53Mn-53Cr chronometry of ureilites: Implications for the timing of parent body accretion, differentiation and secondary reductionOPEN ACCESS 

Pascal M. Kruttasch, Aryavart Anand, Paul H. Warren, Chi Ma, Klaus Mezger

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 13 August 2024


“Establishing the temporal evolution of the ureilite parent body(ies) is crucial for understanding the quantitative timescale of planetesimal formation and evolution in the protoplanetary disk. In order to establish a timeline for these early processes, age constraints on the accretion, differentiation and secondary reduction were obtained with the short-lived 53Mn-53Cr chronometer to whole-rock and sequentially digested fractions of main group ureilites. A whole-rock isochron dates the reservoir-scale Mn-Cr fractionation in the ureilite parent body(ies), associated with magmatic differentiation, to 2.89 +0.56/-0.51 Ma after CAI formation. This age implies that the ureilite parent body(ies) accreted no later than ∼1.5 Ma after CAI formation, at a time when the NC-CC dichotomy was already established. The 53Mn-53Cr systematics of fractions from chromite-bearing ureilites yield an age of 4.29 +0.49/-0.45 Ma after CAI formation for a secondary reduction event on the parent body. This event is commonly associated with the catastrophic disruption of the ureilite parent body while still hot. The chromite model ages are consistent with the isochron ages obtained from chromite-bearing ureilites. Collectively these ages indicate that chemical differentiation processes were underway on the ureilite parent body(ies) during the time interval when undifferentiated meteorite parent bodies were forming, and may have paused at the peak of planetesimal formation when planetary collisions were common.”