A comparison of fireball luminous efficiency models using acoustic records

Luke McFadden, Peter G. Brown, Denis Vida

In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 6 August 2024



  • Independant acoustic energy derivation of luminous efficiency.
  • Luminous efficiency of an iron meteorite-producing fireball.
  • Validation of the Borovicka et al. (2020) luminous efficiency model.”

“The total energy of a fireball is commonly obtained from optical measurements with an assumed value for luminous efficiency. Acoustic energy measurements offer an independent means of energy estimation. Here we combine optical and acoustic methods to validate the luminous efficiency model of Borovička et al. (2020). Our goal is to compare these models with acoustic measurements of meteoroid energy deposition. Employing theoretical blast scaling laws following the approach of Mcfadden et al. (2021), we determine explosive yields for both fireball fragmentation events and cylindrical shocks for four different bright fireballs. We model fireballs using the MetSim software (Vidaet al., 2023) and find that the Borovička et al. (2020) model produces agreement better than a factor of two for our three chondritic fireball case studies. The major exception is an iron meteorite-producing fireball where the luminous efficiency is an order of magnitude higher than model predictions calibrated with stony fireballs. We suggest that large disparities between optical and acoustic energies could be a signature of iron fireballs and hence useful as a discriminant of that population.”