Oxygen isotope identity of the Earth and Moon with implications for the formation of the Moon and source of volatilesOPEN ACCESS
Meike Fischer, Stefan T. M. Peters, Daniel Herwartz, Paul Hartogh, Tommaso Di Rocco, and Andreas Pack PNASDecember 16, 2024121 (52) e2321070121 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The Moon formed 4.5 Ga ago through a collision…
Rb-Sr constraints on the age of Moon formation
Elsa Yobregat, Caroline Fitoussi, Bernard Bourdon IcarusAvailable online 6 June 2024, 116164 LINK “Highlights “Determining the age of the Moon, which is commonly considered as the termination of Earth accretion has been a complex challenge…
Moon-forming impactor as a source of Earth’s basal mantle anomalies
Qian Yuan, Mingming Li, Steven J. Desch, Byeongkwan Ko, Hongping Deng, Edward J. Garnero, Travis S. J. Gabriel, Jacob A. Kegerreis, Yoshinori Miyazaki, Vincent Eke & Paul D. Asimow Nature, Volume 623, pages 95–99Published: 01…
4.46 Ga zircons anchor chronology of lunar magma oceanOPEN ACCESS
J. Greer, B. Zhang, D. Isheim, D.N. Seidman, A. Bouvier, P.R. Heck Geochemical Perspectives Letters, V27Published 23 October 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The crystallisation ages of lunar samples provide critical constraints on the…
Trace element volatility and the conditions of liquid-vapor separation in the proto-lunar disk
Dmitry Ivanov, Caroline Fitoussi, Bernard Bourdon IcarusAvailable online 21 June 2022 LINK “Highlights • New condensation temperatures for trace elements during Moon formation were calculated.• Lunar condensates were formed by mixing high-T and low-T condensates.•…
Calibrating volatile loss from the Moon using the U-Pb systemOPEN ACCESS
J.N. Connelly, A.A. Nemchin, R.E. Merle, J.F. Snape, M.J. Whitehouse, M. Bizzarro Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 2 March 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Previous isotope studies of lunar samples have demonstrated that volatile loss was…
Large planets may not form fractionally large moonsOPEN ACCESS
Miki Nakajima, Hidenori Genda, Erik Asphaug & Shigeru Ida Nature Communications, Volume 13, Article number: 568 (2022)Published: 01 February 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “One of the unique aspects of Earth is that it…
Isotopic evidence for the formation of the Moon in a canonical giant impactOPEN ACCESS
Sune G. Nielsen, David V. Bekaert & Maureen Auro Nature Communications, Volume 12, Article number: 1817 (2021) LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Isotopic measurements of lunar and terrestrial rocks have revealed that, unlike any other…
The selenium isotope composition of lunar rocks: Implications for the formation of the Moon and its volatile loss
Hauke Vollstaedt, Klaus Mezger, Ingo Leya Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 542, 15 July 2020, 116289 LINK “Highlights • Lunar mare basalts are ∼1‰ heavier in δ82/78 Se than chondrites and the Earth.• Lunar soils…
A Unified Model for Hydrogen in the Earth and Moon: No one expects the Theia ContributionOPEN ACCESS
Steven J. Desch, Katharine L. Robinson Geochemistry In Press, Corrected Proof , Available online 22 October 2019 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The Moon is thought to have formed after a planetary embryo, known…
Evidence of chemical heterogeneity within lunar anorthosite parental magmasOPEN ACCESS
John F. Pernet-Fisher, Etienne Deloule, Katherine H. Joy Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Available online 22 April 2019 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Lunar anorthosites are known for displaying a limited range of plagioclase An content (∼An 94…
Molybdenum Isotopic Evidence for an Outer Solar System Origin of the Moon-Forming Impactor
G. Budde, C. Burkhardt, T. Kleine 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2019), Abstract #2349 PDF abstract
Volatile element depletion of the Moon—The roles of precursors, post-impact disk dynamics, and core formationOPEN ACCESS
K. Righter Science Advances 23 Jan 2019: Vol. 5, no. 1, eaau7658 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aau7658 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The compositional and isotopic similarity of Earth’s primitive upper mantle (PUM) and the Moon supports…
Lead isotope evidence for a young formation age of the Earth–Moon systemOPEN ACCESS
J.N. Connelly, M. Bizzarro Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 452, 15 October 2016, Pages 36-43 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • We use Pb isotopes to constrain the timing of the Moon-forming giant impact. •…
The oxidation state and mass of the Moon-forming impactor
Jon Wade , Bernard J. Wood Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 442, 15 May 2016, Pages 186–193 LINK (open access) “Physical simulations of the origin of the Moon have, until recently, centred on impact,…