A two stage impact melting process in an impact glass strewn field from the Atacama DesertOPEN ACCESS
P. Rochette, G. Di Vincenzo, J. Gattacceca, J.A. Barrat, B. Devouard, L. Folco, A. Musolino, Y. Quesnel Geochemical Perspectives Letters v30Published 3 May 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “A new type of silica-rich glass…
Signatures of the Martian regolith components entrained in some impact‐melt glasses in shergottites
M. N. Rao, L. E. Nyquist, D. K. Ross, S. R. Sutton, P. Hoppe, C. Y. Shih, S. J. Wentworth, D. H. Garrison Meteoritics & Planetary Science First published: 13 August 2018 LINK “Martian regolith…