A unique stone skipping–like trajectory of asteroid AletaiOPEN ACCESS
Ye Li, Bin Li, Weibiao Hsu, A. J. Timothy Jull, Shiyong Liao, Yuhui Zhao, Haibin Zhao, Yunhua Wu, Shaolin Li and Chipui Tang Science Advances24 Jun 2022Vol 8, Issue 25 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS)…
All meteorites of the ALETAI strewn field officially registered as Iron, IIIE-an / ‘Armanty’ and ‘Xinjiang (b)’ abolished
The names ‘Armanty’ and ‘Xinjiang (b)’ have been abolished. LINK Writeup from MB 105: “Nomenclature of the Aletai (IIIE-an) iron meteorites from Xinjiang, China Chemical and petrographic analyses of multiple iron meteorite masses in the…