have fallen…
The Ellerslie Meteorite: description and correction to historical find siteOPEN ACCESS
William D. Birch Journal & Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South WalesVol. 154, 12-23, Part 1, June 2021 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The 10.2 kg Ellerslie meteorite was donated to the National Museum of…
Discovery of High-Pressure Polymorphs in the Recent Fall of Viñales (L6 Ordinary Chondrite): Implications for Collisions on its Parent Body
Baziotis I., Xydous S., Papoutsa A., Hu J., Ma C., Ferrière L., Klemme S., Berndt J., Asimow P. D. 84th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2021 (abstract # 6115) PDF Viñales, a L6 ordinary…
Madura Cave: A New Meteorite Fall Delivered from an Aten Orbit
Devillepoix H. A. R., Anderson S., Sansom E. K., Lagain A., Towner M. C., Bland P. A., Howie R. M., Cupak M., Benedix G. K., Forman L. V., Shober P., Hartig B. A. D. 84th…
Mean Atomic Weight, Grain Density, and Porosity of Cavezzo Chondrite
Szurgot M. A. 84th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2021 (abstract # 6009) PDF Mean atomic weight (Amean), grain density (dgr), and porosity (P) of anomaleous Cavezzo L5 chondrite were predicted. It was shown…
Cavezzo—The double face of a meteorite: Mineralogy, petrography, and geochemistry of a very unusual chondriteOPEN ACCESS
Giovanni Pratesi, Vanni Moggi Cecchi, Richard C. Greenwood, Ian A. Franchi, Samantha J. Hammond, Mario Di Martino, Dario Barghini, Carla Taricco, Albino Carbognani, Daniele Gardiol Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 23 June 2021…
Shock‐Induced Incongruent Melting of Olivine in Kamargaon L6 Chondrite
Kishan Tiwari, Sujoy Ghosh, Masaaki Miyahara, Dwijesh Ray Geophysical Research LettersFirst Published: 8 June 2021 LINK “In this study, we report for the first-time shock-induced incongruent melting of olivine in an ordinary chondrite. Several olivine…
Applications of Mössbauer Spectroscopy in Meteoritical and Planetary Science, Part I: Undifferentiated MeteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Alevtina A. Maksimova, Michael I. Oshtrakh Minerals 2021, 11(6), 614 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (download) “Mössbauer (nuclear γ-resonance) spectroscopy is a powerful technique that is actively used in various fields, from physics and chemistry to biology…
Asteroid break-ups and meteorite delivery to Earth the past 500 million yearsOPEN ACCESS
Fredrik Terfelt and Birger Schmitz PNAS June 15, 2021 118 (24) LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Supplementary Information “The meteoritic material falling on Earth is believed to derive from large break-up or cratering events in…
Laboratory investigation into the dielectric properties of an L-chondrite (NWA 12857)
Barbara Cosciotti, Sebastian Emanuel Lauro, Francesco Gabbai, Elisabetta Mattei, Federico Di Paolo, Giovanni Pratesi, Elena Pettinelli IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 16 March 2021 LINK “Highlights • Dielectric characterization of an L-chondrite solid sample.•…
Highly volatile element (H, C, F, Cl, S) abundances and H isotopic compositions in chondrules from carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites
Kei Shimizu, Conel M. O’D. Alexander, Erik H. Hauri, Adam R. Sarafian, Larry R. Nittler, Jianhua Wang, Steven D.Jacobsen, Ruslan A. Mendybaev Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 10 March 2021 LINK…
In Situ Constraints on the 60Fe Abundance in the Early Solar System
Kodolányi J., Hoppe P., Vollmer C. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #1291 PDF “New NanoSIMS analyses of old chondrules (Al-Mg age: 1-2 million years after canonical CAIs) do not find significant in…
Analysis of the Solar Proton Effects in the Stubenberg and Jesenice Chondrites
Ustinova G. K. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #1310 PDF “The solar cosmic ray contributions to production of cosmogenic radionuclides in the near-surface layers of the chondrites of low ablation are estimated….
Organic Compounds in Mahadevpur H4/5 and Natun Balijan L4 Ordinary Chondrites by Raman Spectroscopy
Saikia B. J., Parthasarathy G., Borah R. R. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #1853 PDF “Herein we identify organic trace in Mahadevpur H4/5 and Natun Balijan L4 ordinary chondrites by Raman Spectroscopy.”
