A contemporary view of the ordinary chondrite boot II: Mineralogical variation of S-type asteroids

Lucas T. McClure, Sean S. Lindsay

In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 12 February 2022



• The Spectral Analysis Routine for Asteroids determined band parameters for a suite of 46 NEAs.
• Mineralogical determinations and ordinary chondrites subtypes are assigned for each of the NEAs.
• The spectral cutoffs for the NEAs determine which OC-Boot to invoke.
• The contemporary, self-consistent methodology for the OC-Boot better accounts of the mineralogical variation expressed by NEAs”

“The ordinary chondrite boot (OC-Boot) is a diagnostic region generated from spectral analyses of the features caused by electron absorptions in the olivine and orthopyroxene of OCs. In our companion article to this one, McClure & Lindsay (2022a) demonstrated that the boundaries of the OC-Boot are band parameter analysis (BPA) dependent. Here, we highlight how using OC-Boot boundaries that are not derived from a self-consistent BPA analysis can lead to potential misidentification of ordinary chondrite-like asteroid analogs. We compare S-type asteroid spectral band parameters to the OC-Boot defined in McClure & Lindsay (2022a) and the OC-Boot defined in Gaffey et al. (1993). We choose the Gaffey et al. (1993) OC-Boot for this comparison since its use is frequently seen in the literature without updated boundaries. By applying the Spectral Analysis Routine for Asteroids (SARA) to spectra from the MIT-Hawaii Near-Earth Object Spectroscopic (MITHNEOS) Survey, we demonstrate an overlap between the contemporary view of the OC-Boot and OC analogs, showing that a self-consistent OC-Boot framework captures the variation of the Near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) more than the original OC-Boot. In particular, we show the OC-Boots from McClure & Lindsay (2022a) encompass relatively more NEAs. We also apply a set of calibration equations derived using SARA to determine the mineral abundances and compositions for the S-type asteroids. We find that 59.57% of NEAs exhibit LL-like mineralogies and that H-like and L-like mineralogies are exhibited 19.15% and 6.38% of cases, respectively. There are a couple of cases wherein the mineralogies could be in between subtypes and five cases where no subtype designation could be determined. The high-frequency of LL-like mineralogies is in agreement with previous studies on S-type NEAs.”