Near-infrared Spectroscopy of 3:1 Kirkwood Gap Asteroids III
Sherry K. Fieber-Beyer, Michael J. Gaffey Icarus In Press, available online 5 May 2015 doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2015.04.034 LINK
Sherry K. Fieber-Beyer, Michael J. Gaffey Icarus In Press, available online 5 May 2015 doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2015.04.034 LINK
87th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2024 – PROGRAM
86th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2023 – PROGRAM
85th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society – PROGRAM
Portelândia (prov.) meteorite fall (OC) near Portelândia, Goiás, Brasil on 17 July 2022
Meteorite fall in Falealupo-Tai, Vaisigano, Savai’i, Samoa on 3 February 2021
PULI ILKARINGURU meteorite fall (H5, 18 November 2019) on the Nullarbor Plain, Western Australia
Meteorite “Hocheppan” –
a Forensic Study
by Karl Wimmer
(162173) Ryugu Allende aqueous alteration asteroid asteroid surface bolide CAI carbonaceous carbonaceous chondrite Chelyabinsk / Челябинск chondrule chondrule formation CI CM comet CR CV early solar system Earth enstatite chondrite Hayabusa-2 iron lunar Mars martian meteor meteoroid moon Murchison ordinary chondrite organic matter oxygen isotopes planetesimal presolar grains protoplanetary disk sample return mission shergottite Vesta water witnessed fall
Evidence for oceans pre-4300 Ma confirmed by preserved igneous compositions in Hadean zircon
Sediment subduction in Hadean revealed by machine learning ►
Onset of the Earth’s hydrological cycle four billion years ago or earlier ►
No evidence of supracrustal recycling in Si-O isotopes of Earth’s oldest rocks 4 Ga ago ►
The Eoarchean Muzidian gneiss complex: Long-lived Hadean crustal components in the building of Archean continents ►
Organic carbon generation in 3.5-billion-year-old basalt-hosted seafloor hydrothermal vent systems ►
Quantifying the effect of late bombardment on terrestrial zircons ►
Direct age constraints on the magnetism of Jack Hills zircon ►
An evolutionary system of mineralogy, Part VI: Earth’s earliest Hadean crust (>4370 Ma) ►
The mobilization of boron and lithium in the hydrothermal system of the ~ 3.48 Ga Dresser caldera: A stable isotope perspective ►
Advanced two- and three-dimensional insights into Earth’s oldest stromatolites (ca. 3.5 Ga): Prospects for the search for life on Mars ►
A persistent Hadean–Eoarchean protocrust in the western Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia ►
Toward RNA Life on Early Earth: From Atmospheric HCN to Biomolecule Production in Warm Little Ponds ►
Zircon-modeled melts shed light on the formation of Earth’s crust from the Hadean to the Archean ►
Triple oxygen isotope evidence for a hot Archean ocean ►
Oxygen isotope insights into the Archean ocean and atmosphere ►
Freshwater and Evaporite Brine Compositions on Hadean Earth: Priming the Origins of Life ►
Metabolically diverse primordial microbial communities in Earth’s oldest seafloor-hydrothermal jasper ►
Abiotic anoxic iron oxidation, formation of Archean banded iron formations, and the oxidation of early Earth ►
Oxygen production and rapid iron oxidation in stromatolites immediately predating the Great Oxidation Event ►
No mantle residues in the Isua Supracrustal Belt ►
Early Earth zircons formed in residual granitic melts produced by tonalite differentiation ►
Hadean zircon formed due to hydrated ultramafic protocrust melting ►
Cellular remains in a ~3.42-billion-year-old subseafloor hydrothermal environment ►
A CO2 greenhouse efficiently warmed the early Earth and decreased seawater 18O/16O before the onset of plate tectonics ►
Ingredients for microbial life preserved in 3.5 billion-year-old fluid inclusions