Bubbles to Chondrites-II. Chemical fractionations in chondritesOPEN ACCESS
Akihiko Hashimoto & Yuki Nakano Progress in Earth and Planetary Science volume 8, Article number: 9 (2021) LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (DOWNLOAD) “We attempt to develop a possible theory of chemical fractionations in chondrites, that is…
In-situ visualization of dynamic fracture and fragmentation of an L-type ordinary chondrite by combined synchrotron X-ray radiography and microtomography
Lukasz Farbaniec, David J. Chapman, Jack R.W. Patten, Liam C. Smith, James D. Hogan, Alexander Rack, Daniel E. Eakins IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 26 January 2021 LINK “Highlights • Dynamic mechanical properties of…
Study of Bursa L6 ordinary chondrite by X‐ray diffraction, magnetization measurements, and Mössbauer spectroscopy
Alevtina A. Maksimova, Evgeniya V. Petrova, Andrey V. Chukin, Ozan Unsalan, Ábel Szabó, Zoltán Dankházi, Israel Felner, Dmitry A. Zamyatin, Ernő Kuzmann, Zoltán Homonnay, Michael I. Oshtrakh Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 20…
Iron‐rich olivine in the unequilibrated ordinary chondrite, MET 00526: Earliest stages of formation
Elena Dobrică, Adrian J. Brearley Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 12 January 2021 LINK “In order to understand the effects of the earliest stages of hydrothermal alteration and fluid‐assisted metamorphism on the matrices…
Thermal emission measurements of ordinary chondrite mineral analogs in a simulated asteroid environment: 2. Representative mineral mixtures
Michael S. Bramble, Ralph E. Milliken, William R. Patterson IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 8 December 2020 LINK “Highlights • The thermal emission of mineral mixtures was analyzed in a simulated asteroid environment.• The…
Trace Element Composition of Silicate Minerals in the Chondrules and Matrix of the Buschhof Meteorite
K. G. Sukhanova, S. G. Skublov, O. L. Galankina, E. V. Obolonskaya & E. L. Kotova Geochemistry International, Volume 58, pages 1321–1330 (2020) LINK “The paper presents results of SIMS and SEM-EDS studies of the…
Cavezzo, the first Italian meteorite recovered by the PRISMA fireball network. Orbit, trajectory, and strewn-fieldOPEN ACCESS
D Gardiol, D Barghini, A Buzzoni, A Carbognani, M Di Carlo, M Di Martino, C Knapic, E Londero, G Pratesi, S Rasetti, W Riva, R Salerno, G M Stirpe, G B Valsecchi, C A Volpicelli,…
Bjurböle L/LL4 ordinary chondrite properties studied by raman spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, magnetization measurements and mössbauer spectroscopy
A. A. Maksimova, E. V. Petrova, A.V. Chukin, B.A. Nogueira, R. Fausto, Á. Szabó, Z. Dankházi, I. Felner, M. Gritsevich, T.Kohout, E. Kuzmann, Z. Homonnay, M. I. Oshtrakh Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular…
Isotopic Composition of Noble Gases, Nitrogen, and Carbon in the Ozerki New L Chondrite
E. V. Korochantseva, A. B. Verchovsky, A. I. Buikin, K. A. Lorents & A. V. Korochantsev Geochemistry International, Volume 58, pages 1239–1256(2020) LINK “The isotopic composition of noble gases, nitrogen, and carbon in two samples…
New constraints from 26Al-26Mg chronology of anorthite bearing chondrules in unequilibrated ordinary chondrites
Guillaume Siron, Kohei Fukuda, Makoto Kimura, Noriko T. Kita Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn press, journal pre-proof, Available online 1 November 2020 LINK “26Al-26Mg ages were determined for 14 anorthite-bearing chondrules from five different unequilibrated ordinary…
Evidence for early fragmentation-reassembly of ordinary chondrite (H, L, and LL) parent bodies from REE-in-two-pyroxene thermometry
Michael P. Lucas, Nick Dygert, Jialong Ren, Marc A. Hesse, Nathaniel R. Miller, Harry Y. McSween Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 17 September 2020 LINK “Ordinary chondrites (OCs) are variably thermally…
PULI ILKARINGURU meeteorite fall (H5, 18 November 2019) on the Nullarbor Plain, Western Australia
Last update: 30 May 2023 Curtin University press release (30 July 2020) The Desert Fireball Network (30 July 2020) Puli Ilkaringuru, Fall on 18 November 2019 On 29 May 2023 the meteorite fall was added…
