Evidence for sodium-rich alkaline water in the Tagish Lake parent body and implications for amino acid synthesis and racemizationOPEN ACCESS 

Lee F. White, Kimberly T. Tait, Brian Langelier, Elizabeth A. Lymer, Ana Černok, Tanya V. Kizovski, Chi Ma, Oliver Tschauner, and Richard I. Nicklin

PNAS, first published May 11, 2020


“Understanding the timing and mechanisms of amino acid synthesis and racemization on asteroidal parent bodies is key to demonstrating how amino acids evolved to be mostly left-handed in living organisms on Earth. It has been postulated that racemization can occur rapidly dependent on several factors, including the pH of the aqueous solution. Here, we conduct nanoscale geochemical analysis of a framboidal magnetite grain within the Tagish Lake carbonaceous chondrite to demonstrate that the interlocking crystal arrangement formed within a sodium-rich, alkaline fluid environment. Notably, we report on the discovery of Na-enriched subgrain boundaries and nanometer-scale Ca and Mg layers surrounding individual framboids. These interstitial coatings would yield a surface charge state of zero in more-alkaline fluids and prevent assimilation of the individual framboids into a single grain. This basic solution would support rapid synthesis and racemization rates on the order of years, suggesting that the low abundances of amino acids in Tagish Lake cannot be ascribed to fluid chemistry.”

Amino acids in the Tagish meteorite

Jeffrey L. Bada

PNAS first published September 10, 2020

Reply to Bada: Acidity and fluid composition on the Tagish Lake parent body

Lee F. White, Kimberly T. Tait, Brian Langelier, Elizabeth A. Lymer, Ana Černok, Tanya V. Kizovski, Chi Ma, Oliver Tschauner, and Richard I. Nicklin

PNAS first published September 10, 2020