Grain Size Effects on Visible and Near-infrared (0.35–2.5 μm) Laboratory Spectra of Rare Meteorite ClassesOPEN ACCESS
K. I. Ridenhour, V. Reddy, A. Battle, D. Cantillo, N. C. Pearson and J. A. Sanchez The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 5, Number 11 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Linking near-Earth asteroids to associated meteorites…
Multifactor characterization of space weathering among siliceous asteroids. I: Grain size effectsOPEN ACCESS
Eric M. MacLennan, Joshua P. Emery, Lucas M. McClure, Michael P. Lucas, Sean S. Lindsay, Noemi Pinilla-Alonso MAPS, Version of Record online: 05 March 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Spacecraft missions to asteroids have…
Grain Size Effects on UV–MIR (0.2–14μm) Spectra of Carbonaceous Chondrite GroupsOPEN ACCESS
David C. Cantillo, Vishnu Reddy, Adam Battle, Benjamin N. L. Sharkey, Neil C. Pearson, Tanner Campbell, Akash Satpathy, Mario De Florio, Roberto Furfaro and Juan Sanchez The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 4, Number 9 LINK…
The grain size distribution of matrix in primitive chondritesOPEN ACCESS
E. Vaccaro, P. Wozniakiewicz, I. A. Franchi, N. Starkey, S. S. Russell MAPSVersion of Record online: 10 April 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The matrix of primitive chondrites is composed of submicron crystals embedded…
Grain Size Effects on Visible and Near-infrared (0.35–2.5μm) Laboratory Spectra of Ordinary Chondrite and HED MeteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Bryn Bowen, Vishnu Reddy, Mario De Florio, Theodore Kareta, Neil Pearson, Roberto Furfaro, Benjamin Sharkey, Allison McGraw, David Cantillo, Juan A. Sanchez and Adam Battle The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 4, Number 3 LINK (OPEN…
Grain Size Distribution in the Matrix of Primitive Meteorites
Vaccaro E. Wozniakiewicz P. J. Starkey N. A. Franchi I. A. Russell S. S. 78th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2015), abstract #5258 abstract (PDF)