Mineralogy of the LAR 12095 Martian shergottite as determined by micro-Raman and micro-X-ray fluorescence spectroscopiesOPEN ACCESS
Jennifer Huidobro, Julene Aramendia, Cristina García-Florentino, Iratxe Población, Kepa Castro, Gorka Arana, Juan Manuel Madariaga Journal of Raman Spectroscopy LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “In this work, the geochemical characterization of the olivine-phyric Martian shergottite…
Macro-classification of meteorites by portable energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (pED-XRF), principal component analysis (PCA) and machine learning algorithms
Ignazio Allegretta, Bruno Marangoni, Paola Manzari, Carlo Porfido, Roberto Terzano, Olga De Pascale, Giorgio S.Senesi Talanta Available online 25 January 2020 LINK “Highlights • pED-XRF analysis were used to discriminate and classify between meteorites and…