The effects of short-lived radionuclides and porosity on the early thermo-mechanical evolution of planetesimals
Tim Lichtenberg, Gregor J. Golabek, Taras V. Gerya, Michael R. Meyer Icarus In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 16 March 2016 doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2016.03.004 Updated (22 March): PDF (OPEN ACCESS) LINK “The thermal history and internal structure…
Early accretion of water in the inner solar system from a carbonaceous chondrite–like source
Adam R. Sarafian,Sune G. Nielsen,Horst R. Marschall,Francis M. McCubbin, and Brian D. Monteleone Science 31 October 2014: Vol. 346 no. 6209 pp. 623-626 DOI: 10.1126/science.1256717 LINK Materials and Methods – Supplementary Text (PDF) Earth’s Water…
Carbon-rich Planet Formation in a Solar Composition Disk
Ali-Dib M, Mousis O, Jean-Marc Petit J-M and Lunine JI (2014) The Astrophysical Journal 785:125. ApJ 785 125. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/785/2/125 LINK