Data on 824 fireballs observed by the digital cameras of the European Fireball Network in 2017–2018. I. Description of the network, data analysis, and the catalogOPEN ACCESS
J. Borovicka, P. Spurny, L. Shrbeny, R. Stork, L. Kotkova, J. Fuchs, J. Keclikova, H. Zichova, J. Manek, P. Vachova, I. Macourkova, J. Svoren and H. Mucke
Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. bolides-pap1_corr2
09 September 2022
“A catalog of 824 fireballs (bright meteors), observed by a dedicated network of all-sky digital photographic cameras in central Europe in the years 2017–2018 is presented. The status of the European Fireball Network, established in 1963, is described. The cameras collect digital images of meteors brighter than an absolute magnitude of about −2 and radiometric light curves with a high temporal resolution of those brighter than a magnitude ≈ −4. All meteoroids larger than 5 grams, corresponding to sizes of about 2 cm, are detected regardless of their entry velocity. High-velocity meteoroids are detected down to masses of about 0.1 gram. The largest observed meteoroid in the reported period 2017–2018 had a mass of about 100 kg and a size of about 40 cm. The methods of data analysis are explained and all catalog entries are described in detail. The provided data include the fireball date and time, atmospheric trajectory and velocity, the radiant in various coordinate systems, heliocentric orbital elements, maximum brightness, radiated energy,
initial and terminal masses, maximum encountered dynamic pressure, physical classification, and possible shower membership. Basic information on the fireball spectrum is available for some bright fireballs (apparent magnitude < −7). A simple statistical evaluation of the whole sample is provided. The scientific analysis is presented in an accompanying paper.”