The noble gases in five ordinary chondrites from Grove Mountains in Antarctica
Ying Wang, Huaiyu He, Ingo Leya, P.M. Ranjith, Fei Su, P.C. Stephenson, Chuantong Zhang, Dewen Zhenge Planetary and Space ScienceAvailable online 26 July 2020, 105045 LINK “Highlights • Two Antarctic L chondrites GRV023149 and GRV052243…
Noble gases and nitrogen in metal from the ordinary chondrites Katol (L6), Itawa Bhopji (L3-5) and Portales Valley (H6)
Ramakant R. Mahajan Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 365, Article number: 130 (2020) LINK “This is the first report of coupled noble gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe) and nitrogen isotopic results in metal…
Characterization of Kemer L4 meteorite using Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, magnetization measurements and Mössbauer spectroscopy
A. A. Maksimova, E. V. Petrova, A. V. Chukin, M. S. Karabanalov, B.A. Nogueira, R. Fausto, M. Yesiltas, I. Felner, M. I. Oshtrakh Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular SpectroscopyAvailable online 20 July 2020,…
Absolute dating of the L-chondrite parent body breakup with high-precision U–Pb zircon geochronology from Ordovician limestone
Shi Yong Liao, Magdalena H. Huyskens, Qing-Zhu Yin, Birger Schmitz Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 547, 1 October 2020, 116442 LINK “Highlights • High-precision dates for events in the asteroid belt can be derived from…
Exposure Ages, Noble Gases and Nitrogen in the Ordinary Chondrite Karimati (L5)
Ramakant R. Mahajan Earth, Moon, and Planets (2020) LINK “Noble gas and nitrogen isotopic compositions of Karimati ordinary (L5) chondrite are presented. Aliquots of the meteorite were studied in two noble gas mass spectrometers. Its…
Investigation of the Ozerki meteoroid parameters
Anna Kartashova, Alexander Golubaev, Alona Mozgova, Ivan Chuvashov, Galina Bolgova, Dmitry Glazachev, Vladimir Efremov Planetary and Space ScienceIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 12 July 2020 LINK “Highlights • The method of the determination of…
Two Strengths of Ordinary Chondritic Meteoroids as Derived from their Atmospheric Fragmentation ModelingOPEN ACCESS
Jiří Borovička, Pavel Spurný, Lukáš Shrbený Accepted for publication in AJ PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The internal structure and strength of small asteroids and large meteoroids is poorly known. Observation of bright fireballs in the Earth’s…
GATUTO meteorite fall (L6, S2, ~ 25 kg) 24 April 2020 ~ 8.27 p.m. (5.27 p.m. UTC) Kombuini, Kimicha and Gatuto villages, Kirinyaga County, Kenya
Last update: 4 July 2020 A meteorite (~ 200 grams, L6) is reported to have fallen through the roof of Mary Wamburu’s home and shattered on the concrete floor below. Mrs Wamburu was preparing supper…
Study of the Composition of Aba Panu (L3) Meteorite Degassing Products
A. V. Stennikov, V. S. Fedulov, S. G. Naimushin, N. V. Dushenko & S. A. Voropaev Solar System Research, Volume 54, pages 150–154 (2020) LINK “The study of the degassing of primitive cosmic matter (in…
Potassium Isotope Compositions of Carbonaceous and Ordinary Chondrites: Implications on the Origin of Volatile Depletion in the Early Solar SystemOPEN ACCESS
Hannah Bloom, Katharina Lodders, Heng Chen, Chen Zhao,Zhen Tian, Piers Koefoed, Mária K.Pető, Yun Jiang, Kun Wang (王昆) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 23 March 2020 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) LINK…
Three meteorite finds (720 g, L5, S5) of bolide above Novo Mesto, Lower Carniola, Slovenia at 09:30:34 UT on 28 February 2020
Last update: 21 September 2021 The first meteorite, an ordinary chondrite (L5, S5), was found accidentally by Gregor Kos and his son at location 45°49’00.5″N, 15°06’44.9″E in the village Prečna, near Novo Mesto, Slovenia at…
Chemical and physical properties of Žďár nad Sázavou L chondrite and porosity differentiation using computed tomography
Dominika Kalasová, Tomáš Zikmund, Pavel Spurný, Jakub Haloda, Jiří Borovička, Jozef Kaiser Meteoritics & Planetary Science LINK “A very bright and long bolide was observed over the eastern part of the Czech Republic during late…
Unique achondrite Northwest Africa 11042: Exploring the melting and breakup of the L chondrite parent bodyOPEN ACCESS
