Mineralogy of the LAR 12095 Martian shergottite as determined by micro-Raman and micro-X-ray fluorescence spectroscopiesOPEN ACCESS
Jennifer Huidobro, Julene Aramendia, Cristina García-Florentino, Iratxe Población, Kepa Castro, Gorka Arana, Juan Manuel Madariaga Journal of Raman Spectroscopy LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “In this work, the geochemical characterization of the olivine-phyric Martian shergottite…
Heavy halogen geochemistry of martian shergottite meteorites and implications for the halogen composition of the depleted shergottite mantle source
Patricia L. Clay; Katherine H. Joy; Brian O’Driscoll; Henner Busemann; Lorraine Ruzié-Hamilton; Ray Burgess; Jonathan Fellowes; Bastian Joachim-Mrosko; John Pernet-Fisher; Stanislav Strekopytov; Christopher J. Ballentine American Mineralogist, March 01, 2020, Vol.105, 289-306 LINK “Volatile elements…
Petrology and geochemistry of olivine‐phyric shergottites LAR 12095 and LAR 12240: Implications for their petrogenetic history on MarsOPEN ACCESS
Emilie T. Dunham, J. Brian Balta, Meenakshi Wadhwa, Thomas G. Sharp, Harry Y. McSween Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceFirst Published: 21 February 2019 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Larkman Nunatak (LAR) 12095 and LAR 12240…