Apatite in brachinites: Insights into thermal history and halogen evolutionOPEN ACCESS
Lang Zhang, Ai-Cheng Zhang, and Shu-Zhou Wang American Mineralogist (in press) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (1 September 2023):American Mineralogist (2023) 108 (9): 1597–1611LINK “Apatite is an important petrogenetic indicator in extraterrestrial materials. Here, we report…
The Cl isotope composition and halogen contents of Apollo-return samples
Anthony Gargano, Zachary Sharp, Charles Shearer, Justin I. Simon, Alex Halliday, and Wayne Buckley PNAS, first published September 8, 2020 LINK “Lunar mare basalts are depleted in F and Cl by approximately an order of…
Heavy halogen geochemistry of martian shergottite meteorites and implications for the halogen composition of the depleted shergottite mantle source
Patricia L. Clay; Katherine H. Joy; Brian O’Driscoll; Henner Busemann; Lorraine Ruzié-Hamilton; Ray Burgess; Jonathan Fellowes; Bastian Joachim-Mrosko; John Pernet-Fisher; Stanislav Strekopytov; Christopher J. Ballentine American Mineralogist, March 01, 2020, Vol.105, 289-306 LINK “Volatile elements…