Early differentiation processes on Mars inferred from silicon isotopesOPEN ACCESS
Delphine Losno, Caroline Fitoussi, Bernard Bourdon Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 10 October 2022 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (17 October 2022): LINKGeochimica et Cosmochimica ActaVolume 338, 1 December 2022, Pages 11-23 “Accretion of terrestrial planets…
Onset of magma ocean solidification on Mars inferred from Mn-Cr chronometry
S. Kruijer, Lars E. Borg, Josh Wimpenny, Corliss K. Sio Earth and Planetary Science LettersAvailable online 7 May 2020, 116315 LINK “Highlights • There are no resolvable radiogenic 53Cr variations among martian meteorites.• Mantle differentiation…
Geochemically heterogeneous Martian mantle inferred from Pb isotope systematics of depleted shergottites
Ryota Moriwaki, Tomohiro Usui, Minato Tobita, Tetsuya Yokoyama Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 24 January 2020 LINK “Radiogenic isotopic compositions of shergottite meteorites suggest that early planetary differentiation processes, which…