Africa’s Impact Cratering History and Meteorite Record: Implications for Planetary and Space Science Studies on the Continent

Marian Selorm Sapah

Space Fostering African Societies
Chapter, pp 17–30, First Online: 20 December 2023
Part of the Southern Space Studies book series (SOSPST)


“This article assessed the status of Planetary and Space Science in Africa through literature, and makes recommendations on some ways it can be better advanced using Africa’s Impact cratering history and Meteorite record. The author is of the view that, even though Planetary and Space Science is emerging in Africa with a recent surge in activities, it is still underdeveloped. This is largely due to a lack of interest and investment in the field. Africa has a rich Impact cratering history and Meteorite record that can be used as a tool to create interest in, promote and develop Planetary and Space Science in Africa through research and education. To improve the level of formal Planetary and Space Science education in Africa, the author recommends the following with emphasis on the incorporation and use of the Impact cratering history and Meteorite record of Africa: (1) introduce Planetary and Space Science degree programs in Colleges of Education, (2) introduce Planetary and Space Science as a subject in the Senior High School curriculum, (3) improve the Planetary and Space Science content in the Primary and High School curriculum. To train the next generation of Planetary and Space Science professionals requires more African universities to offer degree programs in Planetary and Space Science. To help increase Planetary and Space Science awareness and literacy in Africa, the Planetary and Space Science workforce in Africa should collaborate with other relevant stakeholders to promote Planetary and Space Science through outreach.”