New implications for the origin of the IAB main group iron meteorites and the isotopic evolution of the noncarbonaceous (NC) reservoir
Connor D.Hilton, Richard J.Walker Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 540, 15 June 2020, 116248 LINK “Highlights • The IAB-MG iron meteorites have a μ182W value of −295 ± 3.• The IAB-MG are constrained to have…
The layered structure model for winonaite parent asteroid implicated by textural and mineralogical diversityOPEN ACCESS
Xiaojia Zeng, Yingli Shang, Shijie LiEmail author, Xiongyao Li, Shijie Wang and Yang Li Earth, Planets and Space 2019 71:38, Published: 2 April 2019 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The winonaites are primitive achondrites that are…
Microstructural and Paleomagnetic Insight into the Cooling History of the IAB Parent Body
Claire I.O. Nichols, Robert Krakow, Julia Herrero-Albillos, Florian Kronast, Geraint Northwood-Smitha, Richard J. Harrisona Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 15 March 2018 LINK “The IABs represent one of only two…