EL meteorites do date the giant planet instabilityOPEN ACCESS
Chrysa Avdellidou, Marco Delbo, David Nesvorny, Kevin J. Walsh, Alessandro Morbidelli (Submitted on 30 Apr 2024), comment on The link between Athor and EL meteorites does not constrain the timing of the giant planet instability,…
The link between Athor and EL meteorites does not constrain the timing of the giant planet instabilityOPEN ACCESS
Andre Izidoro, Rogerio Deienno, Sean N. Raymond, Matthew S. Clement Comments welcome PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The asteroid Athor, residing today in the inner main asteroid belt, has been recently associated as the source of EL…
Athor asteroid family as the source of the EL enstatite meteoritesOPEN ACCESS
C. Avdellidou, M. Delbo, A. Morbidelli, K. J. Walsh, E. Munaibari, J. Bourdelle de Micas, M. Devogèle, S. Fornasier, M. Gounelle, G. van Belle Astronomy & Astrophysics, Forthcoming articleReceived: 24 July 2022 / Accepted: 30…