Submicron-sized anhydrous crystalline silicates and their relation to amorphous silicate in the matrix of Acfer 094
Hugues Leroux, Pierre-Marie Zanetta, Corentin Le Guillou, Maya Marinova Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 30 November 2024 LINK “The study of pristine chondrites provides insight into nebular processes that occurred prior…
Phosphorus-rich grains in Ryugu samples with major biochemical potential
C. Pilorget, D. Baklouti, J.-P. Bibring, R. Brunetto, M. Ito, I. Franchi, N. Tomioka, M. Uesugi, A. Yamaguchi, R. Greenwood, T. Okada, T. Usui, T. Yada, K. Hatakeda, K. Yogata, D. Loizeau, T. Le Pivert-Jolivet,…
The grain size distribution of matrix in primitive chondritesOPEN ACCESS
E. Vaccaro, P. Wozniakiewicz, I. A. Franchi, N. Starkey, S. S. Russell MAPSVersion of Record online: 10 April 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The matrix of primitive chondrites is composed of submicron crystals embedded…
Thermal history of matrix forsterite grains from Murchison based on high-resolution tomographyOPEN ACCESS
Giulia Perotti, Henning O. Sørensen, Henning Haack, Anja C. Andersen, Dario Ferreira Sanchez, Elishevah M. M. E. van Kooten, Esther H. R. Tsai, Kim N. Dalby, Mirko Holler, Daniel Grolimund, Tue Hassenkam accepted for publication…
Ejection of Chondrules from Fluffy MatricesOPEN ACCESS
Sota Arakawa Accepted for publication in ApJ Draft version PDF (OPEN ACCESS) update (8 September 2017): LINK The Astrophysical Journal Volume 846, Number 2 “Chondritic meteorites primarily contain millimeter-sized spherical objects, the so-called chondrules; however,…