Impactor identification with spallogenic Cr isotopes: The Wabar impact craters (Saudi Arabia)OPEN ACCESS
Aryavart Anand, Klaus Mezger, Beda Hofmann
MAPS, First published: 19 July 2024
“Precise measurements of Cr isotopic composition of terrestrial impactites have successfully provided evidence for the presence of extraterrestrial material and have, in some cases, allowed the identification of the type of impactor responsible for the formation of the impact structure. The high Cr abundance in most meteorite groups aids in detecting extraterrestrial contamination while their distinct isotopic compositions can help with the identification of the nature of the projectile. However, this common approach of detection and identification of extraterrestrial contamination using mass-independent 53Cr and 54Cr variations fails when the impactor type is an iron meteorite because of their low Cr abundances (which are in a similar range to terrestrial rocks). The present study demonstrates the viability of a spallogenic Cr contribution in iron meteorites (resulting from their long cosmic ray exposure times), which compensates for their low Cr abundances and facilitates the identification of iron-meteoritic contamination in terrestrial impactites. Thus, it broadens the scope of impactors (and impactites) that can be investigated using mass-independent Cr isotopes from solely chondrites and primitive achondrites to include iron meteorites. The Wabar impact craters are an optimal candidate for this study, characterized by low weathering, diverse impactites, partial meteorite survival, substantial impactor material contamination, and a felsic target lithology with low background Cr concentration. The Cr isotopic composition of the Wabar background sand, which represents the target lithology, is indistinguishable from the terrestrial Cr isotopic composition range, whereas the Wabar iron meteorites show coupled spallogenic excesses in ε53Cr and ε54Cr. The Cr isotopic compositions of Wabar impactites show resolved deviations from the terrestrial Cr isotopic composition, thereby indicating the presence of Wabar meteoritic contamination. Moreover, the study demonstrates that even an impactor with a non-carbonaceous chondritic origin, such as a IIIAB iron meteorite, can have a carbonaceous chondrite-like signature in ε54Cr anomalies due to spallogenic Cr contamination. The study advocates for a comprehensive investigation combining platinum group elements and Cr (and/or Ni, Ru) isotopes to accurately characterize impactor types.”