Elements for the Origin of Life on Land: A Deep-Time Perspective from the Pilbara Craton of Western Australia
A Reconstructed Subaerial Hot Spring Field in the ∼3.5 Billion-Year-Old Dresser Formation, North Pole Dome, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
Inclusions in impact-formed zircon a 1 s a tracer of target rock lithology: Implications for Hadean continental crust composition and abundance ►
Boron partitioning between zircon and melt: Insights into Hadean, modern arc, and pegmatitic settings ►
Reappraisal of purported ca. 3.7 Ga stromatolites from the Isua Supracrustal Belt (West Greenland) from detailed chemical and structural analysis ►
Compositional heterogeneity of Archean mantle estimated from Sr and Nd isotopic systematics of basaltic rocks from North Pole, Australia, and the Isua supracrustal belt, Greenland ►
Unraveling the complexity of zircons from the 4.0-2.9 Ga Acasta Gneiss Complex ►
An andesitic source for Jack Hills zircon supports onset of plate tectonics in the Hadean ►
Sulfidization of 3.48 billion-year-old stromatolites of the Dresser Formation, Pilbara Craton: Constraints from in-situ sulfur isotope analysis of pyrite ►
Paleomagnetism indicates that primary magnetite in zircon records a strong Hadean geodynamo ►
Origins of high δ18O in 3.7–3.6 Ga crust: A zircon and garnet record in Isua clastic metasedimentary rocks ►
A comparison between zircons from the Acasta Gneiss Complex and the Jack Hills region ►
Accumulation of Transition Metals and Metalloids in Sulfidized Stromatolites of the 3.48 Billion–year–old Dresser Formation, Pilbara Craton ►
Disturbances in the Sm–Nd isotope system of the Acasta Gneiss Complex—Implications for the Nd isotope record of the early Earth ►
The accumulation of non-formula elements in zircons during weathering: Ancient zircons from the Jack Hills Western Australia ►
Nano−porous pyrite and organic matter in 3.5-billion-year-old stromatolites record primordial life ►
Lack of late-accreted material as the origin of 182W excesses in the Archean mantle: Evidence from the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia ►
The Eoarchean legacy of Isua (Greenland) worth preserving for future generations ►
A new 3.59 Ga magmatic suite and a chondritic source to the east Pilbara Craton ►
Reassessing evidence of life in 3,700-million-year-old rocks of Greenland ►
Evidence for evolved Hadean crust from Sr isotopes in apatite within Eoarchean zircon from the Acasta Gneiss Complex ►
Petrogenesis and tectonics of the Acasta Gneiss Complex derived from integrated petrology and 142Nd and 182W extinct nuclide-geochemistry ►
Earth’s oldest stable crust in the Pilbara Craton formed by cyclic gravitational overturns ►
Most Ancient Evidence for Life in the Barberton Greenstone Belt: Microbial Mats and Biofabrics of the ∼3.47 Ga Middle Marker Horizon ►
Ideas and perspectives: hydrothermally driven redistribution and sequestration of early Archaean biomass – the “hydrothermal pump hypothesis” ►
HCN production via Impact Ejecta Reentry during the Late Heavy Bombardment ►
Secondary magnetic inclusions in detrital zircons from the Jack Hills, Western Australia, and implications for the origin of the geodynamo ►
The origin of the Moon within a terrestrial synestia ►
Halogen Chemistry and Hydrogen Isotopes of Apatite from the >3.7 Ga Isua Supracrustal Belt, SW Greenland ►
Remarkably preserved tephra from the 3430 Ma Strelley Pool Formation, Western Australia: Implications for the interpretation of Precambrian microfossils ►
A 4463 Ma apparent zircon age from the Jack Hills (Western Australia) resulting from ancient Pb mobilization ►
Cluster analysis on a sphere: Application to magnetizations from metasediments of the Jack Hills, Western Australia ►