Zoltán Váci, Carl B. Agee, Munir Humayun, Karen Ziegler, Yemane Asmerom, Victor Polyak, Henner Busemann, Daniela Krietsch, Matthew Heizler, Matthew E. Sanborn, Qing‐Zhu Yin Meteoritics & Planetary Science First Published: 2 March 2020 LINK PDF…
Elemental composition, mineralogy and orbital parameters of the Porangaba meteorite
Martin Ferus, Lukáš Petera, Jakub Koukal, Libor Lenža, Barbora Drtinová, Jakub Haloda, Dalibor Matýsek, Adam Pastorek, Vojtěch Laitl, Renato Cassio Poltronieri, Marcelo Wagner Domingues, Gabriel Gonçalves, Rodrigo del Olmo Sato, Antonín Knížek, Petr Kubelíka, Anna…
CAVEZZO – Meteorite fragments (L5-an, S2, 55.3 grams) found near Ponte Motta (Cavezzo) / Fall on 1 January 2020, 18:26:52.9-58.5 UT, Rovereto sul Secchia, Modena, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Last update: 23 June 2021 The ordinary chondrite (L5-an) meteorite fragments were found by 48-year old warehouseman and cyclist Davide Gaddi from Mirandola in the grass next to a path on the bank of the…
The Žďár nad Sázavou meteorite fall: Fireball trajectory, photometry, dynamics, fragmentation, orbit, and meteorite recoveryOPEN ACCESS
Pavel Spurný, Jiří Borovička, Lukáš Shrbený Accepted to Meteoritics and Planetary Science, December 13, 2019 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) LINK (updated 10 February 2020) “We report a comprehensive analysis of the instrumentally observed meteorite fall Žďár…
Characterization of the matrix and fusion crust of the recent meteorite fall Ozerki L6
A. A. Maksimova, E. V. Petrova, A. V. Chukin, M. S. Karabanalov, I. Felner, M. Gritsevich, M. I. Oshtrakh First published: 25 December 2019 LINK “We studied the interior and the fusion crust of the…
Radionuclide activities in recent chondrite falls determined by gamma‐ray spectrometry: Implications for terrestrial age estimates
Åke V. Rosén, Beda A. Hofmann, Moritz von Sivers, Marc Schumann Meteoritics & Planetary Science First Published: 19 December 2019 LINK “Radionuclide activities were measured in the low‐background gamma‐ray spectrometry facility GeMSE in eight meteorite…
Wangdaodeite, the LiNbO3‐structured high‐pressure polymorph of ilmenite, a new mineral from the Suizhou L6 chondrite
Xiande Xie, Xiangping Gu, Hexiong Yang, Ming Chen, Kai Li Meteoritics & Planetary Science First Published: 19 December 2019 LINK “Wangdaodeite, the shock‐induced lithium niobate–structured polymorph of ilmenite, was found in the Suizhou L6 chondrite….
Characterization of a newly fallen Nigerian meteorite
Abbasher Gismelssed, Olugbenga Okunlola, Ahmed Al-Rawas, Ali Yousif, Matthew Oyedokun, Jacob Adetunji, Hisham Widatallah, Mohamed Elzai Hyperfine Interactions December 2020, 241:22 LINK “X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fields Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) with EDS and Mössbauer…
Characteristics of the Sahara as a meteorite recovery surface
Maria Aboulahris, Hasnaa Chennaoui Aoudjehane, Pierre Rochette, Jérôme Gattacceca, A. J. Timothy Jull, Nejia Laridhi Ouazaa, Luigi Folco Svend Buhl Meteoritics & Planetary Science LINK “We describe the geological, geomorphological, and paleoclimatic setting of the…
69 ‘surface meteorites’ but no subsurface specimens found – Panel sledge detector system has broken – UK meteorite search in Antarctica 2019/2020 – Lost meteorites of Antarctica Project
Last update: 4 January 2024 The 2019/20 main field trip of the project Lost Meteorites of Antarctica to recover subsurface iron meteorites on some blue icefields in Antarctica did not end as planned. Four members…
Organics preserved in anhydrous interplanetary dust particles: Pristine or not?OPEN ACCESS
Queenie H. S. Chan, Ian A. Franchi, Xuchao Zhao, Alice Stephant, Ian P. Wright, Conel M. O’D. Alexander Meteoritics & Planetary Science First Published: 19 November 2019 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The chondritic‐porous…
Accretionary mixing of a eucrite impactor and the regolith of the L chondrite parent body
Brendt C. Hyde, Kimberly T. Tait, Desmond E. Moser, Douglas Rumble, Michelle S. Thompson Meteoritics & Planetary Science First Published: 13 November 2019 LINK “Northwest Africa (NWA) 869 is the largest sample of chondritic regolith…