An early giant planet instability recorded in asteroidal meteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Graham Harper Edwards, C. Brenhin Keller, Elisabeth R. Newton & Cameron W. Stewart Nature AstronomyPublished: 15 August 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Giant planet migration appears widespread among planetary systems in our Galaxy. However,…
An early giant planet instability recorded in asteroidal meteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Graham Harper Edwards, C. Brenhin Keller, Elisabeth R. Newton, Cameron W. Stewart Under review at Nature Astronomy PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Giant planet migration appears widespread among planetary systems in our Galaxy. However, the timescales of…
Determining the noble gas cosmic ray exposure ages of 23 meteorites (8 chondrites and 15 achondrites) from modeling and empirical methods
David V. Bekaert, Joshua Curtice, Matthias M. M. Meier, David J. Byrne, Michael W. Broadley, Alan Seltzer, Peter Barry, Mark D. Kurz, Sune G. Nielsen MAPSVersion of Record online: 30 June 2022 LINK “We present…