A record of low-temperature asteroidal processes of amoeboid olivine aggregates from Kainsaz CO3.2 chondrite
Jangmi Han, Changkun Park, Adrian J. Brearley
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 12 February 2022
“Amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) from the Kainsaz CO3.2 chondrite were analyzed using transmission electron microscopy in order to gain a more complete understanding of thermal metamorphism on the parent body and the role of fluids during metamorphic heating. The Kainsaz AOAs are dominated by strongly zoned, fine-grained, olivine grains (Fa2-31) with heterogeneous Fe enrichments along the grain boundaries, which are interpreted as the result of Fe2+-Mg2+ interdiffusion with the matrix during thermal metamorphism. However, our diffusion calculations show that such AOA olivine zoning and compositions cannot be produced by a simple diffusional exchange during metamorphic heating, unlike chondrule olivine zoning and compositions. In addition, fine-grained ferroan olivine overgrowths occur heterogeneously in crystallographic continuity with olivines on the AOA exteriors. The overgrowths (Fa33-36) are compositionally distinct from the underlying AOA olivines and are not fully equilibrated with the matrix olivines (Fa∼20-55). The ferroan olivine overgrowths likely formed by precipitation from fluids in an epitaxial relationship with forsteritic olivine on the edges of AOAs. Texturally and compositionally diverse chromite grains are also observed along olivine grain boundaries, in olivine grains, and in pore spaces between olivine grains. They share a similar crystallographic orientation relationships with adjacent olivine, suggestive of their formation by exsolution and/or epitaxial growth. Collectively, these observations provide evidence for the mobilization of Fe, Mg, Si, Cr, and Al in the presence of fluids along olivine grain boundaries and into olivine grains during thermal metamorphism. We conclude that in Kainsaz AOAs, the strong zonation development in individual olivine grains and the formation of ferroan olivine overgrowths and chromite grains were a fluid-driven process that occurred at relatively low temperatures (<500℃), during the cooling history of the CO3 chondrite parent body, following the peak of thermal metamorphism.”