The common origin of family and non-family asteroids
Stanley F. Dermott, Apostolos A. Christou, Dan Li, Thomas. J. J. Kehoe & J. Malcolm Robinson Nature Astronomy (2018) LINK “All asteroids are currently classified as either family, originating from the disruption of known bodies1,…
Physical Characterization of ~2-meter Diameter Near-Earth Asteroid 2015 TC25: A possible boulder from E-type Asteroid (44) NysaOPEN ACCESS
Vishnu Reddy, Juan A. Sanchez, William F. Bottke, Audrey Thirouin, Edgard G. Rivera-Valentin, Michael S. Kelley, William Ryan, Edward A. Cloutis, Stephen C. Tegler, Eileen V. Ryan, Patrick A. Taylor, James E. Richardson, Nicholas Moskovitz,…