Relationship Between the H5 Chondrite Composition, Structure and Mechanical Properties from the Example of NWA 12370 and Pultusk
S. A. Voropaev, I. I. Nugmanov, N. V. Dushenko, T. G. Kuz’mina, A. V. Korochantsev, V. G. Senin, A. A. Eliseev & Yan Jianguo
Solar System Research, Volume 55, pages 409–419 (2021)
Published: 25 October 2021
“The peculiarities of the composition and internal structure of chondrite NWA 12370, petrological type H5 S1 W1, were studied by means of Raman spectroscopy, XRF, and electronic sounding. The dependence of the mechanical properties of chondrite on the external hydrostatic pressure was studied by means of ultrasonic waves and static methods. This meteorite is a fragment of stone rain from the debris of the inner part of a large asteroid, about 200 km in size. We compared the mechanical characteristics obtained with those of the well-studied Pultusk chondrite of the same type, impact breccia H4/H5 S2 W1. At the early stage of the Solar System, such planetesimals made a significant contribution to the geochemical evolution of the terrestrial planets. Therefore, understanding the peculiarities of the relationship between the H chondrite’s internal structure and elastic properties is essential for assessing their contribution to the crust and upper mantle composition of the Earth and Moon and clarifying the conditions for the formation of the redox potential of the planetary interior.”