V-type Asteroids as the Origin of MesosideritesOPEN ACCESS
Guy Libourel, Pierre Beck, Akiko M. Nakamura, Pierre Vernazza, Clement Ganino and Patrick Michel The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 4, Number 7 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We present the results of a campaign of…
Lead-Lead (Pb-Pb) Dating of Eucrites and Mesosiderites: Implications for the Formation and Evolution of VestaOPEN ACCESS
I. Kouvatsis, J.A. Cartwright, M.J. Whitehouse Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 29 March 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Asteroid 4 Vesta is the largest known differentiated body in the asteroid belt, and…
Petrology and mineralogy of mesosiderite Northwest Africa 12949: Implications for geological history on its parent body
Zilong Wang, Wei Tian MAPSVersion of Record online: 15 February 2023 LINK “Mesosiderites are breccias composed of roughly equal parts of metal phases and silicate clasts. However, the parent body and formation process of mesosiderites…
Asteroids accretion, differentiation, and break-up in the Vesta source region: evidence from cosmochemistry of mesosiderites
S. Iannini Lelarge, L. Folco, M. Masotta, R.C. Greenwood, S.S. Russell, H.C. Bates Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 11 May 2022 LINK “The cosmochemistry of meteorites provides unique clues on asteroids accretion, differentiation, collisional break-up…
Giant Impact onto a Vesta-Like Asteroid and Formation of Mesosiderites through Mixing of Metallic Core and Surface CrustOPEN ACCESS
Keisuke Sugiura, Makiko K. Haba, Hidenori Genda accepted for publication in Icarus PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (24 February 2022): LINK “Mesosiderites are a type of stony-iron meteorites composed of a mixture of silicates and Fe-Ni…
(16) Psyche: A mesosiderite-like asteroid?OPEN ACCESS
M. Viikinkoski, P. Vernazza, J. Hanus, H. Le Coroller, K. Tazhenova, B. Carry, M. Marsset, A. Drouard, F. Marchis, R. Fetick, T. Fusco, J. Durech, M. Birlan, J. Berthier, P. Bartczak, C. Dumas, J. Castillo-Rogez,…