Improvement of the extraction method of faint signals in γ-activity measurements of meteorites⋆
D. Gardiol, D. Barghini, P. Colombetti, C. Taricco, S. Mancuso, S. Rubinetti, M. Di Martino
The European Physical Journal Plus
First Online:20 June 2017
DOI: 10.1140/epjp/i2017-11556-yJune 2017, 132:269
“At the underground laboratory of Monte dei Cappuccini (OATo-INAF) in Torino (Italy) we set up selective HPGe-NaI(Tl) spectrometers for measurements of cosmogenic radioisotopes in meteorites in order to study centennial-scale modulation of solar activity. 44 Ti is a suitable proxy for this timescale, but its detection is difficult due to the strong interference by naturally occurring 214 Bi. In order to optimize the extraction of the 44 Ti signal, we have developed software procedures specifically designed to improve selectivity of the Ge-NaI detectors coincidence.”