Amorphous silicates as a record of solar nebular and parent body processes—A transmission electron microscope study of fine‐grained rims and matrix in three Antarctic CR chondritesOPEN ACCESS
Christian Vollmer, Mandy Pelka, Jan Leitner, Arne Janssen Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online:22 June 2020 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Renazzo‐type (CR) carbonaceous chondrites belong to one of the most pristine meteorite groups…
Episodic formation of refractory inclusions in the Solar System and their presolar heritageOPEN ACCESS
K.K. Larsen, D. Wielandt, M. Schiller, A.N. Krot, M. Bizzarro Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 535, 1 April 2020, 116088 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (download) “Highlights • Mg isotopes show multiple populations of refractory…