Perspectives and challenges in bolide infrasound processing and interpretation: A focused review with case studiesOPEN ACCESS
Elizabeth A. Silber Remote Sensing. 2024; 16(19):3628 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Infrasound sensing plays a critical role in the detection and analysis of bolides, offering passive, cost-effective global monitoring capabilities. Key objectives include determining the timing,…
Geophysical Observations of the 2023 September 24 OSIRIS-REx Sample Return Capsule ReentryOPEN ACCESS
Elizabeth A. Silber, Daniel C. Bowman, Chris G. Carr, David P. Eisenberg, Brian R. Elbing, Benjamin Fernando, Milton A. Garcés, Robert Haaser, Siddharth Krishnamoorthy, Charles A. Langston, Yasuhiro Nishikawa, Jeremy Webster, Jacob F. Anderson, Stephen…