SIMS analyses of the oldest known assemblage of microfossils document their taxon-correlated carbon isotope compositions ►
Geochronology of Hadean zircon grains from the Jack Hills, Western Australia constrained by quantitative scanning ion imaging ►
Spatially-resolved isotopic study of carbon trapped in ∼3.43 Ga Strelley Pool Formation stromatolites ►
SIMS Microanalysis of the Strelley Pool Formation Cherts and the Implications for the Secular-Temporal Oxygen-isotope Trend of Cherts ►
Earth’s volatile contents established by melting and vaporization ►
Magnesium isotope evidence that accretional vapour loss shapes planetary compositions ►
Early trace of life from 3.95 Ga sedimentary rocks in Labrador, Canada ►
Impact-driven subduction on the Hadean Earth ►
Cubic zirconia in >2370 °C impact melt records Earth’s hottest crust ►
Elements of Eoarchean life trapped in mineral inclusions ►
CO2 fluid inclusions in Jack Hills zircons ►
Processes of Crust Formation in the Early Earth Imaged through Hf isotopes from the East Pilbara Terrane ►
Earliest signs of life on land preserved in ca. 3.5 Ga hot spring deposits ►
Formation of Hadean granites by melting of igneous crust ►
Large and robust lenticular microorganisms on the young Earth ►
Tungsten-182 heterogeneity in modern ocean island basalts ►
Evidence for early life in Earth’s oldest hydrothermal vent precipitates ►
Earth’s first stable continents did not form by subduction ►
SHRIMP U–Pb zircon geochronology establishes that banded iron formations are not chronostratigraphic markers across Archean greenstone belts of the Pilbara Craton ►
The Hunt for Shocked Zircon in the Jack Hills: 21,000 and Counting… ►
Initiation of plate tectonics in the Hadean: Eclogitization triggered by the ABEL Bombardment ►
Highly siderophile element and 182W evidence for a partial late veneer in the source of 3.8 Ga rocks from Isua, Greenland ►
Iron and oxygen isotope fractionation during iron UV photo-oxidation: Implications for early Earth and Mars ►
Coupled zircon Lu–Hf and U–Pb isotopic analyses of the oldest terrestrial crust, the >4.03 Ga Acasta Gneiss Complex ►
Sluggish Hadean geodynamics: Evidence from coupled 146,147Sm–142,143Nd systematics in Eoarchean supracrustal rocks of the Inukjuak domain (Québec) ►
The effect of weathering on U-Th-Pb and oxygen isotope systems of ancient zircons from the Jack Hills, Western Australia ►
No evidence for Hadean continental crust within Earth’s oldest evolved rock unit ►
Rapid emergence of life shown by discovery of 3,700-million-year-old microbial structures ►
Petrology and geochemistry of mafic rocks in the Acasta Gneiss Complex: Implications for the oldest mafic rocks and their origin ►
Recovering the primary geochemistry of Jack Hills zircons through quantitative estimates of chemical alteration ►
The birth of a cratonic nucleus: lithogeochemical evolution of the 4.02–2.94 Ga Acasta Gneiss Complex ►
Preservation of Earth-forming events in the tungsten isotopic composition of modern flood basalts ►
Geochemistry and Nd isotopic characteristics of Earth’s Hadean mantle and primitive crust ►
Early Earth Differentiation Investigated Through 142Nd, 182W, and Highly Siderophile Element Abundances in Samples From Isua, Greenland ►
Excavation and Melting of the Hadean Continental Crust by Late Heavy Bombardment ►
Potentially biogenic carbon preserved in a 4.1 billion-year-old zircon ►
Core formation and core composition from coupled geochemical and geophysical constraints ►
Pervasive remagnetization of detrital zircon host rocks in the Jack Hills, Western Australia and implications for records of the early geodynamo ►
— Comment by R. Bono et al (4 July 2016) ►
— Benjamin P. Weiss et al. (19 July) Reply to Comment by R. Bono et al (4 July 2016) ►
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